She fell hard and fast?


♥ FFF's Matt Bellamy Pervert ♥
Jun 16, 2006
Manchester, UK
Yuna kinda did fall for Tidus pretty hard and fast and I guess Tidus fell for Yuna pretty quick also.

But why was he shocked when she wanted him to become her guardian? Surely he must have been over the moon to be closer to this girl he was attracted to. Or was he more bothered about trying to get back home?

Even after Yuna askes him to become her guardian, he cant understand what shes smiling at! Duh, she fancies the dungarees off you Tidus!!! Why else is she smiling?! Im sorry, but he was almost as slow as Squall.

Do you think Yuna fell for Tidus pretty quick and do you think Tidus was alittle bit slow to see her feelings?
Urgh, they totally just fell in love each other at first site, how cliche. I much prefer a romance where gradual attraction builds to love - like Cloud and Aerith/Tifa Rinoa and Squall and Zidane and Garnet. Tidus just kept going on and on and on and on about Yuna, so by the time they -finally- kissed i didn't really care, it was sooo cliche, we knew it was going to happen eventually. There was no romantic buildup. Blah.
Okay, now this game took their love story too far. I mean, it spans two games! But I think Tidus was a little slow to see Yuna's feelings.
Kind of sad, because once he did, it was around the time he faded away, supposedly forever. :rolleyes:
Anyway, He was a little oblivious to her feelings, and she made her feelings known a little too early. Play it cool, Yuna!!!
Urgh, they totally just fell in love each other at first site, how cliche. I much prefer a romance where gradual attraction builds to love - like Cloud and Aerith/Tifa Rinoa and Squall and Zidane and Garnet. Tidus just kept going on and on and on and on about Yuna, so by the time they -finally- kissed i didn't really care, it was sooo cliche, we knew it was going to happen eventually. There was no romantic buildup. Blah.

No build-up? I think this is one of the romances where there's more build-up than in any other FF. I agree that it was obvious from the start that they were gonna like each other but at first they acted like friends and nothing more. Their love only became clear in the Macalania scene. This romance had a natural pace. Rinoa and Squall actually annoy me (I like them as a couple a lot-hence the avatar), but this relationship is building so slow that's what's annoying. I'm almost done with the first disc and there's nothing, and I mean nothing to hint at these two as a couple as of yet. If I didn't actually know the story beforehand, I would say that even Irvine and Selphie had more chance as a couple. In the case of Cloud and Aeris/Tifa it's very ambiguous. The producers never intended to make any of the pairings canon.
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I like how the romance goes in 8. Its not fast and sudden, it takes its time and allows it to nerture instead of falling head over heels in love. I personally find that more realistic.
You want a gradual (not slow, not fast)-paced romance, that isn't so obvious at first, but over time becomes clear, and is well wrapped up?



Anywho, I did think Tidus and Yuna's relationship was too fast. It reminded me of Romeo and Juliet a bit (gag xBIJILLION). You know, the whole mezmerised "I might just love you" thing Tidus does, and Yuna asking for Tidus to be his guardian so suddenly. The romance isn't gradual enough to be that convincing in my opinion. And when it DOES come together in the kiss scene ... nothing is really made of it until the end of the game (unless HOME comes after that ... I can't remember). It's a bit hit-and-miss with me. Some aspects of the relationship I like, but others I dislike.
I agree, I do believe Yuna fell a little too fast for Tidus. Yuna did seem to trust him the second they met. I don't know if it's just me or Yuna seemed a little sheltered, which is possibly why she felt so fast for Tidus.

I guess Square was aiming for: Love at first site.
I dislike love at first sight, since it's wholly unrealistic, but I loved this game and the way the love built up. I don't think it was true love at first sight...

For Tidus, it was more of a physical attraction at first, but then he grew to really care for Yuna. As he spoke to her, he learnt more about who she is inside and came to really care for her, instead of just being swept off his feet :-)lol:) by her looks. The true love took a while to build up while the physical attraction was there from the beginning.

As for Yuna, I think she more drawn to him because he was from Zanarkand. To be honest, I don't think she loved him from the second they met. She was just overly nice to everyone, including him, and perhaps didn't know how to talk to him. Haha. At first, I believe she was simply reminded of Jecht and then her father. She felt drawn to his curious past, and wasn't exactly in love with him.

As they began to speak about Zanarkand and the past, round about on she ship I'd say, she tried to offer him hope as a friend. C'mon, she's offering hope to everyone. She's giving
her life
for Spira! She's simply a passionate and soulful character. Overly kind.

Remember she smiles to keep Spira happy. She smiles because she has to. It's the only way she can carry on.

It was an obvious couple, and they seemed to like one another from the start, but I think it was due to the characters. Tidus liked her for her looks then grew to care for her, Yuna cared for everyone and was drawn to Tidus because he was from the same place as her father's guardian, but her feelings changed to love.
I'm not being gay or nothing but Square seemed to make Tidus as pretty as graphically possible. I bet all you girls would fancy and fall in love with a real life Tidus.
I'm not being gay or nothing but Square seemed to make Tidus as pretty as graphically possible. I bet all you girls would fancy and fall in love with a real life Tidus.

Not really. I dated a Tidus, loud, emotional and annoying. And that was my longest relationship lol.
I'm not being gay or nothing but Square seemed to make Tidus as pretty as graphically possible. I bet all you girls would fancy and fall in love with a real life Tidus.
Nope, I don't go for looks (and, to be frank, he's not my type in the looks department anyway). Many girls I know said he looked hot though... But love isn't about looks. MANY girls would fancy him, but barely any would love him. Yuna had to work hard to see past the whining, which is why we, too, saw the deeper side of his character. I think I'd be repelled by all the screaming fangirls before getting close enough to even say "Hello".
That's very true, but Yuna is far more mature than your average 17 year old. She's has to shoulder a lot of responsibility, and does it with a calm mind and in a dignified manner. Who, at 17, would serenely walk
to face a monster, into a marriage with a guy they hate and to their death
I'm not being gay or nothing but Square seemed to make Tidus as pretty as graphically possible. I bet all you girls would fancy and fall in love with a real life Tidus.

Ummm...not really, actually. Tidus is pretty and has blue eyes, which are my favorite color eyes. But I wouldn't fall in love with a real-life Tidus. He's WAY too whiny for my taste. I prefer someone who can stand their ground on their opinions without becoming a second grader on me. ^_^
She did seem to fall a little fast for him… She also seemed very trusting as if she already knew him well before they met. Anyway, I agree, this one did seem like a love at first sight type of story and I also agree that Tidus was a little slow in picking up on Yuna’s feelings..... No, scratch that, very slow.
i think that yuna fell for him straight away after the temple when they talk
i thought tidus face was a sight when yuna asked him to become a guardian and also i think that he was like a comfort blanket for yuna as she can talk to him bout zanerkand and she will actually belive him about it but then she finds out trully at the end about him
I think it was a mixture of both tidus being slow andyuna fancying him from straight off. As for tidus being shocked at being asked to be her guardian i think he just panicked. Just imagine

Yuna "Hmm, he's really cute, he puny as hell, but i still want him to be my guardian...tidus, do you wanna be my guardian"

Tidus "Oh shit...ehmm...uh...why is she asking this...uhh...mabey she likes me...i dunno...whatdoisay, whatdoisay....oh shit. um"

It probably went like that :)
Ah, I'm not sure why Tidus would be shock. It could be anything, really. I'm thinking the fact that he's only met Yuna and all of a sudden, he becomes a guardian. Everything was happening too fast for him. Confusion, yearning to go back home, meeting a beautiful girl, and now becoming a guardian. His mind probably couldn't take it all in. xD

Now, as for him falling for her too fast...well, he was attracted to her from the beginning, that's for sure. As for "love", I'm sure it gradually happened as they spent more time together. So I wouldn't say he fell for her that quickly.

As for, kinda hard to say. I know she did acknowledged him a lot, and they became friends pretty quickly...but I didn't get the impression that she was checking him out every single chance she get. Actually, she was more focused on her role as a summoner than being Tidus' interest at first...but once she finally realized she had feelings for him, that's when her love for him became more noticeable.
I believe she did fall hard and fast for Tidus. And sure, maybe Tidus was a bit slow in noticing, but even if he had immediately noticed, we probably wouldn't be as interested. It would have partially ruin some excitement for the rest of their romance. However, if she had gradually fallen for him, instead of so quickly, I believe it would have had a greater effect in the storyline, love-wise. I prefer the romantic buildup between Zidane and Garnet. In my opinion, of course, it just seems more satisfying.
I kind of thought that Tidus fell for Yuna hard and fast. Yuna was just too swept up in other matters to have noticed. That's why she looked so shocked when
he kissed her in the pond
. I think her feelings for him started to grow the most after that. ^.^