Should Cosmos have been playable in dissidia?

I'd have loved it if both Cosmos and Chaos were playable characters, and I'd assumed that we'd be able to play as them until it was released and revealed that you can't.

I guess they are simply too powerful, and the other characters would have little chance of a fair fight when fighting them. I think mobility would be a problem too, as I don't think Chaos moves much (it's been a while since I played against Chaos, and I only did it the once).

I'd have liked it if you could play as both of them, perhaps only being allowed to fight one against the other (or themselves) but I guess they decided they didn't want to do that.
If Cosmos were to be played as there would have to be a villian story mode and She would be the Uber boss just like Chaos. And after you beat them(Both chaos and cosmos) you could buy them for 100,000 pp each. Okay maybe thats a little high but...

Anyway i too thought you would be able to play as them. O well..
Wikipedia said Cosmos was a playable character. Damn it wikipedia! Lie to me AGAIN! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
She was supposed to be a playable character or an unlockable person to fight but she is a godess and chaos is a god. Too powerful they say xD Maybe in the 2nd one?
In the second Dissidia they should have her a playable character and possibly have fights with more than one person at a time. That would be kick ass!
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
I'd have liked to have seen a separate story mode for the villains, ending in a penultimate fight against Cosmos. IMO there's far too much emphasis on the heroes in Dissidia - the story seems very telling of the villain's side, so I don't understand why that couldn't have been incorporated. A different matter, however!

Cosmos as an opponent would've been excellent.