[Sign-ups] Legacy of the Fallen.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Jan 6, 2010
Sector 7
Your not being forced to sign up. If this Rp seems interesting to you, then you can sign up and join the Legacy. Here is how the character information should look like:

weapon type/desription
character biography

If you so wish, you may also add what they look like. Good luck.
... Hm. On one hand, you've placed the thread in the wrong place. On the other hand, you didn't state the setting of the role play. We won't actually know where the characters we make would be in. Without knowing that, we may not be able to come up with the characters we would deem appropriate for a setting that might be defined later.

The title sounds interesting, but I'd appreciate knowing more about the role play, especially the setting before anything else.
I agree, how are we to know what to put in the history if we don't know the backstory. A Setting would be very much appropriate...
Sorry. Class had ended so I didn't get to put the setting. The setting is the modern world during the present time. Once again, sorry for the inconvinence.
name: Azazel Beelzebub (meaning God strengthens the Prince of Demons)

age: 17

race: Demon

class: Gaurdian of the Gates Sage

weapon type/desription: Dark Staff- - Small pocket size but extends when power is added and Double Sword Hook - - is a sword that seperates into 2 swords one that is looks like a regular sword and the 2nd one looks like a sword that has a hooked end.

character discription: wears a long silver tunic with a hood. The hood covers the eyes to give a dark look. The silver tunic changes it shading, at night it has a full silver looking almost white while the hood still gives my face a dark look. During the day the the tunic turn to a dark silver, hood still gives me a dark look. Same type of silver for the baggy pants which change also.

character bio: Born Oct 23 ,1992 . My father was a Gardian of the Gates who loved evreything from the animals in Heaven to the creatures in Hell. My mother was a Shade who loved to spying on everyone, she spyed on Satan, God and everything she came apon. One day she was spy on my father when she noticed that he loved everything and that he also cared for every living and non living thing. She fell in love. My father knew that she was spying on him so he lead her to a place where there was no place to hide. He turned around and asked, " Girl why do you follow me ?" she replied softly, " I follow you because I have a feeling in my heart, that I am not fimiliar with ." He stopped and pondered for a moment and thought what does she mean by this. He approched her with loving eyes and said, " Would you like me to show you what that feeling is ?" she answered with one simple word, "Yes". 20 years went by then I was born. My mother died from giving birth to me. My father told me my name was Azazel Beelzebub because i had a strong Godly heart and that I looked like the Prince of Demons.
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Are you trying to write a story using our characters? Cause if you're trying to start an actual roleplay I'd advise you to get a Mod to move it in the RP section as THIS IS THE WRONG PLACE TO POST IT!

And Shi Tenshi, that bio could use some meat. Short bios like that are hardly acceptable for most RPs. I hope you edit it soon.
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This sounds interesting and could be of interest to me when its set up in the right place.
I'll keep an eye out for The Legacy of the Fallen
During the Fall of the Angels, their was the birth of a child. The son of Lucifer, the most beloved angel, and the world's greatest weapon. The child was being born at the time of the Fall, for his mothe, Krystal, realized Lucifer's plans for the child. As the angels fell, the child was born out of his mother's final act of faithfulness to the Lord. She may have been one of the falling angel's, but she was brought back to Heaven for a proper barrial. After she was laid to rest, God started to train the child. Teach him the difference between good and evil. Then, after seven thousand years since the Fall, The boy asked what his name was. He had always been called either "the one who saved a friend", or "He who is the spawn of the greatest evil." For a while, the Lord didn't know what to say. Lucifer had deseved them all, especially Krystal. And the whole time during his mother's funneral, the boy had cried so hard that it started to rain heavily. That's when He came up with the perfect name for him. A name that would inspire fear in his father, one that, when the day comes, would hit his father with all of the lies and betrayal that has been committed. The child's name was to be: Fable Rayne. The First to suffer, the Angel with Demon blood, the True Immortal.
During the Fall, not all of the angels that have been casted out of the Holy Land found a way into the place that was soon to be called Hell. The angels that lost their way have earned the title of Fallen Angel. Furious about what they have become and for not having the power to enter this Hell, the Fallen Angels went into hiding. Waiting for the day to come where the planet will be more likely to enter Armageddon so that they could enter Hell to gain enough power to distroy the world and have it under their control.
[Moved to Scrapbook]

This is where Sign-ups go. ^^

Once you start the RP itself, post it in Worlds of our own. :3
QUESTION, are we limitted to any demon breeds? Or is it the standard "demon or not" stuff?
The demons are based off of the FF demons, such as the look of Ifrit. It doesn't matter if you want to add a different breed as an experiment from Hell. Any more questions can be asked either in this thread or by pm. Thanks for your time and your question.
Fable, there are'nt any preachy religious precepts to this are there, thats stuff is not really my specialty...... a few questions?

Whos side are we on?
Are we instigators of Armageddon?
Is our role to fell the "fallen Angels"?
Do our Character need to be demonesque?
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Well then I may have a bio to use then :hmmm: I will cook up my ideas
I'll say now, Mystro and Daren are two different people with the same body

Name: Daren/Mystro

Age: 17/36

Race: Human/Dragoon

Class: Melee fighter

Weapon: Left hand:

Right hand:

And When needed he drops the gauntlet in his right hand and uses this:

It is held on a hilt on his back. It extends very far distances and it also can retract into a regular sword.

History: Daren was a simple born human, he was the youngest of 3. Born into a poor family, everything he had he did hard work for. In doing do he gained a very strong sense of work and moral. Everything he does he only does because he wants, never doing anything because he had to. This lead to bad grades in school, but he still had a great reputation, because he always kept his word.

Mystro was a weak demon that had one advantage. He could absorb the souls and powers of his foes when he killed them. Living in the underworld, he would fight his way up to great power. Over time, he drained so many souls, he was transformed into a tailed dragoon, and due to his awful deeds he was locked inside of a human body. The human was Daren.

I'll finish it later :hmmm:
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Thats some good stuff I think FableTear will be happy to have you along for the journey.

I'm gonna start my Bio soon gotta choose a name though......?

Aterfleer is one, Acer Draconis aswell
Squee and Azazel are aproved. Though, Squee, I was wondering if you are refering to a character with a duel personallity or just a dragon that got trapped in a human body? :hmmm: Please speacify.
Fable Who is NicWriath again?

ls Character Appearance that of a demon or is there room for a humanoid type of Demon?

I have decide on a name for my Character: Ater Ecthelion it means Dark Arbiter/Ancient/Ascended which one do you think?

As for a bio I need some more info I will PM you of I think of anything
NicWraith is the leader of the Fallen Angels. As for the character apperance for the demons and angels, every race has a humanoid apperance, they can just change what form they would want to be in. As for the religon question, there can be, but I'm not thinking about it. Yes, our objective is to fell the Fallen, as for the who's side are we on, you can make your character to where they are on one side but are really on the other used through deceit. As for being an instigator of Armageddon, its up to you.