Sins of our Fathers <Signup/Discussion>

Naoto Shirogane

The Chesire Cat
Dec 30, 2010
In the Midnight Channel

It's 2050 And a major event has happened.

Ricaema has hit an all time low. The stockmarket's are crashing and money is becoming a Rare material

Paranoid,out of losing it's power, Ricaema sends groups of Highly trained spies into most every country. The spies's job was simple. Lead everyone to believe Ricaema was in tip-top shape by stealing important imformation on the county. That way Ricaema could blackmail them all with the threat of a war.

it was truly stupid, it would fall apart at the smallest touch. and fall apart it did.

A Group of spies was found, in the northern country of Menkard. Found in the deepest darkest place of the goverment, Attempted to steal valuable information. A very panicked goverment tortured the Spies for information. They said "I was part of a spy Project in Ricaema! I was sent to steal your darkest secrets" The torture was too much and the spies died.

Menkard accused Ricaema of theft and war-like actvitites. Ricaema was powerless to defend against the accusations. More groups of spies we're found. in Yorwar and in Dacann. Dwesen and Beralsu.

Ricaema had no other choice. They invaded Dacann, Ainbrti and southern Ricaema. and created the Ricaema empire. They soon waged a war against the world. The country was corrupt under Terrorist influence.

Ricaema launched their nuclear Weapons at Hinac and Uissra. while they retaliated. Northern Uroepe and Saia all retaliated. It was a War to end all Wars.

uclear waste began dripping into the water supply and the Air became heavily radioactive. The Countries, however would not stop fighting. nuke after nuke was launched and Whole countries We're Decimated.

To save the human race, The Nation who we're fighting against Ricaema gathered up thousands of people, and put them in "vaults" Safe from the war and Radiation. Stocked with food to last a lifetime. a Way to survive.

Every vault was placed in Uroepe, Thousands of Vaults. All holding Millions of people incased in Ceiland

10 years later. 10 years of people living in thousands of Vaults, The War ended. However the Earth was Decimated. Some Countries We're wiped striaght off the map, others so Radioactive they prevented Many from seeing if other countries we're ok.

Only a handful of countries are known to have made it through the mess.

he story starts on the Deserted Beaches of Ceiland. as many of the Inhabitants We're brought back to the Other Nordics for fear of being attacked. The main goal is to find solace within the ruined world and Rebuild the population. That is, If you can. the world in such a state, It's almost impossible. but the will to survive is not a thing to take lightly..


You all Start off in Ceiland. and Are Able to progress throughout the entire world throughout thr course of this RP. Mutants scour the lands of the Destroyed. and you must fight for survival. The RP will end if all of the player's Die. or we reach a point where Civilization can be revived. but if you get too careless. humans will become extinct. play your card's carefully Rpers- The Fate of The Human race depends on everything you do.

Oh and one more thing-

Don't die.


Now that the above is overwith- This world is Based on Earth. and is called. Earth.

However the countries, are jumbled versions of countries here.

The list of the countries that will be used or mentioned

South Ricaema
Northern Reiland
south/North Erake

The countries that survived the war. if only barely: Ceiland,Menkard,Yorwar,Dwesen,Dlinandf, The Upper Area's of Dacann most of South Ricaema, Beralsu,Krineau,Uissra,Vilatia,Aniathuli,Tonestia,waitan,Erake,Ilathand,ceiland,Scheyleles

However, Some countries may still have survived. but are so close to Radiated countries or so close to being destroyed, It's impossible to tell. These other countries...Will be left up to the Creators. >:D

you don't have to come from one of the surviving countries, You can be from any country. Just make sure you jumble up the name. Then I'll add it to the list of countries Mentioned.

And there is one thing We want. HOMOSEXUAL and BISEXUAL characters. Not all will be Homosexual/Bisexual. but The main plan with the Vaults Was to preserve human life. and Homosexual's can't do that. and Bisexual's kinda teeter on the edge. This is to make the plan harder. There will be tons of -Sexuals in this RP. some NPCs other RPed by you. You can be heterosexual. don't worry. XD

ALSO: The Vaults. They have ways to communicate with other vaults. and you can switch between vaults I(Or Joey) Will make a post on the Vaults opening. Then you explore the world. I assume you'll all make at least two posts about being inside a Vault before we open up.


This was all Cardiac_kid AKA Joey's Idea. Well sort of. He asked me for help to Design an RP because his last one flopped He is the one who basically got this started. So give him a Big round of applause.


this will involve Romance. but no onscreen Sexitimes. if you want that, do it off screen. no one want's to see that.

There will be blood, but it's a post apocalypse so you expected that right?

There will be swearing, but you expected that also.

since this will involve Homosexual's and Bisexuals. possibly a Transexual or Asexual or Omisexual or whatever. You can probably expect Racism and Sexism.

BUT I URGE YOU TO NOT GO OUT OF CONTROL WITH IT. please, we don't want a post made specifically to hate on Gay's or Blacks. If your going to be realistic and say something. Homophobic to a Gay character don't go overboard.

The RP will end on two conditions

Everyone of our RP Characters are dead. (Because yes, they will die) or We Reach a point Where The Human race can be built up again. Then We Will all make one final post about the Future of the world. and this closes up.

Me and Joey planned to have at least 15 people join. but we can take less. and we might let you use two character's if you all feel up to it.





Race(You can be a Mutant, just make sure you start outside of the Vaults):




Job(before Vault):

Special Talents(No magic. just: are you fast, can you shoot. ECT)



No godmodding: If a guy has a shotgun pointed at your head while your pinned and he shoots. Don't survive it (and by pinned i mean, If it's basically flat on your forehead no one would survive that) You can't fly without things that can help you fly. ECT all the usual.

No Mary Sues/Gary Stu's. please.

Try to be Realistic in this RP.

that's all lest Joey wants to add more!

I hope you all like this!
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I'll put up my bio after a bit. I'll also be here to answer any questions anybody has, and make sure that nobody does anything stupid.

Post away.
Lesbenems? :hmmm: Shweet. I'm in. :megusta: Go Dacaan


edit: done :ryan:

Name: Elena Byrne

Age: 19

Personality: Elena was quite reserved when everyone was first taken in by The Vaults. She was separated by her mother, and remained with her father and 2 older brothers. Having then to grow up in a family of only men, she grew up to be quite the tomboy, spending a lot of her time with not only her brothers, but all their friends too.

She loves picking hand to hand fights, and loves wrestling. With her lithe frame, she became quite the contender among the Vaults, sometimes picking fights for fun, others when stakes were placed. With fighting came a brash attitude at times, sometimes too cocky for her own good. Along with her rough Northern accent, she all but wouldn’t stand for things; if she wanted something, she went for it.

Being raised amongst a rough group of boys, Elena saw the bunch like her brothers, and if not, rivals, someone else just to put down. Because of this, she didn’t know how, much less cared how to act around a boy, how to flirt or be coy. Most didn’t think to look at her in that way either, and that never bothered her. Feelings and emotions were what held back someone in a fight.

Race/Country: Human, North Reilandian

Appearance: Elena has long golden blond hair that she keeps tied back out of habit. Her piercing blue eyes are a stark contrast against her fair complexion coming from the North, made fairer by being cooped up in the vaults for so many years. Elena stands at a slightly above average 5’8”, with a wiry frame and better upper body strength built from wrestling.

She dresses as she once did back in the old country, long sleeved dress to keep warm against the harsh winds year round. Despite the weather, it was still very old fashioned of the women in the country to wear dresses while tending to homely matters. An orange corduroy vest with a single stich and a loose, faded leather belt sit on top. She keeps with her, at all times, a yellow worn straw hat. As a child, she’d often wear the hat out on errands, a memento of her mother, and after they got separated by the Vaults, she swore to keep it on her person.

Sexuality: Latent homosexual

Job: Freelance, future homemaker(?)

Special Talents: Fishing, Archery, Wrestling, Knitting(?).

Elena’s family were on vacation out in Ceiland when it seemed like the very world was ending. Without a chance to return home to friends and family, they were locked away in the Vaults. On such day, Elena’s mother was quite ill and stayed back in Reiland, thus separating her from her husband and three children. For the next 10 years, Elena wouldn’t ever see her mother, possibly never again.

Growing up in the Vaults was a challenge, growing up being one of the boys without a feminine touch intensifying that. Elena had forgotten most of her dotting female tasks that her mother began to install in her as a future housewife, and resorted to roughhousing, fighting, and in general, boyish things. One of those, however, was something that she did long before the Vaults.

Elena loved to fish at home, often going on walks with her father to the native lake to catch mostly nothing but to sit and bond. Being the only girl, her father loved to dot on her, treating her with more affection with the help of his wife. However, once in the Vaults, most femininity began to wane, leaving Elena’s father to struggle with raising his little girl through the most crucial years of his life. Her father still tries to remind her of her feminine ways, and that she shouldn’t be too rough on boys otherwise no one’s going to like her. She didn’t really like boys anyway, they were icky.

Elena was sitting in the Vault streets one day when word spread that they were supposed to open again soon. She longed for the day that she could go fishing with Father again, to sit barefooted on the hillcrest and soak her feet in the cool water… she lost herself in happier days, and wondered if her mother was still alive out there somewhere.
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Very nice bio, Channy. Glad to have you in the RP. *stamps with approval stamp of awesomeness*