Skies over Fallout


King of FireFrenzyForums
Oct 22, 2006
Okay, this is your normal post apocalyptic RPG with a twist… For one the entire thing is set in the air at 15.000 feet(for the imperially challenged that’s 4500 meters). The other main twist is that it’s set in an MMORPG, so there could be Mod problems and all sorts of stuff… However I’d appreciate it if this wasn’t used as an excuse for lameness role-playing… but on the other hand it’s a handy means for party communication and stuff like that.

So what will be required, A character with a means of transporting himself through the sky, helicopters, jet fighters, cargo freighters its all cool as long as you keep Tech level and the resulting power low, its possibly to get an “antigrav jet fighter capable of Mach 3 with twin linked laser cannons” but those are possibly(read probably) outlawed, hideously expensive and impossible to find parts for and maintain… Also the humans on this world are EXTINCT barring a few very heavily modified androids. This is a LOW POWER rpg so I DON’T want to see characters that can destroy the world by looking pissed, those will NOT be approved and as a result not be able to play, I would also like every character to have a “glaring weakness” for example I once played a character that had severe heat allergy on a desert world. It doesn’t need to be that bad but something of the sorts is definitely appreciated…


It had been 150 years since the sky had reigned fire from the human nations waging war with there missiles blasting the surface into a radioactive wasteland. And so the people had taken to the skies living on floating “sky cities” and while life had been hard with the tech needing constant fuel and parts were scarce to maintain the machines that kept them airborne the people of Cyrain V had endured the hard times that had been heaped on them by the humans. It was a hard world until a brilliant young scientist by the name of Hertz had discovered that if you were to cool a piece of iron it would levitate by itself suspended on a magnetic field. The discovery quickly swept through the larger sky cities and the world became a lot less hard as the “hertz drives” required radically less man power to maintain and as such there were more people available for tasks like trading and research and as such a civilization re arose, it wasn’t the same as it had been but it was getting better everyday. Above the layer of clouds that seemingly covered the whole world life was getting better, The Dweoger –a race of short bearded people with a flair for the technological, kept the sky cities airborne and build the new craft that people required. The Alvii –a tall and slender people with pointed ears and a flair for the arts- were better at ruling the courts and heading the meetings for the day to day ruling of the SkyCities. Other races found new knacks in the new world but everyone managed to fit in more or less successfully…
Okay a few more odds and ends:
This RPG will be more or less free-form so feel free to edit//expand on these lines, i have most of a story line planned but if one of you lot come up with a good story line i might just ditch it or edit it..
The fact that its set in an MMORPG allows for some pretty neat possibilities for roleplaying (internet disconnects and players getting together offline to name but a few) so you might like to think about ways you can work that into your story...

Ofcourse seeing as both the players and the character they play are important you might like to add a few lines to the bottom of your biography to detail the player this doesn't need to be a lot but they could possibly get to be as important as the actual characters in the long run so a bit of thought might not hurt.

Remember its DAMN COLD up there, so you might like to have your character have or atleast own some pretty decent thermal kit

Official update(desu):

Info on Cyrian V

Length of day: 30 ESH (earth standard hour)
Year: 300 days (non earth standard)
Number of satellites, 2 natural moons and god only knows how many satellites.
Gravity: 0.9 G (that’s 0.9 times earth standard)
Surface temp: Equatorial: 50 degrees day, 35 degrees at night,
Average: 23 degrees day, 10 degrees at night. (both are in centigrade)
Surface land mass: 60% of total world’s surface

The main fuel source is Hydrogen, which is absorbed into a solid matrix(soemthing akin to Raney Nickel for those who care) which stabilizes the procedure. It still impossible to tank in midair however due to the difficulties associated with hydrogen transfer. Due to it being absorbed into a solid which stays in the wings (or other fuel tanks) its bought per Kilowatt worth of energy it costs to produce rather then by the gallon, this in turn means that some sky cities sell it for less money then some others as they have “better” ways of producing it. But the SkyCities are all selling it against “cost+5%” which was deemed a reasonable price by the associated parties and keeps the costs down so that everyone can afford transport. The water is collected from rain (caught by traps hovering on Hertz engines) and ice which can still be collected from a few mountain tops that were high enough to avoid the fall out. Seeing as the water vapour from the engines condenses as water everything is stable (for now anyways).

I'll add more as I think of it...

Here's my character:



Name: Rig Greymace
Race: Dweoger
Age: 75
Weapons: Falcon and a small sidearm for self defence only, assorted heavy spanners and other tools.
Height: 4’3”
Weight: 141 Lb.
Armour: Sturdy Denim overall with padded inserts.
Magic: N.A.
Eyes: Emerald Green
Hair: Raven

2. Description:
Rig is your normal dwarf, bearded –although its braided and worn short to keep it “out of the way”- with his normal hair running down to his shoulders. His “pony” is trimmed short to keep it out of his eyes and his overall is patched in many places and tends to have grease stains on it. He also has some pretty good heat insulation kit below his overalls.

3. History:
Rig was born to the generation of Dweoger that had witnessed the apocalypse first hand and as such he had heard the stories countless times growing up until he got so sick and tired of them that he moved out as soon as he reached his maturity according to tradition, and at 25 he was off on his own, he worked his way through his training at the mechanics guild working at a local garage for fixing cargo transports, he had managed to get the boss to let him stay in a small attic over the store which while it wasn’t big was certainly big enough for his needs. During this time he got into flying and it wasn’t nearly as scary as he had always pictured it to be, it was just a different kind of sensation. He had always thought it would be weird giving your life over to a machine that was only decimals away from falling out of the sky like a rocket powered brick. He was thrilled when he got the option to build a custom plane for his finals; the engineer’s guild would supply basic parts and systems with the notion that should it be deemed “profitable” they would keep the patent to build it. A little demeaned by the last notion Rig decided it would be worth it. And went to the drawing board, he didn’t like going fast as much as being manoeuvrable so he decided he would make his plane be about as manoeuvrable as he could make it. Quickly realising that the kind of manoeuvrability he wanted wouldn’t be achieved with regular wings he decided to go for a slightly weirder approach. He would combine the best features of the helicopter design with a conventional hull, providing the lift with the rotor while keeping the rest of a normal plane, he hoped this would utilise the best of both worlds. It took him a while to convince his superiors it would be safe even with every simulation he could think of being run. In the end they decided that as he alone would be test flying it they really had nothing to loose, and agreed. They gave him a budget and some hangar space and Rig worked tirelessly on “his” project. A while later he went for his first test flight, just a basic test of the systems, and he had at least proved it would fly, and his superiors were pleased with the progress and as they saw prospects for its deployment as a SkyCity defence plane they asked if he could find a way to equip it with some weaponry for testing that theory. At first rig wasn’t fully enthusiastic about it after all he had build this plane to feel free not to have it being turned into a weapon like the ones that had destroyed the surface. But he did like the prospect of making a name for himself in the business so he decided to do it anyways. Rigging up a system that allowed for swivelling rocket pods and installing some automated cannons and updating some systems so the computer would allow the weaponry to aim at the targets he was pointing his head while correcting for speed and height differences and the like had a finished fighter jet, now all that remained was a name a cool paintjob and the unveiling.

He figured that a demonstration of its acrobatic capabilities would make for a good display case, so he asked permission for his demonstration to be outside. After some reasoning his mentors decided they would endure the harshness of the cold outdoors (besides it gave them a good excuse to drink Meade during hours of daylight). So upon the day of the unveiling a lot of people had gathered up at the end of the city behind the bars to watch the show, luckily the wind conditions were mild and as such he figured he could get everything he wanted from the plane. Approaching from underneath the city for extra spectacle he lifted up straight after he had sufficient clearing to do so with the planes nose facing the edge of the city, and when he had greeted with a wave he flipped his plane over backwards in a manoeuvre commonly thought to be impossible for planes, a back flip with no starting speed. Then followed a display of aerodynamic prowess that is still discussed in the guild halls to this day, he was especially proud of the untried rotary missile system working flawlessly. He was inducted into the guild and is at the moment doing extended field tests with his new design.

4. More in Depth Sections:
- Custom plane; this is a hard to control plane as it combines normal jet controls with those found on a helicopter, and the quirks still haven’t been ironed out completely as such its hard for anyone not Rig to avoid stalling the plane or crashing it for other resons.

- Dwarven mechanic: Rig has extensive mechanical expertise and has been known to rig up some pretty weird devices. He makes his own ammo from parts legitimately acquirable in most SkyCities, and has the ability to jury rig some pretty complex machinery.

5. Magic: N.A.

The Falcon:

Crew: 1 Dweoger size Pilot.
Length: 60 feet 2 inches.
Wingspan: 40 feet 1 inch.
Powerplant: 2 Magitek gen-32 turboshafts.
Cruise speed: 450 Km/h.
Never exceed speed: 600 Km/h
Range: 5000 Kilometers.
Operational Ceiling: 25 thousand feet.

2. Description:
The falcon is a strange mixture of Airplane and helicopter, for it has normal turbofans to provide forward motion but a rotor to provide lift. This isn’t a normal configuration because it takes the weaknesses of the chopper without adding the strengths of a fixed wing aircraft, the high speeds and higher loading weight. However it does have some pretty insane manoeuvre ability with the two 2 bladed rotors turning against each other they neutralise the need for a tail rotor while the blades are advanced enough to allow it to fly upside down, do corkscrews and do all sorts of other gravity defying stunts. I’ve drawn a picky that I’ll scan in and add ASAP.

The falcon is armed primarily with 2 M230 Automatic cannons firing armour piercing explosive rounds. The rounds are common enough to find them in all but the most desolate SkyCities and the guns are custom build from common parts. The range of the gun is just under a mile and the guns can fire a combined burst of 600 bullets before requiring to cool off, this takes ten minutes, however if after 600 rounds you’re still in trouble you were in to deep to begin with…
Under the wings Falcon carries 2 large round rocket pods that can swivel in the direction of the pilots look by an intricate system involving low power lasers to measure the head movements of the pilot. The rockets are unguided and made from commonly available parts and as such are cheep to mass produce although you need to be in the bigger SkyCities to get all the required parts.

Total Ammo loaded: 2 belts of 4500 rounds of ammo and 48 rockets. In the large aft mounted cargo bay there are 4 more of those belts stored and another 48 rockets.
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This RP sounds like it could be pretty spiffy, though I don't quite understand why it's set in an MMO. I mean, it makes storytelling a little watered down if I'm roleplaying someone whose roleplaying, but I suppose it could also be fun. Also, on an aside, having a debilitating vulnerability doesn't seem very video-game characterish. *shrugs* Maybe I'm just not getting what you're saying.
well basically because most people wanting to join this will need to write some form of a character or expend on one to give him some kind of transport.I figured that it'd be a nice option for roleplaying... As i said not mandatory but somekind of "issue" is deffinitly appreciated... This is basically done o make the characters seem less "cardboard cut out" and more "3d" so to speak...
Name: Gerard Andreon (Rusty)
Race: Cyborg
Age: 226
Weapons: DBL(DirectBrianLinked) autogun right arm, build in knifes left arm.
Height: 2,10 meters
Weight: 160 kilos
Armor: Titanium plates wich cover important parts of his body, small energy field.
Eyes: Bionic when IR turned on they burn red.
Hair: None

2. Rusty is or rather was human but most of his body was removed and replaced with bionic parts making him more man than machine he doesn´t have a right arm but an autogun instead. Rusty is quite tall and has pale skin where he isn’t covered in metal. He is bold and half of is skull is metal while the other half still has skin.


4. Weapons:
DBL autogun: This replaces his right under arm the weapon is linked to the brain of rusty helping him aim and he doesn´t have to take out empty clips but can eject them by thought this is rusty´s main weapon.
Range: medium
damage: depends on ammo type.
accuracy: Build in tageting laser and linked directly to brain provide unmatched accuracy.
Rounds: every clip has 20 rounds in it.

Normal: deals more damage than AP but less effective against armored targets.
AP: Armour piercing less effective against unarmored targets but more against armored.
Rubber: No lethal damage but they are capable of knocking a person unconcious.

Build in knifes: His left arm has knifes build into it which he mainly uses to parry melee attacks and then fire his auto gun at point blank range.

Skills and bionic parts:
Bionic legs: They never get tired so he can run for an almost infinit amount of time plus an kick of them really hurts.

Bionic left arm: This arm can give a good punch plus it can lift about any thing unless it´s heavyer than himself.

Half bionic brain: half rusty´s brain is bionic makiong a real fast thinker but it has lack of improvising skills wich the other half has to compisate by steering it and really fast wich is hard becuase the bionic half thinks differend than the human mind, for example instead of creating a picture of a target the brain discribes it to him in lose words like: human...male...armed...age estimated 54...not a thread.

In the back of Gerards neck there are several connectors allowing him to interface with certain machines, this helps in the handling of many machines as well as vehicles. There are also a hole in his neck that allow Rusty to plug data modules, such modules can contain various data, in most cases specific knowledge on a single subject with special drivers for his bionic brain. When inserted a single of these modules allow Rusty to perfectly perform a certain task, such as repairs to vehicles/weapons or cooking depending on what module was inserted. Rusty doesn’t require a seperate module for combat, flying and the maintanence of his own body and aircraft, these are already known by his human half.

Bionic eyes: Both his eyes are bionic but only one is linked to his human half of the brain and the other more advanced one to the bionic becuase a human brain could controle it.
Both eyes are IR and night goggles but the bionic brain controled one has some extras like motion prediction to help aiming wich is also controled by the bionic half instead of the human half.

Bionic longs: His bionic longs allow Gerard to ‘breath’ under all circomstances. The longs continuesly filter the air he breaths and even store a part of it, in enviroments where there is no air at all Gerard can survive for 4 hours. If there is a little amount of oxigen Gerard can surive for a very long time.

Nano bots: Becuase bionic parts don´t ´heal´ rusty has nano bots in his body wich recover both his bionic as well as his organic body parts at the same speed a human body would do.

Rusty's power is generated by a hydrogen generator, built into his back. They run on the same fuel as his aircraft, therefore the cost to stay alive is relatively cheap.

Heat sinks:
On Rusty's back around the powerpant there are 3 heat sinks that vents out heat collected from his bionic parts, without these Rusty would shut down very quickly. Depending on how intensively Rusty uses his bionic parts the heatsinks may not be able to exhaust heat hard enough and some bionic parts will automatically shut down.

and his jet:

BAMF (bad ass mother fucker) converted for cargo transport.
Originally the BAMF was created by the Orgotian military as the MT-53 desolator class heavy bomber. However over the years it was called the bad ass mother fucker because it was one of the most devastating bombers in Cyrian V’s history. They were also one of the main aircrafts to deliver the nuclear to enemy’s during the Last War (as it was named by the survivors after humanity had been annihilated).
Gerard’s BAMF has been converted into a transport craft by Dweoger shortly after the Last War. It’s abilities to drop bombs was removed and 2 additional docking collars were added instead. Later his engines were customised as well to allow it to run on hydrogen rather then normal fuel.
Gerard controls it through a link with his bionic brain though normal control is still available for backup. Also there is an auto pilot that allows the ship to navigate on it’s own, however its only capable of simple move commands that require no more then 2 waypoints, without giving new commands. The weaponry is automated with options for Gerard to take control through his bionic brain.

· Length: 50,6m
· Wingspan: 56.4m
· Height: 12.4m
· Wing area: 380m²
· Empty weight: 84,000 kg
· Loaded weight: 120,000 kg
· Max takeoff weight: 250,000 kg
· Fuel capacity: 190,185 L
· Powerplant: 8x Magitek MT-8954 Turbofans
· Maximum speed: 560 knots (650 mph, 1,000 km/h)
· Combat radius : 4,480 mi (3,890 nm, 7,210 km)
· Ferry range: 11,000 mi (8,099 nm, 15,000 km)
· Service ceiling: 55,773 ft (17,000 m)
· Landing retro burners.
· 2 turret mounted dual machine guns positioned under the wings. (.50BMG , 20,000 round ammo belts)
· Countermeasure launchers; Chaff and flares.
· Aft mounted minigun turret loaded with AP rounds (20 mm belt of 12,000 rounds).