Slader Achilles Preston III


The Legendary Mercenary!
Jan 28, 2007
L.A., CA
Some things have been taken directly from Shenorai's bio with her permission.


Name: Slader Achilles Preston III
Age: 25 years old
Date of Birth: Oct. 30th
Gender: Male
Alignment: Slader’s a mercenary and doesn’t choose sides; he just picks what pays the highest (or which ever side his friends are on).
Race: Human
Occupation: Mercenary

Birthplace: The village of Xandria. This village is rather secluded from the outside world, still striving under old traditions. The mountains line the village off to the north, which shares part of the forest to the east; the forest stretches out for several miles and bears various lakes, rivers, and streams. One of those lakes provides fresh water to the village and is actually a short walk from the village itself. The southern and western borders of the village have various fields where they raise crops or allow their cattle to graze. The western edge opens up into a vast plain, which stretches out as far as the eye can see. Where the land meets the horizon appears to be more forested areas.

The village itself is based around a mansion, where the village elders live and hold council. The 'government' in the village is based around Krytocracy, where any rulings are decided by judges (In this case, the elders). The eldest of the elders who have the final word in what is to happen in serious matters. Of course, such decisions may take a long time to consider.

The houses are built around the mansion, clustered together in small communities. The higher the class of the villager, the closer they live to the mansion. The architecture here could be described as Gothic. To the north lies a sacred shrine at the base of the mountains, which is tended to by the priests. The shrine is where offerings to the spirits still lingering the world are left.
Generally, the lower-class men tend to the farms, the women stay at home and mind the children, and the children are either taught how to work the land or work in the house. If not farming, they are either mining for precious stones, creating textiles, or out as traveling merchants. The higher-class villagers tend to be tax collectors or even jewelers. There are a few tailors who weave their wares with enough skill to be respected. The children of the higher-class villagers attend classes at the mansion, led by the Elders, and are taught the old traditions. If the children exceed in spiritual studies, then they become priests, whom are highly respected by the community and are forbidden to marry, thus to keep the priests pure.

The majority of the native inhabitants here bear a sixth sense, which allow them to see and communicate with ghosts and other spirits. Slader’s family is not directly from Xandrai, so their family has not fully developed the skill. Through teachings from the school and a little bit of time, within his family, Slader has the easiest time communicating with the spirits.

Although the town of Xandria has what they need, they have recently begun selling textiles, the jewels they mine, and a few other miscellaneous things to nearby settlements.

Current Residence:
Slader lives in a small apartment near the Bounty Hunter's/Mercenary's Guild, in the big city of Crysta (much like Shenorai). Crysta is a busy city; where most people mind their own business. It was a shocker at first, being used to a rural area, but eventually Slader got used to the suburban type living of Crysta. The city is also known for it’s welcome to traveling warriors of any sort.

The city itself has an interesting design to it. It is divided up into appropriate squares for the majority of the areas (one for the business square, one for guilds, so and so forth), each with a statue of a well-known figure (most commonly a famous guild member or head figure) in the center of the square.

Face and head:
Shape of Nose: Thin and some what longish
Shape of Eye and Brow Line: Slader’s been told that he has the ability to smile with his eyes. They are probably his best feature actually; his eyes very proportionate to his face. Not appearing to be too circular, or too thin, or too large or small. Slader’s also been told that he has very girlish eyebrows. They are smooth and thin; they start out slightly more thick but get smaller and thinner.
Shape of Ears: His ears are average size, not too big, not too small. They are normally not seen though, seeing as how his long hair covers them.
Shape of Mouth: Slader’s mouth appears to look like a normal mouth. It’s somewhat thin, but when he opens his mouth it’s bigger than expected. This is something he considers to be a blessing, helping him store more beer in his cheeks while he drinks.
Hair Style, Color, and Length: Slader has long, black hair that goes down to his shoulder blades. His hair isn’t too thick and not that thin, just fine. It is fairly flat on top and as it gets longer it gets looser and has various random lengthened strands. Slader also has started to grow out some of his facial hair. As of now Slader has hair covering his chin, some what of a goatee nixing the mustache.
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Slader is Caucasian so he has a light skin color, but because of his travels as a mercenary he has a slight tan to his skin.
Complexion: Although he doesn’t take any care of his face, he turned out to have fairly nice complexion. A somewhat dirty face with few visible scars, but over all he has a nice complexion.

Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 175 lbs
Build: Slader is naturally skinny and tall, but because of his giant sword and his line of work Slader has become quite fit and averagely muscular.
Distinguishing Marks or Features: Because Slader is constantly in a situation where he needs to be physical; he has a few small scratches, scars and bruises. The most notable scar he has though is a small “x” shaped scar on his left cheek.

Attire: Lets start from head to toe. Slader wears a silver hoop earring on his left ear. Around his neck he wears a golden locket necklace with a picture of his wife inside. Slader wears a black sleeveless shirt, un-tucked with two thick leather baldric straps to support his weapons, going in an “X” formation across his chest. Slader wears a shortsleeve chainmail shirt underneath his black sleeveless shirt and straps. He wears metal shoulder guards held on his shoulders with the help of his straps. He wears brown leather gauntlets with spikes on his primary four knuckles for more damage if he has to resort to fist fighting. Slader wears a casual brown leather belt to support his baggy, loose, faded, blue jean pants. His pants have two large holes around where his knee is and the bottom of his pants are rather ripped and tattered. Last but not least, Slader wears brown leather boots.

Concept Sketch: Not up to date with his new appearance as of yet. Though this is the old sketch. Courtesy of Shenorai, of course:

Weapons & Magic:
Fists and feet: Although Slader prefers not to use his hands and feet in combat, he is not unskilled with them if necessary. Slader more or less picked up fighting with his hands and feet on his own. He doesn’t know much with it, but if forced to fight with them he will most likely fight dirty (i.e.; hitting the crotch).
Titan’s Knife: Slader’s primary weapon, and his favorite object among all of his personal possessions. The Titan’s knife is five feet and three inches tall. It weighs in over nine pounds and has been passed down from Father to son for over two centuries. The sword almost has a claymore design if it wasn’t so wide (it is about a foot and a half across). The thickness of the blade is proportionate to its weight and size, making it not too thin, but not that thick and heavy; “just right” as Slader would say if asked. The sharpness of the blade is flawless, and there is not another sword in the world like it. He wears the sword on his back with the help of a thick, leather, baldric strap on his right shoulder.
No one is exactly sure what kind of metal it is made out of, but the rumor in his family goes that long ago when Titans still roamed the world and lived in the mountains, Slader’s ancestor was traveling through the mountains one night when he saw a titan in the distance. Staying clear of it, his ancestor noticed that it was carrying a large sack of gold that it had most likely stolen from a near by village. The titan walked into it’s cave near by and disappeared from sight. After the titan had vanished into the darkness, Slader’s ancestor, being a typical Preston man, went into the cave after waiting a few hours to retrieve some gold. Upon entering the cave he noticed that all of the titan’s possessions were humongous, and even the simplest objects were overly sized. As he was searching for the gold, he came across what looked like a magnificent sword laying on the ground, strong and sharp enough to cut a whole horse in two. Knowing that if the titan caught him he would be crushed and already finding something valuable, Slader’s ancestor grabbed the common knife for a titan and made his way out of the cave. This sword was used by every member of the preston family since then, until Slader’s father came who decided to be a “scientist” instead.
The Titan’s knife only has a few actual advantages over regular weapons; one would be its easy handle. Although the sword is large and heavy, it seems to be specially modified to be easy to swing and control (though this might be a result from training and enhancements from Zonde`). Another advantage the sword has over many others, is the fact that it is made out of an unknown, mythical metal that seems to be much stronger then most of today’s common metal. Whether this is relevant to the lore in Slader’s family or the type of metal can just no longer be found is unknown as well.
Lajinaas: Slader has two baldric straps, going in an “X” formation across his chest. Already stated, the one of his right shoulder supports his Titan’s knife, the one on his left shoulder (which goes under the other) holds his Lajinaa knives given to him during his ventures with Hayden Fenris, a famous pirate captain. He has four lajinaas; two before making contact with the right strap, and two after.
Complete Takeover: Slader, not much unlike Shenorai, has a spirit residing inside his body. More or less it’s actually a resurrected demon spirit placed inside him at an early age by his father, in hopes to use his son’s body as a vessel and further understand the demon (though it was more or less a trick by the demon to be alive again). This demon’s name is Zonde`. This demon is very much like the spirit, Leondra, in which it has merged with another being and is able to talk with it in it’s mind and communicate on the outside aswell. When this happens, Slader’s eyes turn red and his voice changes over to Zonde`’s. Though, unlike Leondra, Zonde` is a mean and fairly evil spirit (though his time with Slader has softened him up slightly or at least to Slader only).
Normally, Zonde` is controlled by a pill Slader takes everyday given to him by his father after realizing his mistake. This pill holds back the majority of Zonde`’s power with Slader’s will, but does not completely subdue him since he shares the same vessel as Slader’s spirit. When and if Slader does not take the pill, Zonde` can voluntarily take over Slader’s body if he chooses to do so. If needed, Slader will ask Zonde` to aid him in his fights, much like Shenorai and Leondra’s agreement. This results in Slader allowing Zonde` to use take over and combine their strengths and agilities.
It is very easy to tell when Zonde` has taken over Slader’s body. Unlike Shenorai with Leondra, when Zonde` takes over, Slader’s physical appearance changes to match Zonde`’s. His hair shortens and becomes blonde and spiky, his eyes change red, black raven wings sprout from his back and Zonde`’s voice is heard instead of Slader’s. After the fight with Zonde` in charge is over, Slader and Zonde` will both be very fatigued and usually end up passing out for a good few hours. Because of this, it is rare that Slader will allow Zonde` to take control of him. Slader does appreciate, however, when Zonde` lends a helpful hint or two his way. It was actually Zonde` who trained Slader, along with some sparring matches between Shenorai and Leondra as well.
Flight: Slader only has the ability to fly with the help Zonde`, but normally this does not happen often. It takes both pain and concentration for Slader to use his wings with out Zonde` fully in control, and it takes a lot of energy from Zonde` (especially if Slader has taken a pill) to sprout just his wings through Slader’s body. Because of this it is often only used to escape or get to top of something in a short amount of time if necessary. Slader also often bleeds from the experience, since his skin is unused to the wings on his back. However if Zonde` is in control it is no trouble for him to use wings, and often relies on them in most situations, but fatigues him faster then it would normally if he wasn’t using them.

Shortsleeve chainmail shirt (Normal metal, average protection against slashing)
Metal Should Guards (Average metal shoulder guards)
Spiked Gauntlets (both arms, brown, leather fingerless gauntlets with spikes on the primary knuckle locations)

Legs down-
Thick leather boots (thick soled, brown, strong leathered boots)

Health/Defense: Slader tends to just rush out into battle with out thinking or being fully prepared. He only has one real piece of clothing that could be used for defense and it wouldn’t help much against a stab, his chain mail. Because of Slader’s determination on the battle field he won’t give up easily, and usually results in him taking a severe beating from his opponent. Although he has great determination, he also can get fatigued fairly fast because of his large sword. Because his sword is so large, it also helps defend against a good deal of projectiles if he moves fast enough: such as throwing knives, shurikens, and possibly even arrows.

Strength/Offense: Slader is an up close hack and slasher. Since he uses his large sword he has to be at least fairly close to the enemies when he’s attacking, unless he’s throwing his Lajinaas. Slader’s swings and attacks are fairly strong since he uses such a large sword, but they are also slow. They can be blocked but it would be a wiser choice to just get out of his way during an attack. Slader has the hardest time fighting some one with magic, long distance weapons, or a swift fighter (such as an assassin). If required Slader will fight with his hands/feet or summon the power of Zonde` to assist him.

Personality: Slader is a fairly happy-go-lucky man with a taste for beer, cigarettes and violence. Depending on the kind of person he meets, they were either bond with Slader or not care for him at all. Even if he does run into a person who doesn’t care for him, Slader will shrug and smile saying that they will come around to liking him eventually. Slader tends to shrug a lot, almost about every situation. When he learnt that his father had placed a demon inside him, he shrugged and got over it, knowing that he made a mistake. There isn’t much that can bring down Slader’s happy, optimistic personality, even when the odds are against him. Really the only thing that upsets him is when his beer is taken away, or when he knows he’s about to be yelled at by his wife.

When fighting, Slader rarely has mercy for his enemies. If he is paid to fight in a war then he will fight. There is only one thing Slader refuses to do under any circumstances; he refuses to hurt innocent people that have yet to do anything wrong. If they join a war or battle then Slader deems it as fair to attack them, but if asked to take out the civilians of the town as well as the opposing army, Slader will refuse to hurt the innocent. There have been times Slader will let his enemy live though, especially if given the choice between saving an innocent and killing the bad guy. He will also refuse to attack an unarmed enemy with his weapon (if they attack him with their hands he’ll use hand to hand), when they are begging for their life, or a child. Although he is a mercenary, Slader does have standards to uphold to.

Likes; Fighting, his motorbike, being right, being recognized as “THE WORLD’S GREATEST MERCENARY!”, food, BEER, cigarettes, Best friend Shenorai, His wife, his family, his sword and money

Dislikes; His wife, feet, taking the easy and fast way out of things, dancing, being disrespected, thinking people can out drink him, most authority

Losing a family member/friend – Slader tends to bond with the people around him, and isn’t easy about letting them go. Slader’s main concern is losing people like Shenorai, Lucina, or other family members or friends close to him.
Zonde` - Zonde` and Slader have traveled together since he was a child, and although he cares for Zonde` he knows that he also can’t be trusted. Slader fears that one day Zonde` will lead him to do something that he will hugely regret (like taking the life of an innocent)
Not being able to do anything – One of Slader’s biggest fears is not being able to do anything about a situation, thinking that everything requires his help to some degree.
His wife – Although Slader jokes and pokes fun at his wife on the occasion, only he really knows what she’s like. Slader loves his wife, but unless some one has actually met his wife they wouldn’t understand the kind of hell she puts him through, mainly sexual (she forces sex upon him continuously)
Running out of beer – Slader spends a good deal of his time in a bar when he’s not working, and probably his biggest fear is being denied beer or the words, “We’re out”.

Intellect/Subjects of Interest:
Slader could be considered, more or less, on the under average side of intelligence. He can read and write and do small amounts of math, but since he usually works alone he doesn’t have to worry about getting a percentage of what he would make in a team. Because Slader isn’t too good in math he usually ends up asking the person he is giving money to, “Is this the right amount?” When working with some one like his friend Shenorai, Slader usually lets them do all the thinking which gives him more time to concentrate on fighting.
Because Slader grew up in a village where they specialize in talking with the spirits, Slader has a small knowledge of how to communicate with them (especially the spirit inside him, Zonde`). He isn’t as experienced or smart in that field as most people in the village are, but he has a good idea and enough to easily direct a spirit to the bathroom.
Slader isn’t exactly a deep person, so most of his interests are fighting, getting gold, having fun, and drinking beer while with his friends (or alone). He does however have a good knowledge of famous fighters from the past, swords, and where babies come from (another joke). Although he is no tactician he has shown some skill in how to lay out a plan to attack.

First Impression:
On more then more occasion, Slader has been looked down on during a first impression. He appears to be an over eager, loud, sometimes obnoxious drunk person you would randomly meet in a bar and ask if you could buy him “just one more beer”. He’s a people person, and loves to talk and communicate. If he’s insulted right away, he’s the kind of person to just smile, look at you, take a sip of his beer, and tell you that you’ll warm up to him. Overall he seems to be the person that acts like he’s known you his whole life even if it’s the first time they’ve met.

Slader was born in a town called Xandria. Xandria was known for its mediums, at least well known for those who knew of the town. The locals of the town have a history of communicating with the spirit world and any of the lost spirits wandering the world of those who live. The village itself is rather isolated, sitting between a lush forest and vast, hilly plains, along with a mountain with a shrine to the north. There isn’t anything high-tech about this village at all, and is rather medieval like. There is one large mansion that the majority of the upper class societies live in, along with the high ruling elders. Their mining, farming and tailoring, mainly supports the town.
Slader’s father was an intelligent man, but came across the dark arts one day, and soon he loved it more than anything else. He loved it so much, that he summoned a dark spirit up from the spirit world. The spirit’s name was Zonde’ Livewire, he was a deceased elf demon warrior who wanted to come back to the world of the living and reek havoc again.
Slader’s father was so obsessed with the magic of darkness that he wanted to bring Zonde’ back, so he decided to perform a fusing ceremony. He had to study Zonde’ alive so he had to pick a willing body. Of course no one would want himself or herself to be controlled by a deceased demon, so as soon as Slader was born, the demon was placed inside him.
Although Zonde’ was inside Slader, he was too weak to take full control of Slader. Zonde’ decided to stay dormant inside Slader until the two of them were stronger. And so the years passed, but with every passing year Zonde’ was getting more powerful.
When Slader was eight years old he became best friends with his next-door neighbor, Shenorai Eterna. They spent countless hours playing together. Then one day when they were older (Slader about twelve years old), they found out they had a lot more in common then they had thought. She too had a spirit inside her. Her spirit’s name was Leondra, and unlike Slader’s spirit, she was good-natured.
Shenorai did not inform Slader as to how she had received her spirit (since she didn’t tell any one), and when asked how he had received Zonde’, he could only shrug and respond, “He’s always been with me. Ever since I could remember…”
The two spirits taught the children how to fight and control their powers. Zonde’ teaching Slader more of the darker, physical arts of fighting, and Leondra teaching Shenorai the lighter side. They both learned at a fast rate and were getting stronger and wiser day in and day out.
Zonde’ had told Slader they were friends, and Slader believed him. He was helping him get stronger, and he had always given great advice. But Zonde’’s true intentions were unknown to Slader. And one dark day at school, Slader had started feeling ill. He had no temperature, but he was sweating profusely and freezing to death. He had become very pale and his looks were changing. When Zonde’ takes over Slader; Slader’s looks vanish as Zonde’’s appear, and this was happening at school.
Slader was quickly sent to the nurse’s office after passing out; Shenorai wanted to make sure that her best friend was okay, so she quickly made her way to the nurse’s office to find Slader’s parents in the waiting room. Slader’s mother was crying and Slader’s father sat in a chair. The light’s reflection on his glasses made it as to where you could not see his eyes. Shenorai questioned him, until he finally broke down and admitted everything. After doing so he fell to his knees in tears, he thought his son wouldn’t mind the power of the dark spirit. He knew it had gotten out of hand, but he was too obsessed with the dark powers Zonde’ had.
Slader’s father told Shenorai of pills Slader could take, to keep Zonde’ under control. When everything was over, and Slader had won the fight against Zonde’; Shenorai told him everything. Slader wasn’t too upset from the news of everything. His father did admit to his wrong doings and is trying to help, plus he was his father. Slader only shrugged it off and carried on with his life.
Time had passed and the two were older, still best friends and stronger then ever. Slader had been on his daily pills for five years now and Zonde’ was under control. Although Zonde` was under control he was still quite alive, and seemed to have a more lighter side to him (at least to Slader). Since Slader’s father was more of a book man, he learnt all of his fighting techniques from Zonde` in hopes to achieve his life long dream of being a mercenary. He learnt every move Zonde` threw at him, and he seemed to enjoy using the larger blades to the smaller ones. After Slader had accomplished learning all the skills Zonde` had to teach him, he decided that he was in fact, going to set out on a life as a mercenary. His father knew about Slader’s intentions and decided to give him a gift. It was the Titan’s Knife, a blade passed down from father to son in the Preston family. He knew it would be the perfect present since Slader had been talking about leaving to become a mercenary for a couple years, and he even decided that this was the year he was going to set out and become one. He had become strong enough to make it on his own, the only problem he had about leaving was what would happen to Shenorai and his friendship with her after he left. Would she forget about him? Would she find some one else to be best friends with (Slader is a jealous person)? He didn’t want to just abandon her, but he didn’t want to abandon his dream of becoming the greatest mercenary either.
The day had come for Slader to leave. A merchant from the town was taking Slader to another town to get started, but unfortunately he had to leave around the time of his best friend’s birthday. He would have rearranged his leaving time, but this was the only time of the year the merchant was leaving Xandria (he had no clue how to get out of there). After Slader had given Shenorai her present and said his farewells, he left his family and friends to start his own path. As he rode out of town on a horse next to the merchant’s buggy he looked back at his home one more time and hoped that all would be well in his absence.
It took a couple days to reach the nearest town, but when Slader got there he was amazed. He had never left Xandria and seeing a different town blew his mind. Even though it was a plain little town, it still amazed him.
When they entered the town the merchant told Slader to go to a local guild and take on a job. Since it was a small town with only a couple guilds he recommended the fighters guild. Slader thanked him and they parted ways. Slader never saw the merchant again, but hopes for the best.
Slader wandered around town for a while “getting to know the area” as he would say (more or less trying to find the guilds because he was too macho to ask for directions). He eventually found the fighters guild. It had bright red words “Fighters Guild” on the building. Slader was actually embarrassed that he passed it a couple times with out noticing it. Slader finally got off his horse and walked up the steps to the fighters guild. He opened the door and to Slader’s surprise the inside looked a lot like a bar. It was dark inside with blue fires on candles. Smoke WAS the air that guild and every one seemed REALLY strong and mean. Half of the people were drinking, the other passed out from drinking. He had yet to take a drink of alcohol, and heard that it was bad for you, but he was thirsty and ordered the cheapest thing there…the beer.
Slader sat down at the bar counter and looked at the bartender. He smiled with excitement as he ordered his first beer. In a couple minutes a beer sat in front of him. Slader picked it up and closed his eyes as he downed it. Slader loved the taste and had drunk it as if it was water. All of the fellow fighters were impressed by the way he drank it, most telling him he was a natural alcoholic. He just took it as a compliment.
Now befriended by the fighters he asked where he could find the guild leader. They told him to go down the stairs to the left and the second door on his right. Slader thanked them and went down the stairs and opened the second door on his right. There a muscular woman in a full set of black and red armor stared at him.
“Who are you?!” she barked at Slader.
Slader only could stare at this gigantic woman yelling at him. He wanted to say something, but he couldn’t. All he could do was stare at her with his mouth wide open.
She quickly moved her hand to her sword and swung it at Slader. Not even blinking, Slader unsheathed the Titan’s Knife, blocked the woman’s attack, and knocked her sword out of her hand and clear across the room. Slader stood in front of her in a fighting stance. She looked at him and then at her sword that was hit out of her hand. She looked back at him and laughed, which to Slader sounded more like a roar.
“ I like you kid,” she said as she put her hand on his shoulder, “how would you like to stay here and work for me? Mmm forgot to mention, name’s Jane Rose. And you’re?”
Slader got out of his fighting stance, picked up her hand off his shoulder, put his sword away and looked up at her.
“Slader and no I don’t want to work with or for you. I just need a job. Got it?” Slader trying to sound more professional then he was.
Jane raised an eyebrow at Slader then nodded.
“Okay, I got a job for ya. Might be tough. You don’t look all that experienced.”
“I can handle it. Just give me the contract.”
Jane walked over to a desk in the room and opened a drawer. She searched around a little inside the drawers and finally took her hand out. She was holding the contract, which looked a lot like a scroll. She grabbed a bottle of ink and a quill. She walked back to Slader and handed him the contract, inkbottle and quill.
Slader set the quill inside the inkbottle and put it on a near by crate. He unraveled the contract and thoroughly read through it. Slader was given a search and destroy mission, much like a bounty hunter’s job. He was to find a lion demon named, Jazierer Mulod. He was last sighted in a desert cave not far away from a city called Barren Center. Slader picked up the quill and signed it. This was his first job and he was excited.
Jane took the contract away from Slader as soon as he signed it. She grabbed his shoulder and smiled down at him. Her grip on his shoulder got firm as she picked him up. Slader’s eyes grew wide with shock as she threw him out of the room and yelled, “NOW GET GOIN’!” Slader landed on his ass and as he got up and dusted himself off, he shook his head, “Crazy bitch…”
Slader made his way out of the fighter’s guild, and to his horse. He mounted his horse, and rode off to the destination written on the contract. It was only a little North, maybe about a four-day ride.
Skipping ahead a couple days, Slader comes to Barren Center. It was a large city consisting of mainly desert elves. The desert elves had tan skin, red hair, green eyes and were very polite people. As he slowly trotted through the dirt streets he comes across a small boy with spiky hair, a green vest, off-white pants, brown Arabian looking shoes and working at a fruit cart. Slader hadn’t had much to eat over the four days so he got off his horse and walked up to the cart. Slader smiled and nodded to the boy, who now was eyeing Slader’s giant sword.
“Like the sword?” Slader said with a smile.
The boy nodded, “Yes sir, I do indeed. I would like to wield one such as that, but alas I am doomed to a life of selling fruit.”
Slader shrugged and reached into his pocket to pull out two bronze coins. “This should cover it, right?” Slader asked putting the coins in the boy’s hand. The boy nodded as he put the coins in his pocket. Slader took a bite out of his apple then remembered his mission. He thought it couldn’t hurt to ask information on his guy or location.
“Hey kid, you know anything about this guy named ‘Jazierer’? Or maybe a cave close by?” Slader asked.
“Sir,” he responded, “I do not know of this man, but my name is Theseus.”
“Yeah, okay. Well I got a job to do and I can’t waste time learning people’s names.” Slader said taking another bite and turning away.
“But sir!” Theseus shouted as he ran up to Slader, “you did not let me finish, and it is rude of me to interrupt you.”
“Oh?” Slader said turning back to Theseus, “so you do know something?”
“Aye sir, I do. I know of this cave you speak of.”
“Well, that makes things go by faster. Following directions from a map isn’t that easy…say Theseus, do you have some free time?”
“Yes sir, I do. I have no parents.” Theseus said lowering his head.
Slader smiled with joy, “That’s great! You can take me to that cave! And I’ll even let you help me fight.”
Theseus had no time to object before he was handed a smaller version of Slader’s sword, which was attached to the saddle from Slader’s horse, and was on Slader’s horse ridding away with Slader.
Once they were out of the city, Slader stopped the horse and got off. He grabbed Theseus and set him on the ground. Slader smiled as he got in a fighting stance, “Okay, let’s start with the basics.” Theseus copied Slader’s every move. They spent at least six hours straight working on the basic moves of the giant sword.
It was now dark; Slader and Theseus sat around a fire talking. Slader had told Theseus every thing that had happened to him in Xandria and his friend Shenorai, whom was the same age as Theseus. Theseus was amazed with Slader’s story and could hardly believe it, though if any one else that knew Slader was around they would of known he was exaggerating to make himself look like a true hero. Theseus, in his mind, kept thinking about how he wanted to be just like his new friend Slader.
At the crack of dawn, they woke up and headed for the cave. When they reached the cave, Slader and Theseus got off the horse and snuck in the cave. They crept quietly in the dark cave until they saw a light and heard some snoring. It had to be Jazierer. Slader looked at Theseus and held up his hand, signaling Theseus to stop following him. Slader popped his neck and stopped walking quietly; instead he just walked casually into the cave den where Jazierer now lay awake.
Slader looked down at Jazierer and smiled, “So you’re the big bad lion demon?”
Jazierer got up and grabbed his masamune, which seemed like a normal katana for him since he was over eight feet tall. Jazierer glared at Slader then let out a roar. Slader, a little shocked at the height, pulled out his sword. He blinked a couple times, and the next thing he knew he was sitting against the cave wall. Theseus rushed in and helped Slader up, not even noticing Jazierer yet. Slader’s eyes were wide, and then he glared at Jazierer.
“You think you’re so tough, don’t you? Well guess again!” Slader shouted out of rage. Theseus, now turning to see the large Jazierer, pulled out his sword and got in a fighting position slightly shaking out of fright. Slader got in a stance and rushed at the over sized cat.
He threw a quick horizontal slash, which was quickly blocked. Jazierer did a fast swing of his masamune, which was blocked by Slader. While still blocking the attack Slader looked at the demon and smiled. He quickly kicked Jazierer in the crotch before had the chance to protect. Jazierer dropped his masamune and bent over in pain. Theseus quickly ran up to Jazierer and tried to make a swift vertical slash at his neck. Jazierer grabbed the sword, now starting to stand, and threw it across the den. He grabbed the defenseless Theseus by the neck and lifted him off the ground.
“Die elf!” Jazierer roared, as he got ready to crush Theseus’ neck. In a second, Theseus fell to the ground, blood going everywhere and Jazierer yelling. Slader stood smiling in his fighting stance, he had cut off Jazierer’s hand. Jazierer turned his head and glared at Slader. He picked up his masamune with the hand he had left and charged at Slader. Right before he reached him how ever, Slader did a high jumping flip over Jazierer and stabbed him in the back and through the chest. Jazierer turned around slowly looking at Slader smiling walking back to Theseus. Slader helped Theseus up, and dusted him off. Slader smiled as he picked up Theseus’ sword and threw it at Jazierer, piercing his head. The lion demon fell to the floor, deceased. Slader smiled, “That’s the life of a merc. kid.”
After stealing all the treasure, which Slader likes to call “cleaning up the place”, cleaning the swords and taking Jazierer’s head (placing it in a bag) they left the cave. Slader and Theseus rode to Barren Center, and to the cart where they met. Slader was sad to let Theseus go, but he didn’t want a little kid getting hurt. Though as a present he let Theseus have the smaller version of the Titan’s knife.
Riding back was a sad, quiet trip. Slader wished he had a traveling companion, but he didn’t want any one to get hurt because of his work. He made his way back to the fighter’s guild and gave Jane the head of Jazierer. She was impressed with Slader’s work and gave him the gold he wanted. Although twenty gold pieces wasn’t that much, it WAS his first job.
He decided to leave the town, and find a busier place with more jobs. Talking with some of the Fighter’s guild members, he learned of a city known as Crysta. A mercenary/bounty hunter’s guild was said to be there. No guild master, just a bulletin board with flyers explaining jobs. It sounded like the perfect place for him.
Slader set off in the direction this city was supposed to lie. It took him a few days on horse, but he made it with ease. He entered the town and actually asked directions to the guild he was looking for. Fortunately, it wasn’t too far off from where he was. He walked his horse, since it was a busy city, to the guild then left it outside while he walked in.
A bulletin board hung on the wall to his left, while the stairs to the rooms and the door to the bar were in eyesight. He smiled as he looked around. He saw people of all kinds walking in and out, looking for jobs or just wanting to get a drink or rest in their room. This was the place he was going to be able to call home.
Slader had the Mercenary/Bounty Hunter’s guild become his new home. He trained with the people there, took jobs, and got drunk. As much drinking as he did, he never neglected his sword fighting and became more and more experienced with the Titan’s knife. This was his life for about half a year.
One day, he decided to take a job escorting a young princess in town back to her home in the Ice Mountains. Slader thought it would have been an easy job; little did he know his life would make a big change after this mission.
After he had signed up for the job, Slader was told to meet the young lady in the local pub. Slader knew where this was, hell; he could find it with his eyes closed. So he went on his way and marched to the pub to find a beautiful young woman. Her name was Lucina Glacier and she was the princess of the Frostland territory. Frostland was said to be a place where no green ever shows. A cold place; where many Nordic beings, ice elves, wild dangerous animals, and the fierce family of Glacier resided.
Slader walked up to her and introduced himself as the great mercenary that would be escorting her to her home. He couldn’t help think that she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. She had pretty white, almost pearl look to her skin, long light, silk feeling blue hair up in a pony tail, sky blue eyes, dark blue lipstick, and her clothes resembled that of a genie. Her sleeves and pant legs were see through, she wore silver ring bracelets, her under garments showed, because her pant legs were translucent, and they too were light blue. She wore no shoes, and slightly floated above the ground, for you see she was in fact an ice spirit. No not the kind that lives inside you, but more of a physical, nature like creature. Something you couldn’t call a demon, but not a human either.
“Well then,” she said in her soft delicate voice, “shall we leave?”
“Yeah, okay. Let’s head out.” Slader confirmed.
The two left Crysta on horse back, and it seemed they both had a thing for each other. Slader and Lucina could both feel it, but neither of them said anything. It was just the way they looked at each other that confirmed the fact. It was as if it was love at first sight for them.
It soon became dark and they had to stop for the night. Slader could tell they were soon reaching Frostland territory by the cold front that had just come in. The two made camp not too far off from the side of the road. Slader had pitched up two tents, one for her and one for him. They sat next to each other close to a warm fire, and they talked about their lives. She told him that she was seventeen, the only normal one in her family, and was down in Crysta to get a look of what the real world was like. Slader told her of his adventures as a mercenary and about his best friend Shenorai, and even Zonde’. It was if the two could tell each other anything, and with out even a moment of time to think; Slader and Lucina were kissing.
The next morning they couldn’t keep their eyes off each other. Slader had fallen in love, and so had Lucina. They didn’t want to leave each other’s side for anything in the world. She even made Slader forget about drinking and money. It was an incredible feeling for the both of them.
They eventually made it to the Castle of Frost, where Slader and Lucina had to announce their love for each other to her parents. Slader feared that her parents wouldn’t approve, or even that they were going to kill because he was just a mere human. Lucina assured him that they would love him. He trusted her and they walked to the throne room, hand in hand.
The throne room, as well as every other part of the castle, was built of pure ice. As they entered the throne room, they saw a huge crowd of villagers, family and friends. Everyone yelled, “Welcome back Lucina!” It was a party for her return. And up on the high seats at the far end of the room sat the king and queen, and next to them a large orge looking creature. The king was a small little man with curly dark blue hair; he seemed to be the quiet type. The kind of person, which would obey any thing some one said. He wasn’t an ugly man though, actually quite handsome. The queen was a large woman in two ways, height and weight. She had short black hair, a golden staff in her left hand, a grumpy face, and seemed to be more of the commanding type. The ogre creature next to them was actually their young son. He looked like he could kill Slader by just flicking him. When Slader saw him a scared look came across his face, but Lucina assured Slader that her brother was quite against violence.
They walked towards the king and queen, still hand in hand, and as they approached them, every one’s movements had stopped. The king, queen, and prince looked down at the two linked by hands. Lucina let go of his hand and approached her family. She took a few steps up the stairs, which lead to their chairs and bowed.
“Mother, Father, Brother,” she said, “This is Slader. He and I are in love. I do not care if you accept or not, for you cannot change our feelings. I just wanted to inform you that I have found love, and will be leaving again soon to marry him.”
A confused look appeared on Slader’s face. This was all new information to him. He was just as shocked as her family. Slader opened his mouth, but before he could speak a word her mother stood up.
“My daughter,” she said, “you have found love, just as I have. And might I say he’s a mighty fine looker. I approve of this young man. And if you two are to be married…why not let it be now and here!?”
Slader and the king’s eyes and mouths opened wide at this. Slader stepped forward to Lucina and placed his hand on her shoulder. “Lucina, don’t you think I should have been told when my own marriage was going to be?” Lucina looked at him with a sad look of confusion, “Do you not want to marry me Slader? I thought we were in love…” Slader’s eyes opened wider in fear that he could be in trouble. “I do love you Lucina, just…I didn’t think it would be moving this fast.” The king now stood up, he was only three feet tall, so he stood on his chair, “Doris, don’t you think we should talk about this?” The queen eyed him with anger, “Stanley, do you dare go against my WILL??!!” he jumped from fear and almost fell off his chair. “N-n-no my dear,” he stuttered, “Why not have them married right now?!” She smiled and sat down, “Great idea Stanley. Bring in the bishop!” she hollered to the people in the throne room. The ogre creature smiled, “I’ll go get him Mother.”
The ogre like creature left his parents side and was making his way to Slader and Lucina. He smiled as he approached them, “Congratulations sister. I hope he takes good care of you.” Lucina smiled, “Thank you Smash. I know he will.” She said as he looked up at Slader with loving eyes. Smash, the ogre, walked past them and left the large room from a door to the right of them.
The bishop was brought in by Smash, and Slader and Lucina were married right on the spot. Slader and Lucina were “happily married” with in a couple hours after their arrival. They were sent up to a special room in the castle that was there for special guests, such as a mayor or general of an army. This was to be their honeymoon suite.
After a month of doing what all married couples do on their honeymoon, they moved back to Crysta and lived in the Mercenary Guild. It wasn’t much, but it was all Slader could afford. The Glacier family offered to buy them a house, but Slader wanted to take care of his new wife on his own. He didn’t want to seem dependant on any one, especially his new family.
For months Slader took on jobs and supported Lucina. It wasn’t as easy as living by himself, but at least he was able to take care of her. Though Slader did notice that her attitude seemed to change over time, from a happy polite girl, to a horny girl who always wanted sex. She seemed to get mad any time that he didn’t want to. So before he knew it he was once again taking up his old hobby.
Slader continued working at the Mercenary’s guild at Crysta for a couple more years. One adventure, at the age of twenty-one, eventually lead to a four year voyage where Slader fought in a war with samurais (gaining a valuable friend, Kenshi), sailed the seas as a pirate under the leadership of the famous pirate captain, Hayden Fenris, and actually traveled to the underworld, where he, Zonde` and a werewolf cursed man, Rune, battled his greatest enemy yet, The underworld knight known as Vin. Eventually returning to Crysta, at the age of twenty-five, he is reunited with his best friend Shenorai and his wife Lucina.

Friends and known partners (These characters belong to other members):
Shenorai Eterna;
Shenorai is Slader’s oldest friend and best friend. She grew up next-door to him as a kid, though he was four years older than she was. They were both young when they met, so they didn’t see a problem with the age difference. Around the time that she was eight, Slader learned that the two of them had much more in common then they thought they did. Shenorai too had a spirit inside her, only hers was female, and more kind and sincere. Some say they are more like gender counterparts of each other then anything else.
When they were older, Zonde` attempted to take over Slader's body, causing him to pass out. He was sweating terribly, but had no fever. He was taken to be treated after passing out, and Shenorai followed, worried about her friend. Slader's parents soon came as well to check on him. However, it was then that she learned how Zonde` was within Slader. Slader’s fathered eventually explained the whole situation Slader was in to Shenorai. Zonde` is an elf demon, longing to return to the living world. Slader's father helped with that by taking his infant son, Slader, and forcing the demon into him. Slader's father assumed his son would want power, so he granted that to him at birth.
Shenorai told Slader what she found out as soon as he recovered. Slader realized that he didn't want Zonde` to take him over, so he asked his father to help. Slader was given some daily pills to control Zonde`'s power. This would not make Zonde` go away, nothing would, but it would help subdue him unless Slader felt he needed help.
When Slader turned seventeen and Shenorai thirteen, Slader decided to leave Xandria in hopes to become a mercenary. Saying his goodbyes to her was hard, but he was an adult now and had to go. Slader unfortunately

[NOTE:] Zonde` Livewire's bio will be up as soon as I can get it up. Thank you.
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