So I beat the game but...

Kirby Phelps (PK)

Mother fanatic!
Dec 11, 2008
I just beat FFVII today. WOOOT!! That's my 3rd fantasy beaten! :highfive:

However, I feel like there's something missing. Yeah, I beat the game, but wasn't there supposed to be some sort of cutscene explaining why Cloud was part of the Jenova experiment, or how Zack died, or some sort of back story for Vincent, or where Jenova came from and why she came here, or some kind of cutscene with Prof Gast? All that stuffs missing, I know it's in the game, but where? Did I some how miss it?
all these things are in the other games that are a part of the compilation of FFVII. its a bunch of games that tell the whole story of FFVII. crisis core, dirge of cerubus, etc
You can watch a short clip of how Zack died in the Shin-Ra Mansion, go to the basement and check out the tubes behind the work bench like thing. And the Gast Videos can be found in a house in "Icicle Inn" its on the left I can't member which one though. The rest are explained + the ones I just mentioned in Crisis Core, Before Crisis and Dirge of C.
What about Vincent? I know this is in the game too. This is what I remember seeing in the DVD. Cloud's in some sorta tube, Zack saves him, they're on a truck, Zack gets killed. Then there's one where Prof Gast is with Aerith's mom and they talk about Jenova. Then there's one where someone is asking Vincent if his son (Sephiroth I guess) is still alive.
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the one with zack i think they show you in the story mode and the gast ones are in the house just like callmefates said. the one with vincent probably is seen when vincent is in your party during some part of the game
you probably did. dont worry. if you did miss it, maybe youtube has someone who recorded the scene:)
My brain hurts!!

When I beat FFVII, everything about the story didn't quite make sense. So I went to Final Fantasy Wikia to search for answers. But as I got an answer, it just raised another question, and as I got another answer, it just raised even further questions. Now my head hurts, VII is the most confusing FF I've played. Here are my questions:

Did Sephiroth ever learn that Jenova was actually an alien and not a Cetra and when?
Did Sephiroth ever learn that his real mother is Lucrecia and when?
If the Reunion was suppose to gather everyone infused with Jenova cells, how come SOLDIERS weren't effected?
How come Aerith's mother never told Gast that Jenova isn't really a Cetra?
Why did Sephiroth cut Jenova's head off?
Is the Jenova Reunion Theory true and how does it effect anything?
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Allow me:

Did Sephiroth ever learn that Jenova was actually an alien and not a Cetra and when?

He in fact did at some point. I imagine he learned whilst living in the Life Stream. Only Professor Gast and the Ancients knew JENOVA was an alien.

Did Sephiroth ever learn that his real mother is Lucrecia and when?

If he did, it has not been stated. Sephiroth is actually more human than he thinks, he's just experimented on and Hojo most likely kept telling him JENOVA is his mom rather than Lucrecia.

If the Reunion was suppose to gather everyone infused with Jenova cells, how come SOLDIERS weren't effected?

People in SOLDIER are injected with Mako laced with JENOVA cells, enough to make them stronger, but not enough to make them puppets to JENOVA.

How come Aerith's mother never told Gast that Jenova isn't really a Cetra?

She in fact did. Load your game and go to the Icicle Inn. There is a building near the entrance where Gast once lived. Inside there is a computer that has several videos of Gast and Aerith's mother. One of which explains that JENOVA is not an Ancient.

Why did Sephiroth cut Jenova's head off?

Cause he's bat shit insane.

Is the Jenova Reunion Theory true and how does it effect anything?

The theory is semi-true. All the clones came together but since Sephiroth was manipulating JENOVA from the life stream having her take his form things didn't work out to Hojo's theory 100%. But Hojo's ego is so huge that he counted it as a successful theory regardless. (Any time you saw Sephiroth in game, it was JENOVA in Sephiroth's form being manipulated by Sephiroth from the Life Stream; which is why you'd end up fighting JENOVA most of the time when you saw him in game.)
Great, your answer just raised another question:

If Aerith's mom told Gast that Jenova's not a Cetra, how come he didn't write this down or something so that when Sephiroth reads it in the future he'll know that Jenova isn't a Cetra the first time. That would probably have avoided this whole disaster.
Great, your answer just raised another question:

If Aerith's mom told Gast that Jenova's not a Cetra, how come he didn't write this down or something so that when Sephiroth reads it in the future he'll know that Jenova isn't a Cetra the first time. That would probably have avoided this whole disaster.

Gast was killed soon after discovering this. I can't remember if he was shot in one of the videos, or captured and shot later or something... But Hojo essentially had him removed and he was killed.

I can imagine all knowledge of Jenova being an alien died with him, and he probably didn't have the time to write it down before this happened.
Gast was killed soon after discovering this. I can't remember if he was shot in one of the videos, or captured and shot later or something... But Hojo essentially had him removed and he was killed.

I can imagine all knowledge of Jenova being an alien died with him, and he probably didn't have the time to write it down before this happened.

Correct. Gast had left Shin-Ra making his home in Icicle Inn with Iflana (Aerith's Mom). He made several video documents there with Iflana but was eventually hunted down by Hojo and killed. Hojo isn't one to trust other people's theories or documents, so he probably didn't look at it or passed it off as nothing more than rubish.

So none of Gasts work left his home. The only theory he had that Hojo accepted as truth is the theory about Weapons.
There are some events with Vincent and Lucrecia if you have Vincent in your party and take a chocobo with mountain ability or the submarine to the round lake and walk behind the waterfall. Did you do that?
Ive merged y our threads, I think it makes more sense to keep them together seeing as they are all a oad of similar queries :wacky:
The truck scene with Zack is when Cloud falls into the lifestream with Tifa is it not? Showing what really happened when Cloud went back to Nibelheim, like the alternative of the story Cloud told the others.

You can meet Zack's parents in Gagaga I think, if Aeris is still alive and in your party she reveals she knew him.

Did you get Vincent's Death Penalty and Chaos? If not, they are behind a waterfall, when you get there, you'll meet Lucrecia and then you'll get flashbacks from the past.

Umm, that's all I can think of right now.
When Cloud finds himself, if you go back to the Shinra Manor and walk into the basement you get quite a lengthy flash back of Cloud and Zack in the truck after they have escaped Nibelhiem, and Zack is talking about becoming a mercenary and going meeting his girlfriend, o are we talkign about the truck scene where Cloud has travel sickness...?

Either way, the scene Im talking about sheds quite abit of light on things xD
I'm thinking of the one where you see Cloud throw Sephiroth into the lifestream, after seeing that Cloud actually was there at the time, but not in the way he told the story before hand.

That the one with the travel sickness?
Yeah that's the one xD

The one Im on about is after Tifa helps Cloud discover who he is when they are both in the lifestream, once you get Cloud back in your party, you get the one IM on about in the Shinra manor xD
Grats on beating the game... took me a while... but yeah like everyone else said... the answers to your questions are in the other FFVII games..