So I maxed the License Board


Retired from FFXI
Mar 12, 2007
Leeds, UK
So finally last night I maxed the License Board.

With every character I have unlocked everything apart from all the Espers.

Question is when did you max it all out?

I'm currently lvls 50, 57, 31, 48, 47, 47 and I'm just about to make the big treck to Archades after getting the Sword Of Kings.

I'm an exp whore at heart and I love the exp grind, and after finding Mateus extremely difficult at lvl 25 Vaan, even with the gambits I had set up I figured I'd try to make the rest of the game as easy as I can.

Couple of times I've fallen asleep lvling up in Golmore Jungle (where I spend most of the grind) so added a few hours to it, but my total time so far is 97:12. Yeah that's 97 hours.

So when did you max the Board? What was your time and how many cups of coffee did you drink lol.
I'm on levels 68, 67, 57, 25, 25, 25. And I almost have my board maxed out. I'm a little further than you but not by much. I used the accessory that doubles license point for a while at the start of the game. But once I got to a certain point I didn't worry to much about the board because I could use everything I had aquired. Last I check my time was at like 70 hours but I've been taking my sweet a** time. :cool:
I'm lvl 99 with main three. With the exception of Fran at lvl 72, the rest of my party hasn't seen the light of day. I maxxed out the board a long time ago though. Probably when i was lvl 75+. Somewehre in there. I definitely didn't get there by Archades. THat's for sure. And it sounds like you're doing a better job at LP grinding than you are at exp grinding. lol
Level 80 for my characters. Vaan's was the last for me to max out since I never once had a Golden Armlet on him. I always kept the Embroidered Tippot on him since I focused more on leveling than on using pointless shileds that I'd nevere use for him.
I'm level 35-36 for all my characters and im in the Paol Shores (sp? I havent paid much attention:P) not long untill Archades. I'm just over half way through the grid, only been using Gold Armlets since leaving Ber-ominis. I'm finding the game rather easy at the moment (not even using the walkthrough guide like most) but I do plan on maxing it out before the end. Since Jaghed I've basicly focused on Augments and getting Quickenings. only getting the Weapon, Armour, Accessory and Magiks when they become avalible, and only if im really using them. Techniks have been pretty much ignored so far except for about 4 (Steal, Libra, First-Aid and Charge). Before Jaghed I tried getting everything as I went along, but felt it took far too much time than it should, especially if this is just my first playthrough and I dont plan on getting everything anyways. My next playthrough will be taking my sweet ass time on EVERYTHING haha
im around lv 90 and i havent got very far on it with my lessr people lol
i have the main spells and most of the augments it just that i have loads of wep and armour ones left
i never maxed the licence board not even when i played the game for 80 hours during my third time
I just finshed the grid today (Without all the espers). My levels are 61 and the rest are in the early to mid 50s. I have clocked 72 hours. Although this grid did seem small to me it did take a while to finish.
I would say my main party, Vaan, Penelo, Ashe was at around 70 and everyone else was in the 50s

I clocked it at 105 hours :) I sined on this one, cause there would be sometimes I had to help out my girlfriend with the dishes >_<

mine is already 160+hr the license are already max out im sure and yet i hadn't really bother with them that much there are still some unlicense with weapons and armors. im just trying to level up all of my characters so far i got vaan 99 and others are 96. im talking all my time because i havent even done most of the side quest... and my stuff sucks a bit
im still playing ... main characters are level 43 .. everybone else is around 39 - 40 ish ..... dont really plan on maxing out the board seeing as i know which weapons i want each character to have, so , basically i just have the top half filled for each character w/ spells & techniks & gambit slots ... other than that, the armour/ weapons is configured the way i want ...
Yeah, equip Golden Armlets on your characters for an accessory and then gain double LP. Even your reserve players gain it when not in the actual fight so that way it should double your speed of maxxing out.
I bought 6 Golden Armlets and stayed in Golmore Jungle...

..for a helluva long time. hehe

Just a small suggestion. If you want a better place to earn more exp and license points, try the Necrohol of Nabudis (if anyone knows a harder place for anyone who hasn't passed the Pharos Lighthouse, tell me [except the place in which you find Zodiark, I already tried and got pawned :sad: ] .

Back on topic, My levels are

I almost there, just a few more parts to complete the License Board for Vaan, Basch and Balthier :lol:

Well, I don't play FFXII that much.....:P
Was in the 40s by the time I maxed out the License Boards. Of course, that doesn't include the Espers.
Im level 71 across the board, working on the sidequests cuz I beat all the other ones
I admit, I did the auto-leveling in Mirriam, it was funny cuz I got the idea on my own when I saw that the reaper endlessly summoned terrible beasties, then I went online and was like hey other people noticed!
Ive been called a cheater for it half the time but I mean c'mon either way I wouldve grinded with gambits, the only difference was instead of me being there to switch areas I didnt have to be there cuz the enemies never ran out, but thats how I leveled up once I got near the end (I think I was level 40 before I did it)
But that was how I maxed out the license board...though I think youre fine at like level 50 with it cuz once you got the extras spots filled up you pick each character goes their seperate ways on the board and theres no reward for maxing it out *Cept beautiful colors heh*