So, what would be your ideal remake?


Blue Mage
Jul 25, 2008
Mine would probably be an identical VII clone minus the graphics and battle system. But i know a lot of people would disagree with me, all im looking for in a remake is VII brought into the modern gaming world, im not looking for a re imagining of the original story or anything like that.

Of course there are some scene's in the original (cross dressing Cloud, transvestite weird gym people, harem sex mansion, being raped by a bunch of men in a bath) that would be hard to put in today's graphics without getting an M rating. However i do hope to see all that stuff again, but it probably wouldn't work.

So, your thought's?

Edit: I see there is a main remake thread. I am sort of hoping this thread stay's and dosent get merged or something but... i dunno >.<
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Well I was always fond of that mod for the PC version that put the in-battle character models into the rest of the I'd be pretty happy with that. Realistically though, we all know SE will make it look like Advent Children, and I'm okay with that too. I'm just afraid they'd make it an action-RPG too, and I really hope they leave the original battle system intact.

Of course there are some scene's in the original (cross dressing Cloud, transvestite weird gym people, harem sex mansion, being raped by a bunch of men in a bath) that would be hard to put in today's graphics without getting an M rating. However i do hope to see all that stuff again, but it probably wouldn't work.

And that is a goddamn shame. They wouldn't be able to get away with that today, at least not in America (Japan they could, of course). Kind of a shame, things that worked in the 90's (Ren and Stimpy is a perfect example) wouldn't be acceptable today...seems we're going backwards.

Edit: I see there is a main remake thread. I am sort of hoping this thread stay's and dosent get merged or something but... i dunno >.<
Well considering that the other one is utterly pointless because it's about "do you think FF7 be on the PSP?" (which it will be), and this is about what kind of remake we'd like to see...I don't see why this would be closed. But I'm not a mod *shrug*
.. Sephiroth being replaced by a Evil Moogle.. :wacky:

Agree with trxd the prefect remake would just be the only change in graphics and a upgrade in musical sound and maybe a optional choice of voice actors or the original text box that the older Final Fantasy games had in the past.

Too much change wouldn't be nice to the older players that want to experience a remake just as much as the newer players who will experience the magic of the game for the first time just like we all did back when the game first game out originally.

Showing new to Final Fantasy fans or new to Final Fantasy VII what we experienced and loved with this game many years ago would be a wonderful remake. ^^

Ah, the music i hadn't thought of.'

I really liked the music in VII though, i hope they just update the tracks a little bit like they did with tomb raider anniversary, so you still get the feeling of nostalgia but also its not just the exact same music.
In my wish remake, they would make sure that the remade graphics stay loyal to those of the original game. Most of the VII compilation (especially CC and AC) seemed to dabble mostly in shades of grey, which is not what the original game looked like at all. Final Fantasy VII was a game contrasts. Sure it was dark in some places, but there was also a lot of colour. I'd cry if they made the remake look as boring as the compilation games.
A perfect re-make would be fixing all the contradictions that have taken place due to the spin-offs.
  • At the end of Crisis Core (After the Credits) it shows Cloud riding in to Midgar wearing First Class SOLDIER clothing, which is black. Yet, Cloud's outfit in the main game is purple, which is a Second Class SOLDIERS outfit.
  • Tseng acts as if he has never met Cloud before during the game. I can understand Cloud, but Cloud's sword is the most notable thing for most of those in Turks, ESPECIALLY Tseng since he worked with both Angeal and Zack.
  • Tell the back-stories of characters correctly. EX: Why Shin-Ra attacked Barret's hometown and why it was Barret's fault. AVALANCHE had taken hold up in Barret's home town during Before Crisis and Barret called Shin-Ra on them. When shit went array, Shin-Ra blamed the people and said they were working with AVALANCHE. So they attacked. They left all of that out in FFVII the game (As it hadn't been established).
  • Explain that Nanaki (Red XIII) is NOT the last member of his race and that he lied so that the last female could escape Shin-Ra (How he was captured). When Shin-Ra came to abduct her, he went in her place saying that he was the last one so she could leave.
That's just a small list of things, there's plenty more problems with characters and their story because of the spin-offs.

What I'd like to see get done:

  • Allow access to upper plate areas like in Crisis Core
  • Leave no stone un-turned. Let us venture in every area, including Midgar sections.
  • Fix the Materia system. As is, it is FAR too easy to be abused. Quadra Magic, W Magic and Ultima. Then Mime. That's 16 Ultima's for the cost of 2. I beat Sephiroth's first form in two moves. I went to make a sand-which, came back and it was still going.
  • Make the Chocobo Breeding system NOT a chore >.o
  • Add more Summons and make them a bit more useful (Not more powerful).
  • Give more backstory on everyone and elaborate on areas touched in Before Crisis.
  • Add more to the Gold Saucer. Make me want to be there.
There's tons more... but my ADD is kicking in. >.>;;
A perfect re-make would be fixing all the contradictions that have taken place due to the spin-offs.
  • At the end of Crisis Core (After the Credits) it shows Cloud riding in to Midgar wearing First Class SOLDIER clothing, which is black. Yet, Cloud's outfit in the main game is purple, which is a Second Class SOLDIERS outfit.
  • Tseng acts as if he has never met Cloud before during the game. I can understand Cloud, but Cloud's sword is the most notable thing for most of those in Turks, ESPECIALLY Tseng since he worked with both Angeal and Zack.
  • Tell the back-stories of characters correctly. EX: Why Shin-Ra attacked Barret's hometown and why it was Barret's fault. AVALANCHE had taken hold up in Barret's home town during Before Crisis and Barret called Shin-Ra on them. When shit went array, Shin-Ra blamed the people and said they were working with AVALANCHE. So they attacked. They left all of that out in FFVII the game (As it hadn't been established).
  • Explain that Nanaki (Red XIII) is NOT the last member of his race and that he lied so that the last female could escape Shin-Ra (How he was captured). When Shin-Ra came to abduct her, he went in her place saying that he was the last one so she could leave.
That's just a small list of things, there's plenty more problems with characters and their story because of the spin-offs.

What I'd like to see get done:
  • Allow access to upper plate areas like in Crisis Core
  • Leave no stone un-turned. Let us venture in every area, including Midgar sections.
  • Fix the Materia system. As is, it is FAR too easy to be abused. Quadra Magic, W Magic and Ultima. Then Mime. That's 16 Ultima's for the cost of 2. I beat Sephiroth's first form in two moves. I went to make a sand-which, came back and it was still going.
  • Make the Chocobo Breeding system NOT a chore >.o
  • Add more Summons and make them a bit more useful (Not more powerful).
  • Give more backstory on everyone and elaborate on areas touched in Before Crisis.
  • Add more to the Gold Saucer. Make me want to be there.
There's tons more... but my ADD is kicking in. >.>;;

I agree with all your gameplay suggestions, but I don't think the storyline of FF VII should be compromised just because of Square's compilation cash grab. I imagine that a lot of fans like myself who played the game back in the day before the compilation was as much as a sick idea in Wada's head, would be quite upset if they retconned the hell out of FF VII.
For me, an ideal remake would see purely improvements in graphics/audio. Although, the sort of sounds that are used and the way the graphics look are all part of the charm of FFVII, but I could handle a mainly cosmetic remake.

I'd want all the items to be exactly where I remember them, and I'd hate for the materia system to be changed in any way.

As Sir Kenneth said, there's no need to bastardize FFVII to make it fit the sequels/spin-offs. It's just not right.
I just want better graphics and for them to add voice acting. That would be nice. I don't really want them to change the battle system. If possible, they could speed it up a little, but nothing huge or anything like that. Maybe they can even add new and harder weapons, like when the American version had RUBY and EMERALD.
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My ideal FFVII remake, eh? I loved the simplicity and action-packed fast-paced nature of Kingdom Hearts fights so if they could remake FFVII with a Kingdom Hearts-style battle-system then that would be cool. Considering they're doing the same thing for FFXIII: Versus I think it's not too much to ask. Also, retaining the Materia-system would be vital for me. I'm still adamant that the Materia-system has yet been unsurpassed in FF and in terms of simplicity and flexibility it's by far the best. Also, give us the ability to change costumes.
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Not trying to sound rude, but my ideal remake of FFVII would be: No remake at all :D
I do like the game really much. No doubt there, but I am extremely fed up with the spin-offs already >_>
SE is milking FFVII too much in my opinion.
(Still a great game though)
My ideal remake of FFVII is only the better graphics, nothing else. And maybe an improvement on the music themes and such.
My ideal remake would be;

That they kept everything as how it is in the original Final Fantasy VII. No fixing plot holes, no giving the characters different attitudes, no giving them different outfits, and no changing scripts on how to score a date with anyone. All should be exactly the same as in FFVII as it is now.

I'd just like to see their awesome graphics, every character in their own clothes, but with the AC graphics. *Drools* Oh my... That'd be hot. :wacky: I'd aslo like the improved music, although there's nothing wrong with VII's music as it is now.

Just the graphics I guess. ^^ :D
I liked the kingdom hearts battle system but I wouldn't want them to do that for a remake. I would hope they would keep the turn-based battle system. The only differences I would want is improved graphics (I would like it to look like Advent Children even though a lot of people would disagree with me). Another thing I would like is to not make Vincent an optional character. He is a big part of the story and has a big role in AC so having him as optional doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Sure the people like me who have played it through multiple times get him with no problem but for the people that are new don't even know how to get him. Also being able to control Vincent's limits would be a nice touch. :)
The main things I would want are, in order of importance:
- Fix the glitches.
- Fix the translation.
- Improve the character models in the field.
- Add a hard mode.

If there was a remake with those things alone, I would be a happy camper. Some of the glitches, like the MDef bug, make otherwise good equipment relatively worthless. Really irks me for some reason. The translation was also pretty shoddy, and filled with typos, poor grammar and outright mistranslations. Ought to be fixed. The character models on the field are still the only real complaint I have about the graphics. Adding a hard mode would be awesome. It would be cool if random encounters were actually a threat to your safety, and real strategy was required in forming materia combinations.

A few additional nice things to have:
- Full 3-D graphical update.
- Take away the cheap materia (like KotR), or weaken them, or make more downsides to using them. For example, have stuff like Quadra Magic and the W- materia reduce your stats considerably.
- Add lots of additional materia.
- More optional areas, more bosses, more equipment, more items.

I can't think of much else I could possibly want. So long as they kept true to the original, and added instead of taking away, that would be brilliant. The game on the whole is fine as is, it could just go for a few minor tweaks here and there, not a full revision.
The main things I would want are, in order of importance:
- Fix the glitches.
- Fix the translation.
- Improve the character models in the field.
- Add a hard mode.

If there was a remake with those things alone, I would be a happy camper. Some of the glitches, like the MDef bug, make otherwise good equipment relatively worthless. Really irks me for some reason. The translation was also pretty shoddy, and filled with typos, poor grammar and outright mistranslations. Ought to be fixed. The character models on the field are still the only real complaint I have about the graphics. Adding a hard mode would be awesome. It would be cool if random encounters were actually a threat to your safety, and real strategy was required in forming materia combinations.

A few additional nice things to have:
- Full 3-D graphical update.
- Take away the cheap materia (like KotR), or weaken them, or make more downsides to using them. For example, have stuff like Quadra Magic and the W- materia reduce your stats considerably.
- Add lots of additional materia.
- More optional areas, more bosses, more equipment, more items.

I can't think of much else I could possibly want. So long as they kept true to the original, and added instead of taking away, that would be brilliant. The game on the whole is fine as is, it could just go for a few minor tweaks here and there, not a full revision.

Taking away KotR doesn't seem needed in my opinion. It's part of the game, and I thought it was a great add, makes it easier for people who tried it without, and didn't even get it in the first place.

It's a tough summon to get for some people, so I like the fact you gotta work for it in order to get it. Taking it away doesn't feel too needed it my opinion. ^^

All in all I agree with the adding instead of taking away. As long as it stays true to the original story line that FFVII has, with all it's optional options. :wacky:
Taking away KotR doesn't seem needed in my opinion. It's part of the game, and I thought it was a great add, makes it easier for people who tried it without, and didn't even get it in the first place.

It's a tough summon to get for some people, so I like the fact you gotta work for it in order to get it. Taking it away doesn't feel too needed it my opinion. ^^

All in all I agree with the adding instead of taking away. As long as it stays true to the original story line that FFVII has, with all it's optional options. :wacky:

True, true. I guess in my ideal remake KotR would deal about 1000-2000 damage per hit instead of the 9999 that's possible in the original, that would at least balance it out a little. I just don't like overly cheap spells. xD

If it was just incredibly powerful, instead of insta-kill carnage, I would probably be more likely to use it.
Keep it almost the same, really. I would definitely want them to keep the battle system, while still making a few minor improvements to it, but KEEP THE TURN-BASED ATB.
Keep the Materia system, add more Materia, add more sidequests, new dungeons, increase the difficulty of the game by a smidge, make it so you can't break the Ruby/Emerald fights with a cheap combination of Materia, of course make the graphics incredible, try to make the story not turn to shit, better dialouge, better items, more summons, make it a tad easier to gain AP...

That's probably only the tip of the iceberg. Mostly, I'd want them to just fix what was wrong with the game, update the graphics and add extra features to make the game more exciting, while still holding it's original magic.
Identical game for PS3 but the graphics are like Advent children's graphics
I gotta agree with most of the people who said they would want the updated AC graphics, though I would want the characters in their original outfits. A updated music would be nice go from Midi files to something a lot more clearer of a music program. Otherwise leave the story alone, maybe add some more mini games at the golden saucer and the general overworld map. And just to screw with all the fans a way to bring Aeris back only to have her die again before the end.