
Nikita Solidor

Lord over all Ivalice
Feb 27, 2008
Hell, WA
Hello people. I am new to this site, but not to FF forums or to forums in general. I am a member of FFR and FFE, though FFE is being annoying and wont allow me to log-in, I mean it does allow me to log-in but hte next page I go to, I'm logged out -.-

On FFR I'm known as Soah, and on FFE I'm known as LAdy Yunalesca, so on here I'ma combination of both.
I'm bored at school and needed a place to spend an hour or two and this place popped up, but the "Server has been to busy" for me to do anything lately so I've still been bored -.-
Yeah, the server has been a bitch the past couple of days. =/

But apart from that welcome, and I hope you have fun here......... eventually. >_>
I haven't left them. I'm just expanding my horizons. FFE won't allow me to log-in correctly, and FFR has just lost activity though I keep it held up i nthe activity department like a blob and a stick.
welcome. I hope you can post more when the server isn't so busy.
On FFR I'm known as Soah, and on FFE I'm known as Lady Yunalesca, so on here I'ma combination of both.

Try to keep your habit of telling others to stfu to a minimum here, please. Our rules are at a higher standard than FFR's and FFE's. Welcome.:monster:

Aren't FFR and FFE both run by Words these days? Good choice to leave them.

Derek (No, not me.:wacky:) was supposed to mosey on over back to FFE, but apparently something happened with that. Maybe it's because he doesn't get on well with Words or something, or he may have had a disagreement with Ralph.

I haven't left them. I'm just expanding my horizons. FFE won't allow me to log-in correctly, and FFR has just lost * nearly all it's spam, though I keep it held up in the activity department like a blob and a stick.

That sounds better. Activity has severely dropped since Turks was banned and someone decided to start warning n00bz, but at least it's not shit activity. I can finally visit the forum without seeing a bunch of retarded spammy threads.

If they are run by Words (I'm pretty sure FFE at least is), then leaving would be a smart choice. Guy just exudes faggotry.


I don't really mind him that much, but he sure does know how to do someone's puss in :elmo:
Oh lawld.

If you're taking offence to the word faggot, don't. We're a pretty laid back community as long as you're not aiming to start trouble, and terms we use should be taken lightly in general. :neomon:
Yeah, if that offends you, then avoid the spam section. How do you cope in everyday life is faggot offends you?
I think I'll do what's meant to be done here and welcome you.

Welcome Vayne, enjoy your time and stuff :)