What characters is it possible to beat the game solo without using the memo save? I realize its possible to beat the game with every character using memo saves, but what I'm asking is what characters would it take less than 1,000 tries through the final dungeon. I recently tried a single red mage and was suprised to find that when I got to the final dungeon I could not beat the final dungeon (even at level 50). I tried perhaps 20 times and never even got past Kraken.
I believe that a solo fighter could beat the game without memo saves, and I also think that a master or ninja might also be able to beat it. I highly doubt that a white mage or black mage could beat the game. I have seen solo guides for the white and black mages but I'm pretty sure they used memo saves (correct me if I'm wrong, please).
I believe that a solo fighter could beat the game without memo saves, and I also think that a master or ninja might also be able to beat it. I highly doubt that a white mage or black mage could beat the game. I have seen solo guides for the white and black mages but I'm pretty sure they used memo saves (correct me if I'm wrong, please).