Solo without memo save?


Mar 27, 2008
What characters is it possible to beat the game solo without using the memo save? I realize its possible to beat the game with every character using memo saves, but what I'm asking is what characters would it take less than 1,000 tries through the final dungeon. I recently tried a single red mage and was suprised to find that when I got to the final dungeon I could not beat the final dungeon (even at level 50). I tried perhaps 20 times and never even got past Kraken.

I believe that a solo fighter could beat the game without memo saves, and I also think that a master or ninja might also be able to beat it. I highly doubt that a white mage or black mage could beat the game. I have seen solo guides for the white and black mages but I'm pretty sure they used memo saves (correct me if I'm wrong, please).
I also witnessed a solo red mage fail to beat the game.

I have completed the game with just a fighter and a ninja. I have also seen a black belt and black mage finish it.

As for one character a fighter would definitely work. I believe a black belt could too but a bit harder. A ninja might but it is still a very weak character.
That damn weak red mage. I always thought he was so strong until he was on his own and he really tops out past level 35 or so. He never really gets enough HP or enough attack power to get through the final dungeon.

Gainer, I think any two characters could beat the game. Even a white mage/white mage, or black mage/black mage combination (which I see as possibly the weakest combinations for the final dungeon). But I haven't tested those so I can't say for sure, but I feel like with the two characters you could heal much more effectively with the heal staff/healing helms.

I think if you have a fighter/red mage/black belt/thief in your party for the final dungeon with two characters you could beat it FOR SURE, however I remember that the red mage/thief couldn't easily beat the final dungeon until ~level 45 so a red mage/black mage or red mage/white mage might have some serious problems since the thief (ninja) actually takes damage far better than either the black or white mages in the late game. So maybe I would remove the red mage from that list and simply say with a fighter/thief/ or black belt in the party you could beat it with two characters.

What do you think?
It's possible ive finished it with a sole red mage, fighter, ninja, but i was close with a black wizard but ive never been able to pass through with a white wizard that's hard
*what!??? is this even possible? :( an entire final fantasy 1 game can be completed without saving??? :( sounds fishy and conspicuous :D

*well if theres a ff1 job class that can beat the game easily without fear of any monster is the fighter/warrior class.i believe it but i dont agree with the no saving part :)
lol,whoever ever tries it,must have tons of luck.Always overlevel and tons of items.But i think its impossible for nes version.For PSX,GBA and PSP versions its possible,but only with tons of times trying and with a lot of luck.