1. new levels: wtf, is that really all they could come up with? they aren't terrible, but there are soooo many better options
2. new characters: meh, not really what I expected for the story, but the choices are fine I guess
3. new music: A+ of course, but I don't really understand why they need to remix every song, kinda wish j-e-n-o-v-a in particular was kept the same
4. lol soloing Feral with mega flare
Anyway I love these games for what they are, just really really fun fighting games. I think most of the hate is dumb because when you pull those characters out of their world they just aren't the same character at all, and you can't expect Square to be able to pull 13 complex stories together. If you can't play Dissidia without that in mind then you probably shouldn't play at all. It's no different from Cloud showing up in Kingdom Hearts, Tactics etc.
2. new characters: meh, not really what I expected for the story, but the choices are fine I guess
3. new music: A+ of course, but I don't really understand why they need to remix every song, kinda wish j-e-n-o-v-a in particular was kept the same
4. lol soloing Feral with mega flare
Anyway I love these games for what they are, just really really fun fighting games. I think most of the hate is dumb because when you pull those characters out of their world they just aren't the same character at all, and you can't expect Square to be able to pull 13 complex stories together. If you can't play Dissidia without that in mind then you probably shouldn't play at all. It's no different from Cloud showing up in Kingdom Hearts, Tactics etc.