SOS Haste and other items


ShinRa Guard
Dec 31, 2006
Eastern, WA
I have a number of these armour items that have SOS Nullshock, Nulblaze, Haste and so on but equipping them seems to have no effect on the character. Is there something else I'm supposed to do?
when it has SOS on the armour it means that it'll only come into affect when your on low hp(when your health is yellow) like say if you wanted to get like haste to work straight away you'd need to have an auto-haste customised to the armour. how that cleared it up ^_^
I thought all of the "SOS" items were completely useless. I mean honestly, when you have critical hp how the hell is nullshock going to help you?
I suppose if you were facing a beast that had electrical attacks, BUT why not use lightning proof to begin with? The SOS Haste kinda works the same way.
I don't think that the SOS stuff sucks I mean it's easier to get and when you're in the SOS state that's when you need the ability most. So if you really think about it SOS haste and stuff is supposed to be a last resort kind of thing.
I agree that statuses like Haste would help if a character is critical, but I also thought the majority of SOS items were kind of pointless.
All of the SOS items suck. I sold them all for some money. ( as well as fighting the mimics in the Omega Ruins)
Yeah SOS items sucked. Some of the abilities you didn't even need. And if you HP is critical and you have SOS Nullshock. You might as well consider yourself dead if everyone else.