Soundtrack seires-FFXIII or FFX?

FFX or FFXIII music?

  • FFX

    Votes: 7 77.8%

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters


Harvester of Souls
Mar 23, 2010
Kent, England
I've just been sifting around on youtube listening through to XIII's soundtracks as my ps3 is broke atm so I cant listen to them normally and it begs the question-does it have one of the better soundtrack selections? FFX is probably the best (as of yet) but I think that XIII gives it a good run for its money at any rate, most of the music is wonderful

Link to youtube selection:

Hi, Reaper_Jack,

I'd have to respectfully dis-agree with you about X being "the best (as of yet)" and say that XII "is the best". XIII is a shambles; if he wants to write music like that, then he should go in to the pop industry.
I suppose, to be fair, there was two different "main" composers for both soundtracks so it's difficult to compare when they're both aiming for different styles. However, I wouldn't say either is better than the other, they both have some memorable tracks but nothing to me says FFX has a better OST than FFXIII and vice versa.
FF 13 has the better soundtrack imo. Maybe thats because its newer and more fresh then FFX but still it had some very epic music nonetheless. Specifically all the battle themes like Fighting Fate and oerba theme dust to dust.
Meh To be honest Im the same as Ryan here. I like both and none is better than eachother. I love Final Fantasy XIII's battle theme and ya I always dance too it. ITS just that good. But FFX had some really soothing tracks and Otherworld and Suteki Da Ne were just awesome. I listen to Suteki Da ne when I am sad. It helps =)
I prefere the FFX soundtrack by far. For me the soundtrack of Xiii is really not that memorable but I Love the battle theme. But for all the other tracks..meh. I think FFX had one of the best soundtracks in the series as it really added to the atmosphere.