Sphere Grid completed for all characters


Chocobo Breeder
Feb 18, 2008
Pittsburgh, PA
My friend said that he filled up the whole sphere grid for each character! I don't know if i should believe him or not. From past experience, i realized that i would never be able to fill up the whole sphere grid. Have any of you guys filled it up?
Believe him if you want to, no biggie. It's perfectly possible like Mark said because it all depends on how much time you put into a game. I got very close to it myself and I put in a little over 180 hours into the game on my only playthrough. Some people will put in all the effort and time though just to say "I did this", and it's a good feat for an FF fan.
You can fill it up, it's not all that hard really, just very time consuming and requires quite alot of patience and spheres! Iv not totally filled it, but Im not far off with Wakka, Yuna & Auron
Yeah, filling the grid up completely isn't terribly difficult--just time consuming.

I haven't filled 'em up entirely, as beating the game without doing so is easy, but I could if I wanted.
As previously stated by everyone who's posted here, yes it's possible but it takes a lot of time. On a side note, Yuna should be the first you try it with, especially if you have Nirvana (Aeons' stats are derived from Yuna's). My Anima does 99999 with each hit of Oblivion.
i thought it was hard to i hardly even got half way through the sphere grid when i had completed the game they should make it smaller or easier to fill
Of course it's possible, but like others have said - it's time consuming. Merely completing the grid won't let your characters gain max stats. For that, you must fight certain monsters in the arena and acquire clear spheres. Clear nodes like +1 Str, and add +4 Str spheres. Hp and Luck are the hardest to max out.
Believe him if you want to, no biggie. It's perfectly possible like Mark said because it all depends on how much time you put into a game. I got very close to it myself and I put in a little over 180 hours into the game on my only playthrough. Some people will put in all the effort and time though just to say "I did this", and it's a good feat for an FF fan.
Whoa I would never do that. So time comsuming and so boring!
Yeah, that seems like it would take ALOT of grinding, which would get VERY repetative. But I certainly see how it is possible. If I were going to try (which I might) I'd do it while doing the monster arena sidegame (going around capturing all the animals).
I could never be assed to get too far on the Sphere Grid, because then you just turn into a junkie. :P I think I went through two paths with each character before I grew tired of drawing out the game, so I just ended it.

Really, it seems silly to go through the entire sphere grid with how easy the enemies are, but at least it's something to brag about. I guess.
i've done it with yuna, auron, tidus, wakka and rikku but lulu and kimarhi have been left behind quite a bit lol it's tough but not impossible just need to fill up the HP's now lol
If you ever did waste away countless hours of your life to accomplish such an unfulfilling task, you'd find it highly unsatisfying, as the battles would be ridiculously easy with such overdeveloped characters.
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If you ever did waste away countless hours of your life to accomplish such an unfulfilling task, you'd find it highly unsatisfying, as the battles would be ridiculously easy with such overdeveloped characters.

Its just something you can do as and when you feel like it Im sure people don't sit there grinding for hours and hours and hours *coughs*, but tbh, if you want a decent crack at he dark aeons you really do need to work on the sphere grid quite abit
If you ever did waste away countless hours of your life to accomplish such an unfulfilling task, you'd find it highly unsatisfying, as the battles would be ridiculously easy with such overdeveloped characters.

lol yeah fair enough some have that opinion and it's cool but i love playing it and i think i can honestly say that i'll still be playing that game in 3000 hours time and still not have finished everything so i might get there in the end but it's not about the destination it's the journey that rocks ;)
Yes, definitely a must if you even want a chance against the dark aeons, although perhaps not the entire grid would be needed. I wouldn't know though, I never tried.

If it was just a now and again type of thing then I guess it wouldn't be so bad, still I wouldn't have the mental stamina, so I take my hat off to you blokes that can do it! :p
Im actually on my way to Dark Anima now, I can see an epic butt kicking taking place - then it will be back to the monster arena to lick my wounds and train summore :monster:
I don't think I ever trained at the Monster Arena. The only place I worked for the Sphere Grid is the Omega Ruins, then I'd just get tired of doing the same shizz over and over and so I just went to play Blitzball. :updown: