Spider hunting in the Canadian Outback


Me Gusta
Apr 13, 2010
Canada, eh?
It's aboot time I grab my hockey stick and go hunting for spiders.

I just spent the last 35 mins (It WAS 3am mind you when I was gonna go to bed) when I got up to do my before bed pee, and saw the spider. He fled my room hours ago after being unveiled from beneath a towel, and hid underneath the freezer in the spare room, waiting....

I tol my pop that he was gonna come out, but he said he was long gone.

He was wrong.

There he was. Staring at me. Taunting me, knowing I didn't have the guts to get him myself. I grabbed for my pop's shoe, a flash light, and went after him. He dashed for the computer desk in the same room, and hid cleverly for 30 mins while I shifted aside chairs and boxes, carefully trying to unmask him, but not frighten him... he was crafty and quick after all.

Finally I spotted him. Shifting the box, I had him clear against the wall. I shuffled forward and with my flash light dead on him, he flinched. But I was quicker!

With a few quick jabs I had dismembered a few legs and he was powerless to stop me. He lay there, unable to understand what was transpiring. With a finishing blow with the shoe, he was done. There was nothing more to be done.

Now I can sleep peacefully.

....tl;dr, anybody else ever find a spider or a bug of some sort and unable to go to bed until they killed it?
I did last night :( I'd seen this MASSIVE spider crawling next to my feet the other day then it escaped under the seat so I thought that was the last of it. Then I was sat on the sofa last night and just happened to look up to see the bastard crawling across the roof! So when it crawled down the wall I caught it in a jar with a candle in it, put the lid on and gassed it out with foot spray. :mokken:
I HATE thousand-leggers. Oh my god those little bastards are fast as fuck. I'm not terrified of them, but ever since I found one on my shoulder, they creep me out. Then, last year or so, I found a HUGE one. I mean, literally HUGE. Normally, I can spray a thousand legger with insect spray and they'll die nearly instantly. But this monstrosity wouldn't die. I sprayed it a good 4-5 times before it finally keeled over. And in the time it took from when I started spraying it till it died, it got about halfway across the room. The thing wasn't too fast either.

If I EVER see one that big again, I will freak out. I had the heebeegeebees the rest of the day.
You horrible get xD

I either leave them to it, or I'l get a wad of bog roll and cob them out the window

They don't really bother me as much as they used to. There was one mooching about my bedroom that i was like, not into that, i might find you in bed with me, but i forgot about him, couple of days later spotted him in the shoe cupboard and evicted him out the bed room widow
I can never get to sleep unless it's gone!

I remember for a couple of nights I didn't even sleep in our bedroom because that was the last place I saw it.

Steve and I were up until the early hours of the morning trying to kill it but it kept hiding.

Bloody things. Why do they HAVE to come in the house?

How do they manage to even get in without us seeing them?

Ugh, I cringe just thinking about them. >.<
I've never had one in the bedroom thankfully, but several times in the next worst room to find a spider in. >.>

It's the bathroom.

One day I spotted this massive 15 inch legspan (from tip to tip) spider that needed killing. Needless to say it took about 2 gallons of hot water and a stiff broom to blow it apart, but it was scary as hell. It didn't help that it could run across the room at the speed of a gazelle and that, again, it was massive. :<
What's worse about the big spiders, is when they're too fast. Because then they start to move so suddenly and I freak out and jump and lose sight of them. Dx

Saem Mandy, I can't ever go to bed once I see a spider in the room.. I will tear the room apart until it's found. But the biggest ones I've found (actually very similar to that guy last night) I keep finding in my room.. and there aren't any cracks in the walls or the window's always closed.. WHERE ARE THEY COMING FROM
They've probably lived their entire lives in your bedroom until they got big enough that you would notice them. :sad3:

I wonder that myself sometimes, where all these spiders come from, but it's possible that they hitch rides in things like bags and then just stay there in your rooms until they get to large sizes.
....-shudders- Thank you... now I can't help but feel that somewhere there are multiple spiders just WAITING to get get big and come out.
The only thing worse than finding out where they could be coming from is walking through a web and feeling like you have hundreds of little spiders crawling all over you for the rest of the day.
....You are a horriblr horrible human being. :sad3:

I just found another one.. luckily my pop was awake for this one. They all seem to be roughly the same size in leg and body.. Dx what the fuck is going on... why my room...
....You are a horriblr horrible human being. :sad3:


I just found another one.. luckily my pop was awake for this one. They all seem to be roughly the same size in leg and body.. Dx what the fuck is going on... why my room...

You know what, I change my answer in the thread about how the world will end...it won't be anything I said there...we'll be over run with insects and spiders! :gasp:
Aw after coming in here like, Im hard corte me, im not that bothered by spiders much anymore, I saw a tarantual on the washing basket last night. Fucking beast it was. Ran for a wad of bog roll to get him, and he had gone out of sight, so i jabbed precariously at it, peeped over the edge and he just mooched back out right near me

I screamed like a little girl :sad3:

Got him in the bog roll and evicted him via the kitchen window :rage:
I screamed like a little girl :sad3:

I'd scream like a little girl too if I saw a tarantula in the house! :awesome:

Little spiders I can deal with, Daddy Longlegs (harvestmen) are just cool as all hell, but tarantulas...hell no!

Tarantulas and thousand-leggers are on my 'hell no' list.
It wasnt a real tarantula, just a huge arsed house spider :wacky:
Wait, so Kelly, what's a bog roll? And do you actually hold the thing in your hand and throw it out the window? 8(

You're hardcore. :gonk:
I'd be so scared.
Normally I just get a glass slide a piece of paper or some such under it and toss the insect out a window. Daddy Long Legs are tougher but the same method works really, smaller moths are easy to cup in my hands and throw way. Butterflies make me a bit nervous though so I try and shepherd them away out the window.