Spinny FFXIII Collector’s Edition videos released [2/22]

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Gingerbread Lesbian

Dec 30, 2007

Words. They are pointless. Behold the majesty of the animated, exploding FFXIII CE movie triumverate.

If you were wondering what the Square RPG’s special editions looked like, today’s the greatest day in world history. There’s a video here of the 360 version unravelling itself, ditto for the PS3 SKU and, just for pure thrills, a double whammy movie featuring both variations.

It’s shit hot. A new PR level. The big guns. The explodey, spinny CE movie.
March 9. Buy both.

To see the videos, hit the source link.

Source: VG247
Some 3D-rendered videos showing what's going to be in the Collector's Edition. Pictures would have been better. The videos look shit. :wacky:
I have an Xbox 360 and I will be getting the guide for the game. This is purely because I like to know absolutely everything in depth about the game. The guide looks good.
Some 3D-rendered videos showing what's going to be in the Collector's Edition. Pictures would have been better. The videos look shit. :wacky:

What a load of cod shit. Ive already seen pictures, why do they feel the need to waste time making a crappy video, that extra time and effort could of gone on making TOWNS
That is spectacular......ly crap. Honestly, I bet even I can make videos like that! It just looks so dull, amateurish with nothing really new. We've seen the pictures - do we need to see a fast slideshow of them?
How... interesting. :wacky:

Honestly, that's a waste of time. I agree with the fact that images would have been heaps better.
That made me want to laugh more than it made me want to buy the game.

Why did they do it...
Ok this kinda is like O_O. This is the special edition for europe only and NA is getting the Limited edition hardcover guide as there special edition right? Or is EU getting one too? These videos were really weird tbh and like Ryan said the should be images instead >_> The wait is ALMOST over..
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