[Spoilers] Are the Fal'cie stupid?


Mar 20, 2010
Spoilers follow.

So the goddess or the maker made Pulse, the Fal'cie and humans. They all lived happily together until oneday the maker buggered off. the humans eventually forgot about her and started to war and fight.

Dysley or Bartandelus (i'll stick with Dysley cos it's shorter), a Fal'cie from Pulse, decided to bring her back. He rounded up a whole bunch of Pulse Fal'cie and made Cocoon, a factory for making humans. Dysley then waited while the now cocoon Fal'cie, who are really pulse Fal'cie, looked after the humans until Cocoon was filled with 'em.

The people from pulse began to fear and eventually hate one another and a war started. Dysley rubbed his hands together and told anima it was time. Anima made Fang and Vanille into L'cie and gave them the power of Ragnorok. Because Vanille didn't go threw with it Cocoon survived.

Dysley wasn't happy so he called up Anima and hid him, Fang and Vanille in Bodum and waited. 500 years later the factory of cocoon was ready again so Anima woke up Fang and Vanille.

Here's the bit I don't get, Fang and Vanille are l'cie from pulse they wake up and Fang does't know what to do so she just wants to make as much trouble as possible. They reach the powerplant and the powerplant Fal'cie (don't know it's name), who, remember, was made by the Maker on Pulse just like the rest of the Fal'cie, sensed the precense of Anima's L'cie and got scared so turned Dodge to a l'cie.

Why on earth would the Fal'cie, who are all from pulse, all after the same goals, and all useing the same methods to acheive those goals, and even helpping each other out, be scared of a Pulse presence? Why would the Fal'cie on Pulse and Cocoon, think that any other Fal'cie was out to get them?
Good question. You know I haven't really thought about that since I was gnashing my teeth over a hundred other things such as... oh I don't know.. the storytelling. The impression that I got was that it felt threatened by Fang and Vanille's hostile intentions.
The cocoon fal'cie aren't of pulse. If you read the analects from the ceith stone missions,
it speaks of Lindzei, an evil god that made Cocoon out of pieces of Pulse and the Cocoon falcie and lured humans from pulse to relocate to Cocoon.

Pulse was the good goddess who created pulse and the pulse falcie. So no, the falcie from cocoon are not the same as those from pulse.
The cocoon fal'cie aren't of pulse. If you read the analects from the ceith stone missions,
it speaks of Lindzei, an evil god that made Cocoon out of pieces of Pulse and the Cocoon falcie and lured humans from pulse to relocate to Cocoon.

Pulse was the good goddess who created pulse and the pulse falcie. So no, the falcie from cocoon are not the same as those from pulse.

and if you go buy this since the cocoon fal'cie cant hurt their own world,since they created it, they need the pulse lcie to do so....but the orriginal poster has a point they where all created by the same being....but since the cocoon fal'cie had the same goals,or one assumes the do, the pulse l'cie where consieved as a thret since their fal'cie where not part of creating cocoon...so they where/are able to bring about its downfall...I assume this to be what the answer is since its not explained to well in game...its to much CIe....
But thats my theory