Square Enix Details Jump Festa Plans

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Gingerbread Lesbian

Dec 30, 2007
Square Enix is usually the main attraction at the annual Jump Festa event. This year, the company will be pulling in the crowds with such titles as Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Dragon Quest VI.
The current list of Square Enix titles, as shared via a newly opened event site today, looks like this:
  • Cross Treasures (DS, movie, playable)
  • Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (PSP, movie, playable)
  • Dragon Quest VI (DS, movie, playable)
  • Star Ocean The Last Hope International (PS3, movie, playable)
  • Dragon Quest IX (DS)
  • Dragon Quest Monsters Battle Road (Arcade, movie, playable)
  • Final Fantasy IV (Mobile, playable)
  • Dragon Quest III (Mobile, playable)
  • Kingdom Hearts Mobile (Mobile, movie)
  • Dragon Quest Battle Road Mobile (Mobile)
This is presumably just a preliminary list. It's likely that titles will be added leading up to the event's 12/19 start date.


Source: Andriasang
I hope Europe receives some of those titles. I wouldn't mind having Dragon Quest III released on the Virtual Console for example. SE have done that to FFIV: The After Years, so I don't see why they can't do the same for DQIII.

FFXIII may be added to the list inevitably. DQIX is already released in Japan a short while ago, and since that game is featured, I suppose that not even FFXIII's Japanese release date will stop it being featured. If we are to get another trailer (despite last week having the "last" trailer) of FFXIII, I hope it will be in English.

If FFXIII won't appear, then out of the confirmed titles, I hold interest in DQVI, DQIX and Birth by Sleep.
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Whoa, KH Mobile? That's back on track now? I thought that got canned O.O
Whoa, KH Mobile? That's back on track now? I thought that got canned O.O
Nah, I think it got held up for a bit because of the financial problems SE were in. Though it's been out in Japan since June 2009 8F I think that's just a preview of the next episode. :)
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