Square Enix May Have A New Game For Jump Festa [12/6]

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Feb 19, 2009
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Square Enix revealed most of their Jump Festa lineup. Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 Professional will make its first playable appearance alongside Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Final Mix, Dissidia 012[duodecim]: Final Fantasy, SaGa 3 Ruler of Space-Time: Shadow or Light and "???."

We suppose this may be a game since "???" is sandwiched between two other games. The publisher offered no clues about the potential title, but I wouldn’t jump out of my seat expecting Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Booth space appears to be proportional to the relative importance of each game for the show.

Notice how Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 Professional has a ton of floor space while Dragon Quest Monsters Wanted!, a mobile phone game, only has a tiny alcove? Whatever this game is it’s about as important as SaGa 3 Ruler of Space-Time: Shadow or Light.

Source: Siliconera
Hmm, wonder what it could be. I've given up on guessing what SE is doing lately. They're too wishy-washy.

I hope it's a fun, kewl game, and not a let down.

*insert KHIII hopes*
They have developed a habit of disappointing in terms of news, only providing the occasional "Omg that IS actual good news" once or twice a year, so I am kinda pass the point of caring too much myself. Mind, after confirming Duodecim when it will be released within the year, possibly 6 months shows some improvement, so from that, I'm hoping SE have took a hint and will start providing us news we care about.

I wouldn't be suprised if they scraped the idea of waiting for 3DS and gone ahead and remade FFV for the DS. That's the only thing that really comes to mind for now, though, we'll have to see.
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It is not going to be final fantasy Versus XIII that is for sure. Or it wont even be agito XIII. It is probably going to be some shit game tht nobody cares about. Or I could be wrong and it might be something I might look forward to. But right now I just hope it is Versus XIII :hmmm:
I'ma have to agree with Grim here. Like I said about a post earlier, the media will do anything to get people to be interested and go out and do what they say whether its going out to buy something etc. It could be Versus or Agito. i'm not going to hold my breath on this one though :hmmm:

Guess we'll have to "wait" for the shocking news.

Not surprised that it isn't anything special. Considering that it only gets a tiny amount of the floor based on the plan spoke volumes about how unimportant this "new game" announcement would be. However though, with Chrono Cross being announced for PSN and Chrono Trigger getting some love lately, I'm crossing my fingers for a new Chrono game sometime in the future.
That's one way to look at it, and I think there's even a precedent to expect that. I loved Chrono Trigger, but Chrono Cross disappointed me, so I dunno what I'd really want in a new game if it were to happen.
They need a new Chrono game at some point, Wada is a moron if he thinks otherwise. There's a massive demand for a new title and everyone seems to ignore it even though it's a huge financial boost. I'd dare-say a new Chrono title is probably more wanted than Final Fantasy XV with the state of Square-Enix nowadays.
Weren't some american developers saying something about making ChronoXXX sequel? No, thank you.
Besides, Chrono is such a 90's game, it'll sank nowadays.
I was really dissapointed when I saw this honestly... Only because it is another stupid mobile game. As for a new chrono in the future I would sure love to see one on the playstation 3 or something like that. They re released chrono trigger on ds but I never played it really. Not that I care really for this as it is on mobile. Still mobile phone games are really not for me xD. Absolutely hate when something comes on the mobile phones and that is a game.. :hmph: Why did they re release a ds one but now mobile?
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At this time, I can't remember who said it, but someone down at SE said, "If fans want a another title, they should buy more". Of course, SE, we're all going to rush out and go buy Chrono Trigger for the DS when we've already played the first it many times before. :ffs:
Weren't some american developers saying something about making ChronoXXX sequel? No, thank you.
Besides, Chrono is such a 90's game, it'll sank nowadays.
Oh wait, I'm pretty sure that Final Fantasy has "sank" now, people have worked out Square-Enix for who they are, other than you of course since you hate everything and anything American with your awful prejudice and only care for anything from the Japanese. I'm sorry to tell you the Japanese market is a rapidly dying one. :) As soon as WRPGs are comfortably ahead in the role playing market, the better.

At least the Chrono series was one of quality.
Weren't some american developers saying something about making ChronoXXX sequel? No, thank you.
Besides, Chrono is such a 90's game, it'll sank nowadays.

I kind of want to know as well what you think is so sinfully bad with western developers that justifies this extreme, vehement hostility towards them. What is so wrong with the thought of a Chrono game developed by a western studio? With how Square Enix is operating nowadays, I'd rather have a western developer handle any hypothetical Chrono sequel than SE, but of course we are entitled to our own opinions and that was my own opinion, so I'll leave it at that. But I'm just curious.

Oh and additionally, I think the general consensus agree that the Squaresoft 90's games are much better than the games produced nowadays anyway. Chrono Trigger still holds on strongly to this day without any calls for a remake unlike a certain Final Fantasy game. :dave:
Some fans were going to make a hack version of chrono trigger but quit after receiving a cease and desist order from Square.
I can probably find a link to their old website if anyone is interested in reading about it.I don't expect it would violate any forum rules as they abandoned their efforts.

I've wanted Square to sell the rights to games/series they've abandoned such as chrono and ogre battle but it seems as though they've decided not to do that.
With them resurrecting games like Let us Cling Together and chrono on the ds it seems as though they're interested in milking those old franchises for all they are worth as opposed to making anything really new and reviving those franchises.
I don't own an psp or a ds so and I wouldn't buy one to play a game.

So Square needs to think again.

As for letting western developers develope an FF game I am for it although whenever I have mentioned the idea I have been ridiculed for it.
I think people like Kitase and Toriyama would feel insulted if wada allowed that to happen anyway and it might cause discord among the Japanese FF staff.

As some of you may recall there was suppose to be an FFXII sequel called Fortress developed by a company called Grin I seem to recall but that fell though.Supposedly Square handed that off to someone else so that game may still pop up at some point if they haven't cancelled it.

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Personally, I'm looking forward to another Chrono game. Especially on my phone!
I wonder if itll be just on smartphones? or maybe just for a certain phone like FFVIIBC was... (It better not go to Iphone!)
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