Star Wars RP?

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The Scriblerian

Mar 31, 2007
Hey, I'm wondering how this would go over on an FF forum. I tried to ask it in the SW club...but eh, I think everyone forgot about it. lol

Anyways, would anyone be in on this or not?
I'd be game assuming the story line is cool enough i happen to have a starwars bio on standby:P
It'd be interesting to join. If you don't know where to put it, then you'd put it in Alexandria.
I once participated in such an RP in the days of yore. Quite enjoyed it too, so I'll probably sign up if I feel up for it.

Come to think of it, Faith was in it too. XD
Well, this is enough then. And yes, the plot is pretty interesting. It is based on the Knights of The Old Republic games/series though...although I wouldn't say it is necessary to be aware of what happened there.

Not to mention you could just go to and read up on the summary's of them. :)
I've wookiepedia'd just about everything to do with Star Wars. =O

"Yaddle." XD

But anyway... "enough"? I wouldn't think so. There'll most likely people be joining both sides of it all, and this bunch just ain't enough to actually formulate a strong enough 'cast,' if you will. From past experience, I'd say a couple more were needed... but eh, if you think it'd be fine. >.>
Saix, it was my RP on Blootix. We were in it together, but it died.

I was thinking about reviving it, seeing as it was relying on my post to continue. D=

And yeah, I know. I just didn't exactly want to let everyone know about it. :rolleyes:
I have also participated in a Star Wars RP in another forum...i played a sith so i have no problems being either one of the good or bad guys!:)
DIBS!!! i have a bio around here some where! *starts looking for his fairfolk*
i always liked that character tobad i didnt like the forum i was playing him on:P yeah i'm playing a gunrunner who worships the great M... (ME)
Well, anything Star Wars automatically succeeds. Not only that, but a Star Wars adventure would be very easy to come up with since there are so many different paths to follow:

Dogfights, Spice-runner, Cargo haulers, military in the Republic, the Jedi Academy, scouting...

There are so many different jobs in this universe, and a twist could be added in any of them to make the adventure unique and fun. Even the puniest Jawa could have an epic impact on the galaxy.
i copied y character from the other forum to my bio stash incase anyone wants to take a look at it...
I'll be game. I have to create an character specific to this RP, though. If it does start, I will create the character upon registration.
all i hope for is a gme rule that bans weird font colours that black on grey is illegible...
DIBS!!! i have a bio around here some where! *starts looking for his fairfolk*

It wasn't me who posted that, I know who did though. That was FireFrenzy.

I am however willing to join however my the fairfolk character is pretty hard to fit into most stories. I would have to make a new character without resorting to clichés (pretty hard in star wars).
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