Storyline of XII


Sep 22, 2009
Is there anybody out there that fully understood the FFXII storyline. I sure as hell didn't. It was like the last pirates of the carribean to much happening with no one with a clue on what was happening. I despise FFXII it has wrecked the miracle that is final fantasy! Who ever wrote the storyline deserves to be shot then shot again!

Who else thinks the same:gonk:
Well, I don't think that the storyline was totally crap. I didn't get it either when I played the game through for the first time but second time was little better and third time even more. I still don't understand it completely because English is not my mother tongue and there are a lot of words and phrases I don't understand. And it would be ridiculous to check every single unfamiliar word from my dictionary. :P

I'd say that the storyline is a little confusing escpesially to those who don't speak English as their native language. I have had lots of 'WTF moments'. :D
I liked the story, albeit not the deepest plot it was a good refresher to the slew of personal stories we had been getting since FFV. The plot was more political and didn't revolve around any one character, which was a clean break from past FF titles. For fans who grew up with FF expecting the same types of stories it was a disappointment, for others it was a change of pace, though personally I would have liked to see more character development to compensate the lack of a 'main' character.
I really liked the story. I don't think that it was difficult to follow, I thought it made a lot of sense and I enjoyed trying to guess what was going to happen next. The sidequests and such kind of led away from the story, but the story itself was fine
I think this is a little extreme. I really didn't find it all that confusing. Perhaps you should outline the parts you didn't fully understand (and have someone clear them up for you) instead of decreeing death on the writers.
It's not that I didn't understand the story. But I did find it hard to follow, mainly because it didn't hook me in as I was playing it. There were times where I was just tuning out and it would make me ask stuff like "Hey why do I have to go here again?". But since finishing the game, I did a bit of reading on the story online and I have grown to appreciate XII's story more and more.
I liked the storyline of the game. It didn't really have a love story or so to speak as most of the other Final Fantasy games have had, but it focuses on friendship. I thought that it was a good little turn for FF. It wasn't difficult at all to follow, but that's just me. Plus I've played it several times.
Like the other thread before this, I mentioned how this game was in comparison to the other titles. In my opinion it was a bit messy of a story line. From lack of character development for side characters, to trying to go with the whole "kingdom" theme once again. The characters were supposed to be only friends but even that was a stretch sometimes compared to FFX or FFIX or below.

While I could have sympathized with Ashe many times, I just think there was too little to go on. Like SashMan there was not one character who I was drawn too. (an auron type or Cid type..) I like that they strayed away from the love plots, but I think they were trying to hard with this title. I smelled FFX-2 on it still.
I think this is a little extreme. I really didn't find it all that confusing. Perhaps you should outline the parts you didn't fully understand (and have someone clear them up for you) .

OK can you please explain the whole storyline to me please as I mentioned at the start I didn't have the foggiest on what was going off please explain and I might understand it a tad better