Strongest Team Overall


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
If you take in account All the characters with ALL their abilities fully mastered, which Team would be the strongest?

I highly doubt that any of the characters from FFI-VI could compete with the ones from the 3-d Era onwards, so i wont include them. but if you feel you must then do it. Im going to include a list of all the ultimate limit breaks and the criteria of what your allowed to include when you decide which team is the best.


Cloud - Omnislash
Aerith - Great Gospel
Barret - Catastrophe
Tifa - Final Heaven limit Chain
Vincent - Chaos
Nanaki - Cosmo Memory
Cait Sith - That one limit break which is instant death
Yuffie - All creation
Cid - Highwind

Mix them with all the Materia mastered, all the ultimate weapons and equipment, max levels and stats


Squall - Lionheart
Rinoa - Angel Wing
Zell - Final Heaven
Quistis - Blue Magic
Irvine - Shot
Selphie - The End

(Note about Limit breaks - i had to ask someone what the best ones where so if they are wrong, feel free to correct me)

Mix them with all the GFs mastered, all the best abilities equipped, all the ultimate weapons and equipment, max levels and stats


Zidane - Dyne Skills
Vivi - Dbl Black
Garnet - Eidolon
Steiner - Doubles Attack
Quina - Eat
Eiko - Dbl White
Freya - better Jump
Amarant - Elan

Mix them with all the abilities mastered, all the best Gem-stone things equipped, all the ultimate weapons and equipment, max levels and stats


Tidus - Blitz Ace
Yuna - Grand Summon
Auron - Bushido
Lulu - Fury
Wakka - Aurochs Wheels
Rikku - Mix
Kimarhi - Ronso Rage

Mix them with all the Aeons mastered, all the best abilities, all the ultimate weapons and equipment, max stats


Quickenings + Concurrences (since they're all the same anyway)

Mix them with all the espers unlocked, all the best abilities equipped, all the ultimate weapons and equipment, max levels and stats

So with all that information which team do you think is the most powerful? I have an inkling of which team will get the most support, so ill reveal mine later to see if my hypothesis was correct.
I think there is only one character from the pre-FF7 era that could hold some ground with these guys. That would have to be Sabin. His strongest Blitz, Phantom Rush, is just simply devastating. If there were such a thing as Limit Breaks and Quickenings back in his day, then he would surely be a candidate. I vote to have him added to the list anyways.
Well FFIX is out already because none of the characters are that strong.

I can't say, it's hard to choose between the team of X, VIII and VII.

VIII has an upper hand because Selphie has 'The End' limit break which means...everyone is defeated. On top of that VIII they can use Hero wars and Rinoa's Invisible moon.

X - Yuna's summon do 99,999 damage. They also have auto-life. Auto-Life can only be used once after the spell is casted and you have to cast it again another round.

VII - Cloud, Tifa and Cait Sith limit breaks are strong too. Cait Sith also has an all instant dead but......It can be avoided with FFX characters using Auto-Life. Also FFVIII team using 'Hero wars' (Rinoa's limit break also has invincibility on all members.) and they can junction 100 deaths so they can be immune to death spells.

VII team do have Knights of Round and Cloud's limit break. Can be avoided as well.

I think FFVIII team wins. Rinoa has Invisible moon which can make the whole party Invisible. Selphie also has 'The End'. Quistis has degenerator as well which is can kill off a single target.

Rinoa's Angel wing is a crappy limit break. -_- Btw, not sure if the teams can use items...
Anyone from FFX would destroy anything else since they could do 99999 damage and have 99999 hp and you can control your aeons ^_^
Tidus wakka and yuna/rikku would be the best team because of wakkas and tidus's powerful multi-hit combos and yuna for her aeons or rikku with her mix ability
How come lagunas desperado isnt in FFVIII????

Gotta go with FFX what with wakkas attack reels and tidus blitz ace then u have Kimahris ronso which has a wide range of attacks and magics. FFX definately
i think X would own because all you have to do is have all of the characters with their celestial weapons and they do 99,999 damage. end of story ^_^
Since the FFX team is indeed winning (Which was what i thought) im going to place a handicap on them - No break damage limit, no break HP limit.

everything else goes though/
I'm going with VIII, not that I was going for X anyway, since I've never gotten Break Limit. :P

I would say that, just because it's easier, well it seemed so, to get the characters to do tons of damage pretty early on the game.
You could do limit breaks in just about every move with 'Aura' on as well, whereas you couldn't in VII, since you had to wait for the bar to fill.

Well, that's my stand for now.
haha aww damn. well in that case i'll have to go with FFVIII as there is rinoa's limit break that makes everyone invincible, and lionheart (need i say more). also zell's limit breaks are pretty kickass, and if items are allowed there are holy wars and hero's etc.
How come lagunas desperado isnt in FFVIII????

Laguna wasn't a main character.


No no, doing as much damage doesn't matter. If your invincible you don't take any damage.

FFVIII - Invincible
FF X - Cast summon, does 0 damage to FVIII team.
FFVIII - Selphie cast 'The End'

Thats it, FFVIII can stay invincible as long as Rinoa keeps casting Invincible moon. Also it stays for a few turns. Unlike FFX team which has Auto-Life it ends after 1 death. After they get up from K.O FFVIII team can be: 'Okay limit break.' The end.
And what if one of the team from FFX has a first strike ability on and then they get first go?
Instant death for any ff8 team
Yeah but then everyone dies. Then it would be boring. It's more of an interesting fight when everyone is buffed on spells. (Protection, Shell, etc.)
Taken all of them into account, the strongest team overall would be VIII’s, in my opinion.

Squall - Lion Heart (Serious multiple damage)
Rinoa - Wishing Star (Again, serious multiple damage)
Selphie - The End (Lol, The End)
I think FFVII will win, Sneak Attack with Knights of the Round(I wonder who will be first if FFX has First Strike, FFVIII has Initiative...etc)--> Kills all regardless of 99,999 hp. Final attack with phoenix, Master summon attached with MP absorb. Magic Counter Attached with Knights of the Round, Counter linked with Mime. And Other Characters have final attack with Knights of the Round...
If you're going to discount the damage limit removal of the FFX team than it's just rediculous to not include the teams from FFI-FFVI...not to mention that FFTactics isn't on that list...I'm pretty sure the FFT team has all the rest outnumbered 10-to-1...And Orlandu on his own could completely pwn most of them single-handedly...>_>

This is kind of just a stupid topic because you can't just compare the teams fairly against one another because they each use such different systems...I mean, the IX cast doesn't have any multi-9999 hit abilities at all! So, what? It just automatically loses? You end up also discounting abilities that do more than 9999 damage? After a while it just turns into so much bleh and favorite characters...
I'd pick XII's characters, cause they can run around and evade attacks XD
Selphies all well and good with her The End attack, but seriously, how often does that come up? All I ever used was Full Cure hahaha

Id say Quistis' degenerator was way better than Selphies

Squall because the Lionheart is made of win :monster:

Rinoa because of Invincible moon/Wishing Star
I'd pick FFX if their Break Damage Limit thing just didn't get shanked, so I guess I'll have to go with FFVIII as well. The GFs are strong, the characters are strong, and their limit breaks are terribly effective. They could get some competition from the FFVII characters, but in the long run, I think they would win.

Unless they got pwned with Knights of the Round. Then FFVII would win. ^_^
Actually FFVI has limits called "Desperate attacks" but they are very rare attacks and they trigger when you are on low hp and then you choose attack and your character migth make supermove.

Gau and Umaro don´t have desperate attack and I think it is kind of unfair contest since X characters can easily attack over 9999 hp even with normal attacks.