[SU, D] Final Fantasy X: Guardian Sin


Eternally Begrudged
Aug 21, 2013
The Basics

  • Like FFXII: PR, there will be no full synopsis. This will follow Braska's pilgrimage, which includes events that we all know and didn't know of.
  • The title has a quadruple connotation.
  • A great deal of freedom here. Such as other summoners, guardians, new events, new locations, etc.
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Character/Profile Rules

  • All forum rules apply.
  • No godmodding, overpowered characters, etc.
  • Every character must be approved.
    • Braska and his crew don't need profiles, but you will need to send me a PM regarding how much you know about the desired character; we'll discuss from there. I will be tedious with this. I'll approve/disapprove after we've discussed.
  • All profile information must be filled out, unless expressed otherwise.
    • At minimum, the General Profile must be filled out.
  • You may have as many characters as you'd like, as long as you're able to keep up with them. Don't bite off more than you can chew.
  • All summoner groups (which include a summoner and their guardians) should be kept to a maximum of four (4) characters. They're not required, though.
  • Be as creative with your character(s) as you'd like.
  • Feel free to inquire about absolutely anything.

Character Roster

  • Braska & Company
    • Auron: open
    • Braska: open
    • Genevieve: reserved for Aerolesque
    • Jecht: open
  • Ungrouped Characters
    • Rikard Guado: reserved for Aerolesque

Profile Templates

General Profile

  • Name: Unless the character is a Guado or a Ronso, stick with a "first" name.
  • Race: Guado, Human, or Ronso. Hybrids should have solid reasoning behind them.
  • Age: 16 years of age and older, please.
  • Affiliation: Al Bhed, Yevon, some kind of corps, and/or whatever else. Be creative.
    - Type "none" if they're unaffiliated.
  • Background: A brief, but informational, character bio.
    - Optional, but adds to character depth. Do not include this field in the profile otherwise.
  • Appearance: Physique, hair color, clothing, and the list goes on.
    - Optional, but adds to character depth. Do not include this field in the profile otherwise.

Battle Profile*​

* Only required if a character will be battling, adventuring, etc. If they're not, exclude this section completely.

  • Archetype: A summoner like Yuna, a warrior like Tidus, a black mage like Lulu, etc. Or create another (with approval).
  • Weapon Type: Use the types from FFX, or create another (with approval).
  • Armor Type: Use the types from FFX, or create another (with approval).
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All things regarding character creation is now in the second post.

If anyone feels that I've forgotten something, let me know. And as always, feel free to inquire about anything.
this seems like a good idea, Following Braska's path instead of yuna's, But there are a few things i would like to ask.

1. Will there only be Braska's 3 Guardians?
2. Can we be an Original Character who travels as one of Braska's guardians or do you want to keep it to just the three?
3. Will there be Boss battles if so how would they Work?
4. How are you going to work the Sphere Grid System or are you just going to leave that up to us?
5. Can a Character use Forbidden Machina as a primary weapon?

they are just a couple of things im curious about, i do have more Questions, but they can wait until i have decided if im going to Post a bio or not.
  • Name: Ruba
  • Race: Human/Ronso Hybrid (See history)
  • Age: 18
  • Affiliation: Al Bhed
  • Background: The hybrid daughter of a drunken blitzball meet gone wrong Nybi was born from an al bhed mother, the centre-forward for the al bhed psyches at the time and a ronso father, the goal keeper for the ronso fangs. her consumation and subsequent birth had little effect in al bhed communities but it cost her fathers clan everything, disgraced her father and his family dissapeared, its unsure what happened to them but Ruba hopes to find out. she trained in the usual way all young salvagers did, her skills as a thief are rather well known, especially with her cat-like agility, but noone has ever caught her on the job and noone could prove she did it in the first place, but rumors always came up around her when she was growing up. now she sets out to find tech for her family but also to search for the other half, the ronso that have dissapeared, she wears their mark as a symbol of her search
  • Appearance: Her blackish-blue hair shimmers with an otherworldly appearance despite her more than human genetics. She has a small horn rising from her forehead, more rhino shaped than anything else. her hair is braided on the left side down into a ponytail of sorts. her bright orange eyes stare out from behind her goggles. Her armlet is almost big enough to count as a shield by itself but is still small enough to allow freedom of movement as she uses her catlike agility to her advantage. her fashion is similar to many al bhed in that she wears the usual diving suit underneath her shorts and leather vest. her bandana however is anything but albhed design. It has the markings of a now disgraced ronso tribe on it, yet she wears it with pride. her claw-weapon attatchment is larger than most others and seem to be modelled to a more beastial looking appendage.her tail matches her strange hair and her ears end in a decidedly feline-like way

Battle Profile*

  • Archetype: Chemist/Thief
  • Weapon Type: Claws
  • Armor Type: Armlet
I know it's been nearly a year, but I'm going to try to get character info up by Monday. In case anyone is interested, feel free to join, too.