Mod Edit: Thread Closed at the request of the OP.
Ethicality Legend
Lawful - Neutral - Chaotic
- Morally Good Characters
- Shira Daivara: Aerolesque
- Neutral Characters
- Jexel Orien: Aerolesque
- Morally Evil Characters
- Seran Eselias: Aerolesque
Character Creation Rules & Information
- Fill in all required fields.
- You may have up to six (6) total characters, with no more than two (2) characters within each moral area (Good, Neutral, Evil).
- All profiles will be reviewed thoroughly.
- Profiles not up to par will need to be revised before acceptance.
- Informational tables will be provided to aid in your character's creation.
- You may reserve a profile post until the informational tables are completed/viewable.
- All other rules for this forum also apply.
- Feel free to ask and inquire about anything.
General Profile Format
- Full Name
- First and last required.
- Middle name/initial optional. - Initial Alignment
- Will use the alignments prior to version 4 of Dungeons & Dragons.
- Refer to the following page: Alignments
- May be changed, depending on how I view your profile. We'll have a small discussion. - Gender
- Human Subspecies
- Regularis, Mystica, Celerita, Vigorus, or Draconia.
- Refer to the "General Profile: Subspecies" table below for more information. - Age
- No immortals or unreasonably-aged characters without solid reasoning.
- Refer to the "General Profile: Subspecies" table below for more information. - Birthdate
- This story begins on May 4 of 244 SAE (Second Awakened Era).
- This field should obviously reflect the character's age. - Homeland
- The continent in which the character was raised for most of their life.
- Refer to the "General Profile: Tirovo" table below for more information. - Occupation
- Should slightly reflect character's alignment. - Living Kin
- Immediate kin only.
- No more than four (4) listed kin.
- This field is optional, but adds to the character. If character has no kin, type "n/a" in this field. - Additional Information
- Any other general information should be placed here. (Such as looks, for example.)
- Optional field. If this field is ignored, exclude it entirely from the character's profile.
Battle Profile Format
Battle Profile Format
This additional profile is only required if a character will be battling, adventuring, etc. If they're not, exclude and ignore this section completely.
- Human Subspecies
- Regularis, Mystica, Celerita, Vigorus, or Draconia.
- Plays into "stats" and the character's abilities.
- Refer to the "Battle Profile: Subspecies" table below. - Primary Weapon/Weapon-type
- Secondary Weaponry
- Hidden daggers, etc.
- Optional field. If the character possesses no secondary weaponry, type "n/a" in this field. - Tools
- Tools needed for traveling, exploring, etc.
- Optional field. If the character possesses no tools, type "n/a" in this field. - Elemental Resistances
- Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Air, Earth, Light, and Darkness. (There is a an unnamed 9th element, but it cannot be resisted against.)
- The character has ten (10) points to spend on these.
- Light and Darkness elements: 2 points will be needed for 1 point of resistance
- May be allocated in any fashion. Some, all, or none may be allocated. - Abilities
- Four (4) initial slots will be granted. This will expand as the character grows.
- Primary abilities needn't be in any color, but passive/support abilities must be in turquoise.
- Abilities must be "grounded", at least initially. (If I see otherwise, we will have a discussion.) They will evolve over time, and the character will have opportunities to learn new abilities as they grow.
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