Have you ever wondered if this universe is only one of many? That there exists other dimensions, and our dreams are but windows into these worlds? What would happen if we could cross into these worlds?
What would happen if something threatened to destroy all these worlds?
In the realm of Pokemon, such an event has been set in motion. Palkia, the Pokemon god that governs space, was assaulted by an unknown entity. The battle was so fierce and furious, that by the end, Palkia was knocked into the physical Pokemon world, fatally injured. One of the orbs on its shoulder was also shattered. But these fragments did not all land in the world of Pokemon.
Several fragments have made their way into our world, our reality. A world were Pokemon is just an anime series as well as a video game series. Back in the world of Pokemon, a group of worshipers have found and hidden Palkia in order to keep panic from spreading. They are doing everything they can to help save Palkia's life, and they believe that only by collecting these shards can they have a chance to save the lord of space.
In a desperate attempt to save itself, Palkia calls for his shards to come to the world he is trapped in, bringing with them those from this world that currently possess those shards.
Ironically, the shards from our world were all found by those who were destined to die that day, be it from disease, war, natural disaster or other means. Those pulled into the world of Pokemon are cast into a world approaching ruin, and the shards are their only means of returning home and possibly changing their fate.
If they even desire to return to their world of origin...
Your role:
There are three different roles that can be chosen from. You can have one of each, for a total of 3 characters per player.
[Destined Ones]
You are a human from the 'real' world, and you have been yoinked from an almost certain death and find yourself in the world of Pokemon. More specifically, in the Sinnoh region. It is there you are befriended by a single, base evolution Pokemon (This Pokemon MUST have an evolution beyond the base, so no starting off with Zangoose or something). You have been cured of any disease if you were about to die of disease or illness, or you find you are otherwise fine when you were about to be shot or blown up, or whatever grizzly death awaited you before. You will also meet other people from the Pokemon world (other PC's), though everyone will start in different locations in Sinnoh.
[Order of Palkia]
You are a native to the Pokemon world and you are one of the sacred order that protects the fallen Palkia. You are seeking the shards in order to try and save the life of the legendary Pokemon. While healers are doing all they can to keep the currently unconscious Palkia stable, thier primary goal is to find all of the shards of Palkia's shattered orb. While most are pleasant and polite, there are some that will resort to desperate measures if need be, but they are few and far in-between. You start off with three fully evolved Pokemon.
Also a native to the world of Pokemon, you are a trainer or coordinator, seeking to make your name in the Sinnoh region. You might be just starting out, or you might be someone who's been around for a while. You are the ones who first come upon the visitors from the 'real' world. You might have heard about Palkia, but chances are you know little to nothing about the real story. You start out with three Pokemon, only one of which is fully evolved.
1. No Legendaries in your team, and no meeting legendaries. The only ones who have met a legend and know where said legend is are those of the Order.
2. No Godmoding, no killing, no weapons. If you had weapons with you before (ie. a US soldier in Iraq), your weapons are left behind in the 'real' world.
3. No bunnying without permission
4. Rare Pokemon and Shiny pokemon are just that: rare. If you cannot acquire it in game by simply fishing, going through grass or going through a cave and have to specially acquire it (given egg, secret item, etc.), then it's rare. You are allowed 2 rare Pokemon total in your party, and only 1 shiny.
5. Pokemon have access to all of their level moves. They may have access to one Egg move and two TM/HM moves, for a total of 3 non-level moves.
6. Romance and violence is allowed, but keep things PG-13. Be sure to keep cussing to a minimum.
Character Profiles:
Desitned One
[B ]Name:[/B]
[B ]Age:[/B] (At least 15)
[B ]Gender:[/B]
[B ]Appearance:[/B] (Either a picture or a paragraph)
[B ]Personality:[/B]
[B ]History:[/B] (Remember that your first post is the post when you are about to face your demise and get yoinked into the Pokemon world, so don't include your 'fate' in your history)
[B ]Items:[/B] (What you have on your immediate person when you get sucked into the Pokemon world)
[B ]Theme Song:[/B]
Pokemon: (You start out befriending one when you arrive)
Order of Palkia
[B ]Name:[/B]
[B ]Age:[/B] (At least 18)
[B ]Gender:[/B]
[B ]Appearance:[/B] (Either a picture or a paragraph)
[B ]Personality:[/B]
[B ]Order Status:[/B] (Cleric, Healer, Shard Seeker, Guard, Follower)
[B ]History:[/B]
[B ]Theme Song:[/B]
Pokemon: (You start out with three fully evolved Pokemon)
[B ]Name:[/B]
[B ]Age:[/B] (At least 10)
[B ]Gender:[/B]
[B ]Appearance:[/B] (Either a picture or a paragraph)
[B ]Personality:[/B]
[B ]Class:[/B] (Trainer, Coordinator, Breeder, etc.)
[B ]History:[/B]
[B ]Theme Song:[/B]
Pokemon: (You start out with three Pokemon, One fully evolved, two not fully evolved)
Pokemon profiles
[B ]Species:[/B]
[B ]Nickname:[/B] (If any)
[B ]Gender:[/B]
[B ]Nature:[/B]
[B ]Personality:[/B]
[B ]Bio:[/B]
Once we have at least four players, we can decide on starting locations and begin the RP.
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