

Throwing rocks at emo kids
Jan 21, 2007
The Land of the Summons
Do you tan in the summer? Or even in the winter?

I make an effort to get a few shades darker in the summer. I would go to a tanning bed but skin cancer runs in my family (mom has it but not the deadly kind) and my skin doctor advisesd me not to go to one. (Though I might go once before my wedding)

So I get into a bikini and go on my back porch. First time, I wore the wrong kind of top and couldn't unhook it in the back. So I got an awesome tan line <.<. Today I wore a better top to hopefully even it out. Though I think I burned my lips because I forgot to put that sunblock on it.

I am careful with tanning my back because if it burns, blisters break out and they itch like hell. And if I go to scratch them, my back burns badly D:

In the winter I get pale. I'm also nervous about using the spray tan because many of my friends have done so and looked very orange XD
Answer to question: no. Reason? It hurts. :wtf:

I don't tan at all. Its very dangerous. Not to mention, I like the way my skin looks, even if I look like a ghost lol
I wouldn't do it for a lot of reasons, most because its dangerous.

I am careful with tanning my back because if it burns, blisters break out and they itch like hell. And if I go to scratch them, my back burns badly D:
That sounds real painful. :gasp:

I was accidentally got a tan on a boat once. It hurt like crazy.

I told myself to stay pale. :awesome:
I don't tan, I burn.

I have no tan at all and I'm not if its possible for me to get one - I have no inclination to do so anymore. I used to try and tan when I was younger, and I got sunburn for my troubles. Since I'm not one to venture outside unless I'm going somewhere, and since I never, EVER expose anything other than my hands and my face, I'm not entirely sure if I'd be able to get a tan now, or if I'd still burn. My natural hair colour makes it easier for me to burn, apparently...
I burn too easily. :mokken:

So no. I wanna be a tad darker but...ehh.
I was told that if I only wanted to get a shade darker, to get 15 minutes of sun a day. That way you wouldn't burn. I've given up on that though because I want to get a few shades darker. I'm not sure how effective this is because I've never had the patience. I also heard that tanning after 3pm helps too. My skin doctor told me that the most dangerous rays are between 12 pm and 3pm so tanning after wards will be better on the skin. It will just take longer to get darker. And feel free to correct me if I am wrong about that ^_^

You could try spray tan too. But just don't go over board and end up looking like you escaped from Willy Wonka's factory D:
I attempt to tan 'cause hell, i'm white like reaaaaaaaaally white D:

There's a product somewhere like, some natural tan shizzz and you can put that on daily and it gives you a natural tan.

I'm a really slow tanner. My dad says it's cause i'm part Irish and i guess they don't tan well? No clue but, thats what he told me x]

I usually don't burn cause i put sunblock on, but sometimes it doesn't work.

And yeah Rydia, i think you're right. Tan for 15ish mins and that should be okay.
I don't care for getting a tan really.

I'm usually very white and I never really notice how white I am until someone takes my photograph and then I see that I'm glowing.

I've sometimes got a bit of a tan but not very often, and never impressive. If I'm lucky I might get enough of a tan to look like a normal person, but I don't care for getting so much of a tan / near-burn that I look cooked. I know being pale isn't a sign of health either, but sitting in the sun and turning dark brown and red isn't healthy either.

I tend to try to be very careful when I'm in the sun because when I was a baby my face was burnt badly by the sun. I've had to be careful not to be silly with the sun, which I'm fine with. One day I also forgot to suncream my legs and lay in the sun and fell asleep. My legs were so painful after that. So I just don't really feel like putting myself through that every summer just so that I can get slightly darker.

Even if I'm on the beach I tend to just keep all of my clothes on (though wearing swimming shorts instead of trousers etc), and hide under the shade with my hat and sunglasses on, doing whatever. I might lie out for a bit, but rarely for very long.
I don't ever make it a point to tan, but I'm usually outdoors a lot of the summer (softball games, football practice, random beach trips, etc.), so it happens eventually. I got my dad's skin, which is Italian, so I tan fairly quickly. Even if I do burn, which I do more often than I should, if I put lotion on it that day/night, it doesn't peel, or even sting really.

As far as a tanning bed... I will never do that in my life. That amount of radiation blasting into my entire body? No thank you. Studies are coming out that show that the more you use a tanning bed, the more likely you are to develop malignant melanoma. And it's a cumulative effect. So yeah. In the words of George Bush, via Dana Carvey, "Not gonna do it."
Not unless I'm at the beach really. I'll usually pick up a lot of color from doing yardwork and the like as I'll usually take my shirt of to make the neighborhood cougars run back in their hou..........er, I mean grab their binoculars.

I'll admit that I did try a spray tan once before a wedding (it was in July) as i had just gotten back from a 3 month stint on the road for work where I never saw the light of day. Holy my crap was that awful. It smelled like soy sauce - i felt like i was marinated. Never again.
I don't tan because I can't be arsed. It sounds silly that I can't be arsed lying around doing nothing but I would rather just let my skin tan naturally whilst being outside playing football, drinking in a beer garden etc etc.

Thankfully, I have my Dad's skin, which for some reason does tan well. I'm not super pale and I can get that warm glow if you will.
Eh, when I was a little kid, living in Southern California 5 minutes away from the beach, we were always out and running around on the sand. Therefore, I was constantly dark-skinned because of my environment. I wasn't conscious of it then and have loads of freckles and moles now on my face, back/shoulders and arms; none that are terribly suspicious, but one can never been too sure. We always wore sun block, of course; especially when my mom was around. She'd lather it on, but that's about the most protection I could have taken and it wasn't always the case.

Now, I live in the less sunny Pacific Northwest, and have lost my dark tanned color. I have a natural olive-y skin tone, so I have some color anyway. I don't care whether I look pale or dark. I'm much more worried about looking healthy, and healthy can range from albino to dark depending on ones genes. I don't tan on a bed because its damaging and dangerous, and I don't tan out in the sun on purpose just to get a darker complexion. If I'm out in the sun, I'll slather on the sun screen all day. But honestly, I could care less if I was 'tan' or not. My health is more important than the tone of my skin.
We never have sun in England ]:

But even when we do,I can't just lie out there in the sun doing nothing, I get really bored. I prefer the quick fix of the sunbed so I can use my time doing....well, probably nothing tbf, but I cant even have a soak in the bath, im bored after 5 minutes

Ive been sunburnt afew times, but thats more just being out and about in it

I do prefer having abit of colour so il just sunbed it
I just can't tan in England, I'm not often out in the sun enough (not to mention... we don't GET sun over here all that much.)
When I go on holiday to somewhere hot (and I do nearly every year), I tan though, but not very well. I've NEVER burnt, but I just don't tan either. Naturally, I'm not super-pale like some people, but I guess I just have weird skin. Even if I wear suncream, my legs will stay just as white as they were before. I don't really understand it. My feet, my face and the top of my chest are the only places that really tan well. I like a tan, I think I look better slightly brown than pale, but I definitely can't be arsed to go to a tanning salon or spray-tan. I'd rather it just be natural... even if it means my legs stay white forever.
I don't tan, I burn.

Same with me.

I'm very fair and all I do is get burnt and then when the sunburn goes away my skin is just as fair as it was before. v_v

I'd kill to have a gorgeous tan. <3

I tried spray tanning but that was just icky. I've tried the tan in a bottle but that was just messy.

I've never tried sunbeds or anything but I'm thinking of testing one a few months before my wedding to see how it goes. I'd hate to try it on the week and realise it looks dreadful and then have ugly skin on my wedding day. :gonk:

But no I never tan naturally, whether it be Summer or Winter. <_<
I am pretty Tan without tanning, so I don't do it ever, but should I go to a lake and happen to get tan cool I get.

There are other alternatives to spray tan though, and tanning beds.
I find it interesting how many people find pale-r (not ghost white) skin to be disgusting. Personally, I find it can be absolutely gorgeous. I wonder what your guys' take on it is. Is a tan symbolic of health and beauty? Is pale skin sickly and not as alluring? What for? What are the reasons? Are the reasons justifiable?
^^ Well I wouldn't mind the porcelain type of skin myself. Mine is more pinkish-white and I hate it. I have no pigmentation in my skin whatsoever and it's quiet annoying.

Though my arms and legs are getting a bit darker from the constant sun (and so they should be living in the Sunshine state) but still not that great. =/
I've never tried sunbeds or anything but I'm thinking of testing one a few months before my wedding to see how it goes. I'd hate to try it on the week and realise it looks dreadful and then have ugly skin on my wedding day. :gonk:

Yes, definently test it out to see how skin reacts to it. The one thing you wouldn't want is to have horribly burnt skin or have it be that the tan didn't even show up after your first visit! Someone at my high school also had an incident where she had horrible blotches all over her skin. I might be testing out a tanning bed in the fall :)

I have an annoying blushed face and pale skin. I like to get a little tan so I don't look like I have terrible blush on. (the tan makes it look like it matches better) I'm going to ask if it's rosaia next time I seen my skin doctor.

The other day I was tanning in 90 degree weather in a bikini. I got a little darker but for some reason the area between by boobs burned <.< like wtf?
If and when you do test one out, they'll tell you to do 3-5 minutes maximum for your first try. Really, that's how powerful these things are. And even then, 5 minutes can be hell on someone's skin. Also, remember that you'll probably be a little red after despite what you put on your body. You're baking your skin. It's inevitable. I highly, highly suggest you do your research before slipping in one of those things. Get testimonials. Read the dangers aside from inevitable long-term damage.

Personally, I'd rather not waste money on something that's not gonna stick around or do much for me in terms of usefulness and actually damage my health, but I suppose people will do it constantly like getting manicures or whatnot.
I'm one of those people who just has to LOOK at the sun, and my skin starts getting darker. It's weird, whenever we go on Holiday, I get sunburn for about a day, and then I tan really well.

I don't really like tanning though, I don't think it suits me, and I'm not a fan of soaking up the sun, I just remember all the lectures we've had about sunbathing being bad at school xD