Teardrop creations...

Dec 17, 2010
your pants... you need a bath :X
Name: Faythe Rhodes

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Personality: Innocent, kind-hearted and emotional, Though the many people who have called her friends would agree that she was very mature and responsible, Despite being very hyperactive, and enjoying to lounge around just to be lazy. Easily driven to emotion on both sides of the scale, it is remarkably easy to make Her laugh or cry. She is the "light in the dark" sort of person and will work to keep her friends in good moods. but if she cant she becomes seriously depressed, until the hyper mood takes back over that is

She also forms attachments quickly, and has "pet kitten" moments, being inclined to follow around someone just because they paid attention to her. However, because of her emotional side, rejection can cause emotion and bonds to cause extra depression for Her

Power: Faythe has Clairvoyance which is the ability to gain information about an oblect, person, location or physuical event through means other than the known human sneses, a sort of extra-sensory perception

She doesnt know it but she has more power than that which killed her family several years ago, the mental block she put up herself stops her from accessing this extra power, perhaps in time she will come to terms with herself and allow her power to flow freely


History: only remembers the last 4 years after the tragic demise of her brother and parents. she pretends she isnt upset by not remembering them but cries every night trying to remember why she forgot.

Theme:Joker - Miku Hatsune


Name: Faythe Rhodes

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Starting Location: Residential area


Personality: Happy-go-lucky Faythe sees the light-hearted side of everything that happens. she is a lesbian and friendly about it. she doesnt hide it but she isnt too in your face with it either. That is what made her liked in school. She is helpfuland desires to help other people.

Contracted Fallen Angel: Malekus

History: She had finished high school at the top of her class and within a few months she had a job in a library. it was there she discovered the stories about angels and demons and everything in between. she loved reading and that was why one night she got home late to find a winged figure standing over her dead family. She knew what the figure was but didnt understand why it had killed their family. She went to confront it when it turned around and dived over her head and killed a blood covered demon that had been sneaking up on her. It took the angel who introduced herself as malekus only 6 minutesto explain what happend. Faythe was surprised to find that she herself was smiling. "At least they are at peace" She had said and she meant it


Name: Malekus Einhardt


Gender: Female


Personality: Matter-of-fact and stoic she will protect the people around her until the death. Loyal and obedient but with her own agenda Malekus is a force to be reckoned with. on a side note she likes cats

Elemental Affinity: Earth and Fire


Name: Faythe Williams

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Job: District nurse


Starter Weapon: http://nopybot.com/wp-content/upload...06-510x286.jpg nailgun and 3 boxes of 50 nails

Personality: she used to be happy-go-lucky now she just thinks she is lucky to be alive but unlucky to see everyone around her die from the virus and then have to kill them herself when they came back, she is extremely depressed now

Bio: a nurse until the virus hit. she watched her patients die and re-animate. she watched her husband and daughter do exactly the same she only has herself in the world now but will survive long enough to make them proud.

Lesser Known Heroes

Name: Coralle rumatisse
Class: Priest
Level: 1
Race: Elven
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 120
Gender: Female
Height: 5"3
Weight: 80lb
Deity: Chauntea
Personality: Usually the quiet one in social situations, shy and reserved, holding her tongue due to her tendency of saying things people dont want to hear about situations. that has gotten her into too many sticky situations. She will tell the truth, even if the situation dictates otherwise. She is plainly beautiful honorable and proud of her heritage.

STR:9 (Slim and weak but with a strong heart)
DEX: 12 (lithe and supple)
CON: 14 (Slim, not really built for battles)
INT: 14 (More intelligent than an average Human, an excellent healer)
WIS: 17 (has travelled the world in a caravan of travelling priests)
CHA: 16 (Blunt and realistic, startlingly beautiful in a plain girl-next-door kind of way)

HP: 10
AC: 14
BAB: +0
Initiative: +1

Feats: Combat Casting, Maximise Spell Elf Traits! (Immune to sleep affects, +2 on saving throws against magic, Low light vision, Better Search, Spot and Listen through keen senses.)
Languages: Common, Elven and Dwarven.

Skills: Concentration, Herbalism, Diplomacy, Knowledge of religion, Knowledge of the planes, Knowledge of history, Knowledge of arcana. Healer, Spellcraft

Equipment: Backpack, waterskin, bedroll, trail rations, hemp rope (50ft), sack, , flint and steel, belt pouch, shovel, torch, journeymans cloak.

Weapons and Armour:
Quarterstaff, Morning star, Studded Leather Armour.

Spells, 3-lvl0, 3-lvl1 1- lvl2

Level 0:
Create Water
Detect Magic
cure minor wounds

Level 1:
Cure Light Wounds.
inflict light wounds.
bless water

Level 2:
Calm emotion

Bio: undisclosed

((Image:http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__..._First_Pic.jpg ))

Name: Miku Kagamine

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Hometown: Amber Town

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x600.

Personality: Hyper and easy to anger this hot-headed youth seems very anti-social but to those few people who call her friend she is extremely loyal and friendly, she is usually chilled out and likes playing guitar but if people interrupt her she will shout at them loudly until she calms down. If woken up by anyone before she wants to she will punch out and stomp off in a rage but if they were her friends she will apologise afterwards.

Bio: Brought up as the youngest of four siblings, all of which were boys she had to grow up tough and has a good spirit. she has learned to try her best at everything, but the family business wasnt quite for her so as of her 13th birthday came and went and she made friends with one pokemon, she decided to go travel with pokemon instead of researching them. and Blaize decided to protect her as they traveleld together, searching for new friends

Battle theme:


Pokemon species: Chimchar

Nickname: Blaize

Gender: Male

Level: 5


Personality: Alot like its owner this pokemon is excitable, hot-headed and energetic, thus it dislikes being in the pokeball much prefering to remain on mikus shoulders the majority of the time


Name: Faythe (Rhodes)

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Personality: Faythe is strangely Happy go lucky for someone who has gone through as much hardship as she has. Losing her parents at a young age and being constantly bullied made her extremely pessimistic now she seems to be overly optimistic as a way of balancing that out.

This bi-sexual huntress will stop at almost nothing to enjoy herself both on and off the hunt. she can drink more eat more and shout more than anyone else, and if she cant she certainly tries to keep up. A loyal friend but a deadly enemy

The excitability of this girl is both a strength and a weakness. she is hardly ever taken off-guard because she is always waiting for something to happen however her lack of restraint often leads to over-zealousness


Weapon: Great Sword

Guild: Wyvern's Claw

Orphaned as a child when her family was set upon by fanged wyverns. Living on the streets with no protection she had to grow up fast, this means she learnt to look after herself in a variety of situations. She has been picked on physically mentally and verbally to the depths of depression before she came back to fight for herself.

that is the secret behind her constant search for fun. Not to mention her thirst for friendship and approval that was kept from her so easily in her youth. The girl has been so unlucky that she has even forgotten her families name so she cannot even look up a relative of any description.

After 10 years of being alone and starved she has decided to venture out and make a name for herself as a monster hunter, and seeks to taste the flesh of every creature she can kill