Terrell Owens to be fined...


White Mage
Oct 9, 2010
Kansas City, KS

Well Mister Owens we caught you. We finally caught you! You couldn't fool me Mister Owners, even with your clean and perfect record you couldn't fool me. I knew sooner or later you'd do something to cause trouble and here it is! Tweeting 90 minutes before a Football game. You should be ashamed, Owens! People look up to you, kids look up to you and you go setting a poor example. 90 minutes! That's three sitcoms on TV! You should have been training, taking your vitamins and saying your prayers!

If it were up to me you'd be locked away for a long time. But luckily all you're going to get for this is a $25,000 fine. I hope you can still look yourself in the mirror my friend.


Okay now that I have that out of my system what the heck? o.o This is the first time I heard about this rule and it makes no sense to me. Like I said 90 minutes is like three sitcoms, you can do a lot in 90 minutes and I doubt that tweet took too much out of it. So anybody knows the logic behind the rule? Am I missing something important?
Well according to that article, I think the key phrase here is "NFL forbids", and yet he plays professional football and did it anyway.

I just find it odd how much professional sports players can't follow rules, even when it's not during the heat of the game... whatever I guess.
The NFL is very image-conscious, and with all the possible ways you can screw up your image, the image of your team, and the image of the league through social networking, they're simply trying to exert as much control as possible through these rules.

Also, from a gambling standpoint, they don't want any player tweeting an injury report of some kind. That would strongly shift betting lines and so forth. You know, if gambling were legal.