The 5 elements [INFORMATION]

Captain Squee

Like a pirate, but with class.
Jul 27, 2009
The seas be my home
Rever Seurwit
FFXIV Server
Free Company
Timber Owls <Owls>
Status: Not yet existing


The World

The Elements

The Classes

The Timeline

The Guardians

The Characters
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In this RP world technology is only starting with steam engines, however not advanced enough for it to be a common sight. Only the inventors that have made them and very few of the rich know about them. Word has gone out into the public, but there are many skeptical people. This technology is expanding and is constantly having new uses found for it, naturally given how new it is. Guns and any fire-arms do NOT exist, the most advanced range technology right now is a catapult or a crossbow. Most people travel between locations by foot or by horse pulled vehicles as the engine has not been implemented into daily society yet due to ongoing extensive research. Smelting does exist however is much more elaborate and complicated and takes facilities of massive size to accomplish due to the lack of electricity. For the most part Smelting is done only by the top and most elite of businesses.

Due to the fact that most traveling is done by foot, most of the areas are populated in clusters. Only people traveling between towns need to do much traveling, however the trips between populated areas is not all barren, as some people have been known to make a living from the people traveling between towns, causing small villages to appear at random on long trails. Typically the trails are worn in a solid good path avoiding most obstructions despite the fact that it will take a longer time to accomplish due to the fact most merchants take the path with heavy cargo and their loyal horses.

Most buildings are 2-4 flights high for the sake that it is not only populated enough, but there is also insufficient means to make elaborately tall buildings. Lack of electricity also causes much advertising to be done on paper and posted on walls or done by verbal shouting in market districts, but there is less of the latter around and more paper advertising. Simple contraptions such as the bicycle exist in this world and are also potential modes of transportation for some people.

Armor and weapon crafting is done through much hard work done by a blacksmith still despite the smelting technology. The reasoning is that in this modern day only the empire and mercenaries typically buy said items, so it is much more cost and time efficient to craft by hand the armors people need. In a world full of magic there are plenty of enchantments to take the place of armor, so typically only non-magic users order armors to be crated, however it's not too rare of a sight to see others buying it, simply less common. Weapons are constantly being crafted for the sake of both collectors and fighters, as weapons do wear down and collectors do like having more. More often than not a spellblade is helping to craft the weapons and armor to assist with requested enchantments. There are those that have an affinity with the earth element that can also bend the metal to a desired shape, but even then must go through a refining process since only an elementalist can bend metal to a perfect weapon or armor shape.


There are many various religions in this world, but there is one dominant religion that dominates over all and is considered the standard. In this religion, there is a god for each element. Pyrousteis is the god of fire, Mylenea is the goddess of water, Mother Earth is the goddess of earth, and Silf is the god of air. Above all these gods stands either Saethos, the snake, or Aftiel, the horse. Both represent the element of Spirit, however Saethos represents the darkness, as he is a blackened figure, often depicted by the image of a black mamba. Aftiel is usually depicted by a white winged unicorn that represents the lighter side, being all that is good.

This world has what are referred to as "Elementalists". The elementalists are rare sights as those who are capable of being one usually don't want to risk it. An elementalist is risky to become because you can die in the process of becoming, and in the process of mastering, then once mastered, you're still at risk of death. Elementalists are feared by some, but respected by many. History has shown that elementalists have phenomenal powers. All elementalists are well known in the world.

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The Elements

This world contains 4 main elements and then a fifth "all powerful" element. These elements are Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. The fabled Spirit element is said to be capable of doing anything it so pleases. Below are descriptions of the elements.

Commonly misconcepted for flame, fire is far more than flame. Fire represents energy, anything that has energy is dictated by fire

Aspects of fire:
Flame: What we know as fire usually is
Heat: Normal, thermal temperature
Light: Any light that can be perceived is from fire
Electricity: Surging electrons

Abilities of Fire are done through sheer energy. Not only by the energy of the user, but of the heat, light, and kinetic energy of the surroundings. Weak users cannot use the light around them, or reach long distances in usable energy. Fire elementalists keep the energy of things together, allowing things to be possible. Without the element of fire, which is better named as energy, nothing can happen.

A fire elementalist can do incredible things. They can create illusions of objects when there really is no object, they can control the thermal temperature of surrounding things, even the air. Electricity can be conducted from their own bodies and flames can be spontaneously made. A fire elementalists strongest power is to ignore the law of conservation of energy and create flame, light, and electricity. Later the created energy will be destroyed, but that is a slow process. The fire element is dangerous when poorly controlled and over used.

Unlike one would guess, water is more than just that liquid that makes up the ocean and rivers.

Aspects of water:
Liquid water: Oceans, ponds, puddles, rain, etc
Ice: Solid and cold water
Purity: Water has healing aspects to it
Filtration: Water can filter the body among other spiritual things
Liquids: Water represents all that is liquid, so it doesn't have to be H2O that you control
Clouds: Water can make rain and control the moisture in the air

Water abilities are used with destination and determination. Water is the only element that has determination level dictate their success. An indecisive water elemental will never be a success. However, along with determination, they must know what they want their end product to be. Water makes sure things always advance. If there is an obstacle, water will either plow through it or run around it, but no matter what, it will find where it needs to be.

The water element can make the air so thick with vapor that it becomes like swimming to simply walk. They can make tides rise and fall, even make rivers run faster. Water is no longer bound to going downhill when a water element is present as it will bend to the users will. Fog can shroud the area, flames can be extinguished, and objects can appear where they are not due to light refraction. Above all, the water elementalist has had a single mage that could move another mans blood while they were still alive. While manipulating the blood of the dead is easy, it takes an extremely powerful elementalist to control the blood of a living person

Air is the uncontrolable element, however resides on more than just the air we breath

Aspects of Air:
Gasses: Air can control gasses, even the flamable type
Wind: Air can control the movement of its own element
Uncontrolable: Air cannot be restricted by anything, meaning no spells can bind it
Undetectability: Yes, invisibility is possible by an Air elemental

Unlike the other three elements, Air is free to do anything so long as they have their free will. An air elementalist that is governed by the military or by any sort of higher power is not as powerful as an air elementalist that governs over his or her self. Air is the free willed element that allows anything to happen and keeps things moving, whether it be forward or not.

Messing with an air elementalist is often the last thing you can do...maybe. Air is indecisive but when they settle on a choice to fight, they are lethal. Winds can be made with the movement of a finger, air pressure can rise and fall, and above all, air content can be manipulated. Granted pressure and content manipulation take a long time, if the battle is too drawn out, the air elementalist has the upper hand. The air can become undetectable, making it near impossible to fight without a strategy. Fire will burn the air, but will it burn hot enough to snuff the air elementalist out of its hidden state? Unfortunately an Air elementalists powers also effect the caster.

Earth is not only what lies underneath our feat, but also what sits in the air, guides the water, and fuels the fire.

Aspects of Earth:
Stone/dirt/dust: Any carbon based materials are under earths jurisdiction
Magma: Often assumed to be used only by a fire element, atomically, magma falls under earths rule
Plant life: A more common Earth tradition, the ability to manifest and manipulate the plant life
Minerals: The manipulation and knowledge of minerals
Metals: Metallic falls under earths materials

An Earth elementalist can do anything they so please as long as they stay focused enough to do it. Earth is useless if it cannot focus, but when it does focus it can choose which direction the water flows, it can tell the air where it should and should not be, and it can choose how much the fire should be fed. Earth is the balance of the elements, and always capable of keeping all the others in check. Despite this, it is far from the leader of a pack.

A highly focused Earth elementalist was said to be the one who separated the main continent into many separate bodies, making the geography what it is today. Earth can be reshaped and bent to the elementalists will, in time allowing great canyons to be made. Metals can be forged from the earth beneath the feet of an Earth elementalist, and the metals can also be changed into other types of metals, such as lead into gold, silver to platinum, and copper to bronze. Eventually, any metal can form any other metal. If given enough time, an Earth elementalist could open up the ground and pour magma fresh from beneath the surface out of the tear they just made. Plant life can be grown in a near instant with a mere thought, granted enough focus is had.

It is unheard of for someone to be capable of being spirit. Spirit is the prescience and mastery of all four elements. Spirit is capable of all things and is said to be the element that created life itself.

Spirit elementalists can be controlled by nothing, constricted by nothing, and never run out of energy while always obtaining their goal. They can do anything any other element can do, thus why they are unheard of.

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The Classes

Class system
This RP will not only have various playable classes, but an entire class system. First off, an explanation!

A class is defined by the spiritual structure of ones soul. Each class has different properties, it's almost like a spiritual fingerprint. However, much like fingerprints, not all of one class are the same. The spiritual structure consists of fibers of energy that make up the soul. These fibers vary in size and length, but they also vary in the path they make as they weave through the other fibers. With all of these being different, 2 beings of the same class could very well be different in every way, since it is within the network of fibers that ones power is drawn. Contorted ones are the only exception. The exterior of their soul is held a shall of the same energy as their fibers, which alters their powers significantly.

Basically, once you are born, your class is pretty much decided...But not all is set in stone. Sometimes, certain parts change the pattern of their fibers! This causes a phenomenon in some beings that gives them abilities they shouldn't have. This is called a sub-class. That's right ladies and gentlemen, there is a subclass system! The subclass isn't nearly as prominent or powerful as the primary class, and one with a sub class means that their primary class isn't as strong as someone without a sub-class, but this does allow much more versatility, and sometimes the two sets of abilities can compliment the other, making it even arguable which is stronger. While sub-classes are actually quite common, every now and then, a being is born with a sub-class that creates a phenomenon on this frequent happening. When 2 certain classes are met within the same soull, instead of working together in a primary and sub-class system, they merge and unlock a new power. There are various combinations that cause mysterious powers to unfold, however they will not be revealed. You will have to guess, or if I support a character idea you have, we can brainstorm a way to make this happen if you ask nicely.


Elementalist: The elementalist is a kind of mage that uses the power of one of the 4 elements. An elementalist can only specialize in ONE element. Once an element path is chosen there is no changing element paths. These are the most powerful of magic users due to the level of mastery they can achieve at higher levels of experience. Generally it takes an elementalist over the age of 30 to be considered any good, but no matter what their power is great. Unfortunately, having 25% of all the power in the world is very taxing on the body and mind. When an elementalist becomes too powerful, their power loses control, and they will die by their own element. Fire elementalists have been burned, electrocuted, and singed to death. Water elementalists have drown by their own spell. Air elementalists have vanished into air and never come back. Earth elementalists have been petrified, crushed, and swallowed by the earth itself. The lifespan of an elementalist is short, causing one to be over 40 a rare sight. Their mind loses the capabilities to think like the other elements. This leads to a level of narcissism in some cases, and can even cause insanity. Becoming an elementalist is difficult and risky, so there are few.

Warrior: Warriors are the masters of weaponry. A warrior has the natural ability of making sure that metals, meaning both armors and weapons, do not break when being imbued with magic. Due to this, the majority of them have enchanted weapons and armor that make up for their lack in magical ability. There is no weapon a warrior is not familiar with.
Warriors can shatter any defensive magic simply. They render all magic barriers useless by removing them upon inpact, although each warrior does this differently.

Healer: Healers are mages that can only have an affinity with water but are not powerful enough to be called a water elementalist. They are most familiar with the healing aspects of water, being able to heal wounds over time. They can filter out poisons from the body and have even been known to cure emotional ailments such as depression. It's been known that some even have the passive ability to heal over time naturally without willing any powers consciously. They are also very capable of combat.
Healers actually have the ability to "over heal" an individual. Doing this puts the person being "over healed" in a state referred to as the "Neo Deity" state. As the name implies, during this state the victim enters an extremely powerful and god-like trance in which their powers are amplified, sometimes causing new powers to generate inside them. An individual in Neo Deity state can single handedly destroy civilizations. However, like all overpowered systems, there is an extreme cost. At any given moment starting from the first second the individual enters Neo Deity state, their power can consume their own souls, dropping down a lifeless golem. Basically, you die. Randomly. If you manage to survive, no healer can nurse you back to health from the painful and long recovery afterward.

Spellblade: Spellblades are mages that imbue their own magic into their own weapons, however they run the minor risk of breaking said weapon. The odds of the weapon breaking are not very high, but they almost always carry a spare. Spellblades are capable of all elements but all of them are very weak. This means they can use any element in any form on their weapon, but they will never be anywhere near in mastery as an elementalist.

Spellcasters: These casters use magic that is not centered around an element. This includes barriers, runes, binds, restrictions, among other things. These mages cannot become any kind of elementalist, but they have been known to use weak elemental magic, but only 2 elements per spellcaster.
Spellcasters have the ability to link someone elses magic to their own. Their own powers are limited depending on how much of their targets power they have absorbed. Their target feels no effect. The spellcaster returns to a normal state once their target dies, get's out of range, or the spellcaster decides to stop using the targets power.

Biovore: Biovores are shunned due to the nature of their power. A biovore feeds on the life energy of other living things. They are similar to vampires, however it's not blood. It's the life energy of other things that is absorbed. These life eating beings can only suck out the energy of one living thing at a time. When taking the life energy of a living thing, they gain the abilities of said living thing. If draining the life energy of a dog, the sense of smell is heightened. If draining the life energy of an elementalist, they gain said elemental powers. Draining the life energy greatly inflicts the victim and even shortens their lifespan. This is the reason they are so shunned. However, I biovore must also be equal to or more powerful than its victim, as taking in life energy that cannot be spiritually housed will lead to a backfire. In example if a biovore took a fire elementalist and was not on the same or higher level as the elementalist would cause the energy to burn the biovore alive and the elementalist would not be afflicted.

A kineticist is like an Elementalist in that they can only manipulate one element and no others. The difference between an Elementalist and a Kineticist is simply that a Kineticist is bound by many more laws of nature. Where a fire Elementalist will summon flames from nowhere, a Kineticist will only be able to manipulate what already exists. An earth keneticist will be able to move the earth and plant life, but an earth elementalist can change minerals and metals into other earth substances and grow life. In short, the elementalist makes and changes their element, but a kineticist can only manipulate it. You can only be a pyrokineticist, aquakineticist, geokineticist, or an Aerokineticist.

Beast Masters: Just as the name implies, these are the masters of the animals. Without words, they can telepathically communicate with the wildlife. They are more so a guide through areas that are not populated and still maintain their natural look. They can fight, but it's not common to see one fight. These beast tamers can talk to everything from a giant bear to the smallest of insects and spiders. There is nothing within the animal kingdom they cannot talk to.
A beast master can graft parts of animal spirits onto their own spirit, gaining properties of various animals such as the reflexes of a cat and the eyes of a hawk. This can make them very capable of combat. This is much like the shaman, however the beast master has it permanently grafted onto their soul and can house an unlimited amount, unlike the shaman.

Naturalist: A naturalist is a mage that has slight Earth affinity, but not enough to call it an earth elementalist. Naturalists manipulate the plant life around them without making it grow. When focused enough, a naturalist can make every blade of grass into your enemy. Above being a stand-still warrior, they are also the best at manufacturing enchanted wooden emblems. It's common to see a traveling Naturalist sell their goods, since their wooden emblems hold powers of many things including luck, focus, willpower, among other things that help the mind, and therefor the spirit.

Carrier: A carrier is a mage gifted with the air element. While they are nowhere near that of an Air elementalist, they can still manipulate some aspects of air. Carriers are famous for their ability to literally turn into air for a short period of time, thugh they are limited on what can be done in this form. Some have been known to turn into a gust of wind and travel short distances at incredible speeds. Legends speak of only 2 carriers having the ability to turn other people into the air and they would turn normal in a completely different location.

Electrodes: One could call these "human batteries" though they don't have to be human. An electrode is a living thing that carries its own electrical charge. The electric charges cannot be stopped or started on command, instead touching one at any time will electrocute the toucher. An electrodes electric charge depends on their physical activity. One that has been sitting around for a long period of time has a low charge and touching them would only make a small buzz of electricity, however after much running around and physical activity, touching one could hurt. A lot. The electricity released behaves normally, it can only go through a conductor. An electrode cannot through electric charges. They are considered a kind of mage that has been touched by the element of fire.

Shaman: A shaman is the link between this world and the spirit world. A shaman can use the spirits of animals and even ancient warriors that were spoken in legends. The stronger the spirit used, the harder it is to summon. Anything with a spirit can be summoned. When bests or animals are summoned, the shaman will gain physical characteristics of said beast or animal. This could include eyesight of the animal, speed, smell, tail, claws, even wings depending on the animal. However, summoning the spirit of something that has a higher intelligence such as humans, elves, dwarves, etc, will cause the spirit to be summoned as a living thing again. The powers of the person are the same as the moment they died, but just remember, summoning a powerful spirit takes a lot of energy and sometimes time. Summons are done though short rituals spanning from 2 seconds to 3 hours if they wanted to summon someone strong enough. Summoning an elementalist from the past could take up to 36 hours.

The Gifted/Cursed: [sub-class only] These people can either be blessed apostle like people or poor bastards burdened to a horrible life. A normally powerless being is given powers by another either free of charge, or made by a contract. However, the contract doesn't have to be willing, causing some beings to be enslaved to this contract. The power given cannot be classified as an element directly (though all powers fall under an element). The being doing the blessing or cursing is always and must be supernatural, such as demons or angels and even fairies or dragons.

Divinities: Considered "divine warriors" by most, they wield an unusual power. A divinity has an affinity with only one weapon and is capable of wielding only that one weapon. No not that type of weapon, but a specific weapon chosen by them, so the weapon must be sturdy and have high capabilities. Once a weapon has been bound to a divinity, it will be spiritually connected at all times, so if a divinity loses the weapon, it's easy to tell where it is. A weapon chosen will take a new look based on it's style and the style of it's wielder, so a normal blade would no longer look normal and be much more complex. A divinity will also get an elaborate set of abilities that compliment that specific weapon and style revolving around any 2 of the 5 elements, but only 2. Usually, complimenting elements are chosen to make it very strong, however using opposing elements will remove more weaknesses.
If a divinity is attacked by magic, they can use their weapon to absorb the attacks if the elements match up. Example, a fire mage shoots a ball fo fire and a divinity who wields a slight affinity with fire can cut the fire ball, removing it's existance. However, the strength of the spell shattered can only be shattered by a blow of equal strength. Too much or not enough power will do nothing to the spell. They also MUST have their weapon to do this.

Beastmen: These beings are part beast/animal and cannot be controlled by beast masters, but can be spoken to telepathically by them. They are equal in intelligence to humans and some look more human than others. Although, the more bestial the more tenancy to hide the intelligence and only act through instinct, usually making one seem very strategical in their combat. The animal or beast can be antyhing from an animal with fur to one with feathers or scales. These beings have unknown roots and seem to come out of nowhere.

Treefolk/Nymph: These have 3 forms, one of which is a tree, obviously, and as one would assume another is human. The middle one is between the two. Mobile roots make up the muscle body and these are seen on the joints. The normal bones are now external wood shells that protect the body. A mouth and respiratory system can no longer exist as it is not needed. These treefolk move very fast and swiftly as a human and can forge weapons out of wood through a version of telekinesis but are not strong. In their inbetween form they are defensively equal to a brick wall with fast regeneration and their punches hurt, hard enough to break other trees given that they are massive and tower at shortest 9 feet in this form for males, 7 for females, however they move very slowly, so landing blows is very hard. They have the same properties of a tree in the third form, however can move limbs, but only so many at a time depending on age. Only a naturalist knows the difference between a third form treefolk and a real tree. Treefolk are males, Nymphs are females.
When in forests, Treefolk and nymphs have an advantage so large that their very power controlls everything around them. They environment becomes their playtoy as long as the wood lands still stand.

Spellscripter: True spellscripters are few and far between simply because of the magnitude of their studies. The average person requires approximately 15 years of learning. It’s not too difficult, just learning several ancient languages and being able to use them all fluently (speaking, reading, writing). Spellscripters are able to infuse their writing with their magical ability, making the words come to life at any time with a simple thought. For example, writing the word ‘dog’ and activating it would bring into existence a dog. It would be random though; it could be anything. The more you describe it the more defined it will be. The more descriptive it is though, the more power that must be placed into the writing. In battle this can be dangerous so experienced spellscripters will prepare ahead of time. There are several ‘spellwords’ for the affinities/elements that are available. Spellwords do not work on those that are unable to hear them naturally (deafness, yes; earplugs, no). Typically they are usually longer living races or though with high chances for innate magic.

The Contorted:
[sub-class only] The contorted are beings with a spiritual structure that falls under no class description. Each and every Contorted has been etched forever in history. The contorted are the rarest beings of them all, as it is something that must be born into. See Legends for examples.
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Year 1
-First recorded history available. Also referred to as year 138 as all known history refers to 137 years before this date, however is regarded as myth as known history is different from recorded history

-First writing and alphabet system

First attempt at recording events form the past

-First established kingdoms, countless in numbers

-First gathering of magical beings with intelligence

Year 7

-First ever recorded kingdom alliance

-Weaponry evolves, creation of enchantments by mages. Highly risky and ineffective but under research by the rich and curious

Yeah 16

-Weaponry enchanting becomes effective, research to carry the enchantments onto armor

Year 34

-Weapon and armor enchanting becomes perfected by the spellblades and becomes an official and popular trade

-Beings are born with electrical charges by nature, referred to as electrodes

-Mass flames engulfing main areas, harming much wildlife and much of maturing civilization

-Pyrokinetisists are born

Year 35

-First fire elementalist is chosen and becomes the emperor of a large kingdom bending down to his powers of the fire element

Year 47

-Much tectonic activity, causing many to fear the fire elementalist is creating the magma. Fire elementalist takes credit.

-Geokineticists are born

-Naturalists gain their abilities

-Trees become humanoid and known as the treefolk

-A new kingdom begins to form in the north, splitting from the fire elementalists empire

Year 49

-First Earth elementalist is created, claimed to be a god by the northern kingdom, self proclaimed kingdom of earth

-Isolation of the Earth kingdom begins, all contact from the outside is lost as the land is wrapped in a massive and dangerous forest

Year 61

-Random blizzards and ferocious rainstorms begin

-Poles of the planet begin to freeze

-Tidal activity increases significantly

-Healers become abundant

-Aquatic races become active, formerly unknown until this year

-Aquakineticicists are created

Year 64

-Water elementalist reveals herself to the world, becomes an ally of the fire elementalist, knows nothing about the Earth elementalist

-Fire kingdom increases its reach to the seas

Year 71

-Wind storms occur much more abundant and violent than ever before

-Carriers and aerokineticists begin to exist

-Records indicate signals of the sky tearing open

-People turn to the fire and water elementalist to resolve the issues of the natural disasters. The two elementalists cannot stop the occurrences, beginning riots and rebellions against the previously godlike beings

Year 78

-First Air elementalist is revealed

-The kingdom of fire and water split upon discovery of the air elementalist and worshiped despite the lack of a leader. This is known as the first non-monarchy kingdom. Kingdom was located in the west

Year 87

-Tension builds between the kingdom of fire and water and the kingdom of air due to the lack of an elementalist as a ruler

-Kingdom of earth remains in isolation, however people are now allowed to leave, none can enter. This begins the spread of the ideals of the Earth kingdom involving the ideas of morals and maintained order of balance. The first ever religion forms supporting the element of Earth despite that those of the Earth kingdom did not want or appreciate this

Year 91

-Those worshiping the earth kingdom begin to set up civilization outside the protected forests in the northern land. Many try entering the kingdom but cannot as it is protected by beastmen and treefolk

-First ever shaman is born with the natural ability to link herself to the spirit world. She is regarded as a pseudo-diety in the kingdom of fire and water. As a worshiped figure, she spreads the knowledge of the Shaman

Year 128

-First official opposing nations are declared between the kingdom of fire and water and the kingdom of air. This causes both kingdoms to build military force, coming out with new technology for war such as new armor and weapon enchantments and new classes of warriors

-A shaman under training of the Queen of shaman is exiled and turns to the kingdom of air where he spreads the teachings of the shaman in that kingdom.

Year 131

-News of shamans being all that is keeping elementalists alive is revealed. This was continued for unknown amounts of time and is unclear when it began, however the shamans were now regarded as even higher places in society, even being regarded as the highest by some

-With the news of the shamans keeping elementalists alive caused the kingdom of air to take action against the kingdom of fire and water, beginning the first ever recorded war. All history is lost for the next 100 years, becoming known as a time period of war and evolution of races and classes. None of anything that has happened is clear and many theories have been made

Year 233

-Kingdom of fire and water have split with new elementalists as leaders, both at war with the other and the kingdom of air. Kingdom of air still has no definite leader and a lack of an elementalist.

-A warrior claiming to be blessed by another being known as the black and silver Pegasus. His name was unknown however was referred to as the "Silver Phantom". This warrior becomes a fighter for the laws of whatever kingdom he was in.

Year 246

-With war still going on the Kingdom of Earth rises from a long period of isolation with an elementalist leading an elaborate army under his command. The Earth elementalist is angered by the extent of war in the world outside of his own kingdom and forces the earth to split from one contiguous land to many continents and islands to separate the kingdoms. Upon doing this the Earth elementalist passes away.
The Legends

The Legends

The Silver Phantom [late]

Name: ????
Title: Silver Phantom
Class: Blessed divinity
General alignment: Sided with the law
Skillset basis: Unknown powers
Appearance: Year 233 during the elementalist wars
Exit: Unknown when the lat Silver Phantom falls as he is replaced
Brief history: Appearing in year 233, this warrior shows up in many key points of history as the silver phantom. The silver phantom is known and respected by all as his reputation of fighting for whatever nation he is in and fighting to be sure others obey the regional laws is well known throughout the history

The Failed Siege of Estes

Name: Virgil
Title: Black healer
Class: Contorted Healer
General Alignment: ???
Skillset basis:His skills and abilities were always unclear, but it was certain that he could regenerate by transferring wounds and injuries from one person to another.
Appearance: One of the famed warriors taking part in the failed siege of Estes
Exit: There has been no proof of Virgils exit from this world, but he also has not been seen since
Brief history: There is no history worth noting other than he was born in Estes, a city filled to the borders with criminals and murderers. When Estes was invaded, Virgil assisted in taking down the opposing forces very easily, becoming a noted person. After the events, he vanished, no traces of him being dead or alive.

Name: ????
Title: Living dead human
Class: Contorted
General alignment: Neutral to self peace
Skillset basis: It has been noted that he was immune to all fire, water, and air magic, even healing magic.
Appearance: One of the famed warriors taking part in the failed Siege of Estes
Exit: After succeeding in defeating the enemy he entered his dead slumber once again
Brief history: Upon invading Estes, someone had entered upon a graveyard and soiled the holy land. Being disturbed angered this zombie like man, bringing him back to life to viciously slay all that opposed his peace

Name: Kayan
Title: Ravenous one
Class: Contorted warrior
General alignment: Chaotic neutral
Skillset basis: As this person to physical and earth element blows, his spiritual structure would build a defense against magic. It's also believed this insane individual had super human strength
Appearance: One of the famed warriors taking part in the failed Seige of Estes
Exit: Silver Phantom slayed the psychotic killer
Brief history: Kayan was one of the worst psychotic murderers in Estes. He was so bad he was sealed away by a spellcaster in a magical barrier that locked his mind in a new dimension. He was also kept in an old prison cell. Upon the invasion of Estes, Some soldiers made a game of his pinned body and threw stones at him. After taking enough stones his body's spiritual structure built enough defense against magic he broke through the seal. His strength allowed him to break the chains that held him and pull apart the bars of his cell. Ironically he used the bars as weapons to mercilessly tear apart anyone he saw, friend or foe.
Theme: Slipknot - Psychosocial

Name: Danny Dodger
Title: Flash warrior
Class: Contorted
General alignment: Unknown
Skillset basis: Short distance teleportation. It was also noted he could make multiple blows with a single strike.
Appearance: One of the famed warriors taking part in the failed Siege of Estes
Exit: Died a noble warrior
Brief history: Danny was born in Estes and discovered his powers later in life. He did not kill anyone until his home was attacked. Upon the attack he killed who he had to and left the town to join the military and become a noble and extremely powerful warrior.

Name: Sakara Kuweya
Title: Estes King
Class: Contorted
General Alignment: Neutral
Skillset basis: Unknown, no survivors
Appearance: The king of Estes, took part in the failed Siege of Estes
Exit: Slain by Kayan, the Ravenous One
Brief History: His/her fearsome power made him/her be dubbed as the king of Estes, a city where criminals and murderers were thrown as punishment. He/She was feared and liked it. Once Estes was invaded, the enemy had taken the lives of many of Estes' finest criminals and strongest warriors. Sakara was surrounded and asked to surrender his/her life. A famous speech was given after that. "You think it's over just like that? This city was built on crime and murder, you have taken down the majority of our population, but you've only taken down our pawns. The knights and bishops are still out there, while they are few, they will annihilate you." After the speech was given, the warriors of Estes began to win because few extremely powerful warriors had risen. Later that day, Sakara was slain by Kayan, the Ravenous One.