The Anti-Vaan Thread!

DL Clyde

Black Mage
Mar 7, 2007
Glasgow, Scotland
First of all, I have never started one of these threads, so bare with me.

The reason I have attempted to start this thread is because of this sexuality confused person.


Vaan is the worst Final Fantasy protagonist. I never thought it could get worse than Tidus but it has.

The only rule is:

Only flaming of Vaan!

I apologies for this being poorly done but I couldn't wait to see if anyone else would start this.
LMFAO.. They say a picture worth a thousand words but that one is worth a hundred Man Vaan's a little wierd (the whole vest thing as well) but come on... Oh well Flame on!!!:devil:

I need to start a Flame Ashe/Penelo thread....:dry:
LMFAO.. They say a picture worth a thousand words but that one is worth a hundred Man Vaan's a little wierd (the whole vest thing as well) but come on... Oh well Flame on!!!:devil:

I need to start a Flame Ashe/Penelo thread....:dry:
Awww, come on. What did Penelo ever do to you? As for Ashe, she has that ''Get bent, I don't want anything to do with you'' personality, which I find attractive. Vann is my least favorite character as well, I just find him to be a poor Tidus-ripoff.
I hate him simply because of his similaritys with the T-man Tidus. Square try and make the main character sound young because hes only liek 17, but then instead of him sounding young, he sounds quite literaly gay....why?!
I hate him because of his
clothing and looks and his voice
and that brother of him is clothing style is even more gay

and I thought Tidus was bad but no he over did it