The Beatles


Apr 15, 2007
How 'bout them Beatles?

Did you like them and why?

I like the way they sound and their harmony and whatnot.
Plus they really had strong sentiments and messages in their songs.
So is there anyone here that's a hardcore Beatle fan?;)
I can play Yesterday really well on the guitar. It's an arrangement by Chet Atkins, so its mainly for finger-pickers. If I ever find good recording technology, I'll try to post it up on this site sometime.

But yeah, Beatles were and still are amazing. Whenever I listen to the oldies station on the radio, I always hope for Beatles.
I just have one word to describe this group. "Overrated". Don't get me wrong, they're a fairly decent band, and I like a lot of their music, however, they're not as hot as people all over the world make them out to be, at least to me.

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe
the beatles were not overated they influenced music in a way that no other band or singer in history can even come close. Their album sales speak for itself.

There not one of my fav artists i think sum songs are a bit cheesy but i really respected lennon and Mcartney two very intellient guys.
my fav songs are - help - revolution - waiting for the sun well theres too many good songs to name.
beatles = genius
They were geniuses, and it's not likely that another group of 4 guys like the Beatles will ever happen again. *sighs*:huh:

And yeah, some songs were a bit cheesy, and some pointless (some people say...), but their effects on the music industry today is phenomenal.
Plus look at all the commercials that feature their trademark songs.
The Beatles were, to me, a very influential band, taking music to places it hadn't seen before. They weren't necessarily amazing, but they definitely were enormously influential.
You mean like
"All you Need Is Love" on a credit card commercial.
"Revolution" on a Nike commercial.
"Drive My Car (the riff)" on a Chuck E. Cheese commercial?
What was up with that?
I said influential didn't I? XD

She Loves You is one of there best songs I feel, just love the tune. =)
Hmm... Warbourne? Making a thread about the Beatles?
Never. "Not no way. Not no how." :P

The Beatles are pretty great, honestly. It's definitely one of my favorite bands to lay back too. They're also great to listen to while driving. Seriously, I think it cures road-rage. You can't be mad & be listening to a Beatles song at the same time. The universe would implode.
lol we actually singing Here There and Everywhere in my chorus class :)
my friend loves the Beatles and i liked them too but he majorly got me into them. i think my fave Beatles song is either Come Togeher or Help!.
I'd do that if I had my own car.
I tried playing tunes in my mom's car and it drove her nuts.
Well, the 'Please Please Me' album anyway.

I think she only likes their psychedelic stage. :rolleyes:

*Sgt. Pepper's Lonely, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely....*

P.S. I didn't mean it that way bud. I meant what was up with the commercials.
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Hey, I found a cord that I needed for my electric guitar, so now i can record myself. A day or two ago I recorded "Yesterday", and now its in the art section on the forum under the "My Recordings" topic.

I'll admit it wasn't my best run at the song, but it still sounds nice to me =)
Ohhhh, my bad. XD

Hello, Goodbye has to be one of their better songs, along with While My Guitar Gently Weeps. Harrison had a good voice.
Did you like the 'Love' makeover of MGGW *my abbreviation...* xP ??

I thought it was great, what with the orchestral background and stuff.
All the transitions were great on that CD as well.
I mean how can you possibly imagine a transition from Get Back to Glass Onion?

They did it perfectly.
Let's just say...the only song done by the Beatles that I outright dislike is Yellow Submarine.

Everything else is orgasmic. Yes, orgasmic. My mother is a diehard Beatles fan, so I've been exposed to them my entire life.

Love 'em.
I wonder why Paul wanted to take out the orchestral?
I mean, it made it way better.

But then again, he had his reasons.

They should have put 'All Together Now' instead of 'Yellow Submarine' as the single. If you know that song....
Do you believe that stuff about 'clues' that they put into that song?
About Paul dying and stuff.
It's a load of baloney but it's quite interesting how they came up with all this stuff.

It's weird. :|
Like the...erm, stuff at the end though. 'A Day in the Life' I mean.