The Cetra

master tonberry

Everyone's Grudge
May 13, 2009
In all the years I've played this game I just assumed that the cetra were just travellers simillar to gypsies but i read a topic on the net that suggests they came from outer space and it got me thinking...

Crashed Fighter jet in bone village too advanced for Shinra

Sephiroth says in the nibelheim flashback " they migrate in, settle the planet and move on". Why "in" it would make better sence if that was omitted if they just travelled the planet.

In the Temple of the Ancients Aeris says the spirits that guard the temple have been away from home too long and have lost their normal physical form but if they were from the planet shouldn't the look human?

In DoC, I can't remember who says it but something along the lines of cids new airship being excavated.

its left me confused and dont know what to think now :(
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Actually, the Cetras aren't aliens because they were born in the planet. Unfortunatly, a lot of fans got confused about the issue due to translation failures, but it has been proven in Maiden Who Travels the Planet novella in the Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Omega Guide that the Cetra were actually living in the planet before humans appeared. Cetras/Ancients were the caretakers of the planet, but Jenova almost eleminated them all. I believe that the humans are the Cetra that lost their ability to talk to the planet because it has been said that humans were once able to talk to the planet, but lost it once they gave up their close relationship with the Planet in favor of leisure and convenience. I might be wrong about the humans being once Cetras, but humans did once have the ability to speak to the planet.