The Chopped Pork & Ham Corner

Captain Daz

Knight Of The Round
May 3, 2008
And now, a thread dedicated to the "mystery meat in the fridge", so come here and have a banter about all things chopped pork and ham anytime you like!:lol:
I don't have any meat in my fidge either, although I have a slice of cold piza left which I wont be eating because it's a slice of meat feast and I dun like it. I had the vegeterian one with extra onions.....

I think I'l be throwing it in the bin >_>
I don't have any meat in my fidge either, although I have a slice of cold piza left which I wont be eating because it's a slice of meat feast and I dun like it. I had the vegeterian one with extra onions.....

I think I'l be throwing it in the bin >_>

Firstly, good girl, I see I'm corrupting your soul :monster:

and secondly, no you shant, you shall heat it up, and feed it to your cat, so that the animal didn't die in vain :gasp:
Im just fussy about what goes on my pizzas, Id rather not get poisoned from chewed up bits of meat on them :monster:
Hahaha nope, I had a great big chicken curry the other night :monster:
i have some processed smoked ham. but no spam. even if i did have spam, it wouldn't be kept in the fridge. although i hear it's great for an anniversary haha
It was fucking epic, I scoffed the lot. Had a garlic naan and onion rings aswel. Win

Going back on that diet tomorrow >_>
I couldn't finish (or even start) my naan tonight. But it's there for tomorrow, or some other time this week. Don't let anything go to waste.

Why diet? You only live once.
Because I cant fit into my jeans and I dont want to be a fatty :gasp: