The Dragoon with the Wyvern Eye


The One with the Wyvern Eye
Dec 9, 2007
University of Florida

Name: Wylliam Morgan
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 23

- Hair: Brown and very curly. Kept short and swept back to prevent sight obstruction.
- Eyes: Hazel and normal
- Height: 5 ft 6 in.
- Weight: 120 lbs.
- Complexion: Fair and soft, devoid of calluses, save those on his hands where he grasps his spear.
- Build: Very slight, with the exception of his more defined and more strenuously employed legs.
- Noteworthy Features: A small piece of maroon cloth from the corner of his friend's cape tied around the the shaft of the spear just below the head.
- Attire: Whatever is considered fasionable among the nobles, commonly a long sleeve linen shirt and matching pants, as well as earrings that catch the eyes and refuse to let go.

Personality: Affable and easy to approach. Rarely takes things seriously with the exception of times of endangerment to his friends. His greatest loves are music and literature, and though it interferes with his leaping, a windy day is a perfect day in his opinion. He enjoys keeping up with the latest fasion trends, and has strong Narcisistic (self-loving) tendencies. Though his traits get on some people's nerves, he is far from rude and takes the feelings of others into high account.
First Impression: No barriers whatsoever impeding a stranger's approach. Though it becomes rapidly clear that, in his opinion, one is truly blessed to have the opportunity to associate with him, most, in time, begin to overlook this particular flaw in favor of his friendly disposition.

Weapon(s): A simple four foot spear with a shaft of slightly springy wood and a head of mithril.
Armor: He wears full plate mail designed specifically for lithe mobility and minimal constrictions in jumping. For this reason, his armor is fairly brittle and in almost perpetual need of repair. There is no face visor or facial obstruction of any kind to limit his accuracy upon descent. His helmet covers the rest of his head. The cape extending from the shoulder plates to just behind his knees is missing a small area from the right-lower corner.

Abilities/Skills: Exceptional leaping proficiency. He uses the momentum from the descent to add substantially to the piercing capabilities of his spear. Hang time gives opponents greater time in which to react. On the ground, he has adequate skills with the spear.

Quick History: Born to a family of nobles, he grew up quite isolated from the troubles of the majority of the people. His parents hired a martial arts tutor to instruct Wylliam in the hopes of furthering their already favored position in the eyes of the provincial governor by providing him an outstanding military officer. The tutor, having more contact with the young boy than his parents, also had a greater influence on young Wylliam's sense of morality, teaching him as many life lessons as lance techniques. Wylliam grew to despise the existential lifestyle of his parents, and requested permission to continue his training in the local knight-apprentice order. There, he met his first friend outside his noble circle, Skaol. As they progressed together through the training of the order, Wylliam showed increasing proficiency with the spear, while Skaol distinguished himself as a prodigy with the rapier. When they were assigned to different sub-orders based on ability; Wylliam to the Order of Dragoons and Skaol to the Order of Swordsmen; they exchanged pieces of cloth from their capes to tie onto their weapons so as to, in a sense, keep fighting beside one another. Among his fellow Dragoons, he earned the nickname "Wyvern Eye" due to his exceptional reaction speed. However, his tendency to make faulty hasty decisions earned him the less flattering name, "Wyrm Brain." The day before graduation, he quit the order when he learned that several of its officers were extorting the local populace. Unwilling to return to his noble family, he sought out the tutor who trained him as a boy and lived with him for three years before setting out on his own. He now spends his time making a living as a hired spear and keeping an ear out for news of his friend's whereabouts.

Name: Skaol Edgar

Title: Knight of the Order of Swordsmen
Race: Human
Age: 21

- Hair: Black, yet shimmers like water reflecting the twilight sky, worn in a thin pony tail reaching to his waist. The front third of his hair is worn in two primary bangs that hang just outside his eyes, stopping just before the latitude of the point of his nose.
- Eyes: Dark forest green, he keeps them half open, giving him a perpetual sleepy look.
- Height: 5 ft, 10 in
- Weight: 140 lbs
- Complexion: Fair and rough
- Build: Slight, yet toned
- Noteworthy Features: A small piece of emerald green cloth from a corner of the cape of his friend fastened to a ring at the base of the hilt of his rapier.
- Attire: Enjoys dressing simply, normally a white linen short sleeve shirt and a pair of brown cloth pants.

Personality: Very easy going, bordering on lazy. His favorite passtime is sleeping, his favorite concious passtime is staring into space and thinking about anything that crosses his mind. He in rarely without a congenial smile, even in the middle of a battle. He puts everyone above himself, and is the first to self sacrifice, even for a stranger.
First Impression: Very quiet, yet smiles at everyone. Easy to approach and start a conversation with, though he sometimes does the approaching, if he feels he can be of help.

Weapon(s): Standard rapier with plenty of whip. Also, a ceremonial dagger given to him at graduation from his knight order. It has an ornate gold plated hilt, inlaid with thirteen small emeralds.
Armor: Full plate mail, colored green to mark his rank as captain. Over the armor is worn a white sleeveless tunic, bearing the emblem of the Order of Swordsmen: a double edged sword, point up, with an angel wing protruding from the right end of the hilt, and a demon wing from the left. No helmet.

Abilities/Skills: Though an adept of conventional swordsmenship, his true skill stems from his mastery of the Edgar Art of War. A practitioner of this school of fighting relaxes all the muscles of his/her body and disregards all concept of the movement of time. One takes into account only the present, niether trying to predict the opponents next move, nor attempting to establish an opponent's pattern of action based from his previous actions. By simply observing the opponent's current position, one's risk of being taken by a feint is significantly reduced. This does have a negative effect in that one's time in which to react is significantly reduced, with rapid enough strikes landing before the user can dodge. However, Skaol has developed a failsafe to compensate for his style's flaw. Similar to drunken martial arts, he puts himself into a self induced state of semi-conciousness which has the dual effect of maximizing the relaxation of his muscles and dulling the pain felt by a landed blow. When his adversary finally presents an opening, he snaps into full alert and strikes with everything he has. However, if a battle is protracted for too long, his addrenaline begins to forcibly extricate him from his state of half-conciousness. The beginnings of this first become evident normally after the first fifteen minutes. After thirty minutes, the effects have worn off completely.

Quick History: Born to a family of well-off merchants, Skaol was able to enlist in the province's local knights-apprentice order. There, he earned quick respect from his tutors and his peers due to his seamless integration of his family's martial style and his own seemingly innate skill with the rapier. It was also there that he met his best friend, Wylliam. While Wylliam earned his teachers' ire by not taking classes seriously, Skaol earned it through his habitual sleeping during classes. He was even known to sleep standing up during role call and during drills. Eventually, the two were seperated into different orders according to their skills; Wylliam to the Order of Dragoons and Skaol to the Order of Swordsmen. In order to perpetuate their friendship, they exchanged corners of their capes to tie onto their weapons. The day before graduation, Skaol learned that his friend had left the Order just earlier that day for reasons unknown. Confused by his friend's sudden departure, he was, for the first time in years, visibly distraught. He decided to advance as rapidly as possible through the Order's ranks, hoping that his missions would bring him news of his friend. He achieved the rank of Captain a month before his twentieth birthday. He is now known among the units under his command as the Lazy-Eyed Swordsman, or Captain Lazy-Eyes.
Though your ability may seem unfair to a degree, you do outline a fair weakness that Skaol has.

I find this bio to be well done. [APPROVED]

I think I should like to fight you one day. Perhaps you and Hera would ahve a good battle ;)
I like your skills system.
a sorta of boosted Drunken martial arts.
perfected of you wish.
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
Name – Testament
Title – Hell's Violin (title does not reflect alignment)
Alignment – Though you won't hear him admit it, Good.

Race – Fallen Seraphim. Those who took part in the rebellion against God, but were not cast into hell in chains. Almost all Fallen Seraphim wander the earth as spirits to thwart God's plan for humanity. A select few, however, choose to live like humans. They're appearance, for the most part, is humanoid, and they are all male. They are far 'prettier' than any human, very feminine in their physical features, but are otherwise indestinguishable. They can sprout white, feathery wings whenever they desire. The wings are not physical and are not visibly connected to the Seraphim's back, but are made of celestial energy, which enables the wings to interact with the physical world. When manifested so, they do become an extension of the Seraph's body, so one does feel pain when a wing is hurt. However, they are significantly tougher than the Seraph's main body, so can be thought of as a defense of last resort. They consist of three pairs, the top pair is significantly larger than the lower two, reaching a wingspan of ten to twelve feet. The wings serve to give flight to the Seraphim.

Seraphim are immune to poisons, disease, and aging, but are quite succeptible to violent death. When a Seraph dies, it is sent to hell in chains.

Gender – Male

Age – Seraphim exist outside of time. Testament appears to be in his early twenties.

Appearance – The functioning word here is pretty. He has shoulder length flowing silver hair with an angelic sheen that shines no matter how much light is hitting it or how dirty it gets. His face is very effiminate and completely devoid of flaw. His eyes are crystal blue, his eyebrows are thin, and his chin comes to a feminine point. Though he is tall (6ft 2in), his build is very slight (135lbs), even girlish. He has an extremely fair complexion, no matter how long he stays in the sun. His posture can be described as fluid and relaxed. He has perfect teeth and a killer smile.

Attire – His attire can best be described as scholarly.
-Torso: Long sleeve nobleman's shirt, navy blue in color, over which is worn a crimson silk vest. From the neck of the vest protrudes a white ascot. A navy blue nobleman's cloak is worn on the outside. The cloak is fastened at the neck with a golden brooch, and reaches to just above the ground.
-Lower Half: Navy blue slacks, grey socks, and blue suede shoes.
-Accessories: White cloth gloves on his hands. Carries a black violin case in his left hand.

Personality - Testament tries to put up walls between himself and others. He acts arrogant and pretends to think only of himself, but in reality his angelic origin prevents him from looking the other way when someone innocent is in trouble. After helping someone, he'll make up selfish excuses as to why he did it so people don't think he actually cares about them, and if that person thanked him, he would become annoyed and tell them something along the lines of "get lost.". He wants desperately to spite the humans for being favored by God, but deep down, hidden even from himself, is his angelic calling to protect them.

Testament spends his eternity on Earth wandering among the humans and causing them as much trouble as possible without actually inflicting great pains on those that don't deserve it (he would attribute their safety to luck and not his innate benevolence). Some examples include robbing traveling adventurers, spurring a conflict between rival groups of bandits, and crashing in on public functions. Between acts of mischief, he reads, plays his violin, and attends theaters.

First Impression - The first thing one would notice if one were to approach him is the outright impossibility of approaching him. He shoots down any attempt someone makes to start a relationship with him, most often with cutting remarks made with an air of contempt. If that person stubbornly perseveres in trying to be close to him, he does his best to simply ignore their existence.

Strength- Testament's upper body strength is completely unremarkable. If he were to go to a local gym, he could barely benchpress the bar. Lifting 130 lbs from the ground is considered "maxing out" for him. Against even a moderately muscled frame, a punch from him would barely be felt.

His kicks are another thing entirely. Ignoring the resulting stubbed toe, he could kick 130 lbs of dead weight twenty feet.

Speed - As far as combat 'attributes' go, this is Testament's forte. He has trained to reach top speed (15 mph) almost instantly. Side steps are smooth and fluid. As stated before, his punches are immaterial, but his kicks are very swift, a blur to the average eye.

Endurance- Toughness isn't in Testament's dictionary. About ten landed heavy punches and Testament is out of the fight. That is why he relies heavily on speed and reflexes. On the rare occasion that he uses his wings to defend, they can withstand, using a well built fighter's heavy punch as the standard, thirty punches. After this, the wings dissipate and cannot be summoned for an hour.

Stamina is another matter. He can run at full speed for about fourty minutes before he needs to rest. After sixty minutes of full-power fighting, he needs to rest.

Reflexes- Works in collaboration with speed to serve as Testament's only true defense. His long life has helped to hone his ability to rapidly anticipate and avoid enemy attacks. His reflexes almost give the illusion that he reads his opponent's mind.

Fighting Style- Testament has the ability to extend his Seraphic energy into the strings of a stringed insturment through direct contact, and by playing it, can unleash a variety of attacks. His insturment of choice is the violin, and it is only with this insturment that he can use his abilities to their full potential. However, he has contingency with any stringed insturment, including his own voice. He can only extend his energy to one insturment at a time, so he can't, for example, sing and play the violin to attack. His primary battle strategy is to stay as far away from his opponent's attacks as possible while unleashing his own. In this regard, Testament is predominantly a long range fighter. If, however, an opponent manages to get uncomfortably close, or if he runs out of Seraphic Energy, he can use his reflexes and speed (and perhaps a few well aimed kicks) to scurry away and unleash more painful melodies or rest, depending on the situation. As long as his energy is extended into an insturment, he cannot summon his wings. If his energy is extended into an insturment for an hour, he cannot extend his energy or summon his wings for another hour.

Weapons: Violince (the stress is on the last syllable. Clever, eh?)- A violin Testament encountered during one of his bandit lair-raids he conducted about one-hundred years prior. Upon noticing it, he felt an immeadiate attraction to its dark visage. The wood is ebony with red trimming on its edges. The scroll (head) of the violin is in the shape of a wyrm head. The insturment's edges come to exagerated points, augmenting its grotesque countenance. Since finding it, Testament has painted blood-red angel wings on the violin's back and allowed the paint to run a little toward the insturment's base, giving the impression of bleeding angel wings. The bow (the little stick you use to play it) is of matching ebony and horse hair dyed crimson. When not in use, Violince is kept in an unremarkable violin case. Violince's only merit in combat is through Spirit Extension.

Armour: No armor other than his wings. This is, once again, a last resort, as Testament likes to keep his Angelic lineage a secret.

Abilities: These are the attacks Testament can use with his Spirit Extension. The descriptions assume he is using his violin. Other stringed insturments work at about 66% effectiveness, while the voice works at about 33%. All attacks are dependant on their governing song, so end the moment the song is interrupted or changed. While played, the songs have a constant drain on his store of Seraphic Energy. Seraphic Energy repletes itself while no song is played at a rate of 2% a minute.

Angelic Arrows in A major: a fierce marching melody with a driving rhythm sure to encourage attacked to move their feet, if the attack weren't motivation enough. Arrows of light stream from the clouds at the attacker, one at a time at one second intervals. The celestial energy that makes up the arrows combust slightly on contact, dealing minor explosive damage when they hit their target. Not enough force to relieve a man of a limb, but enough to make him regret getting hit. Every minute of this song has about a 4% drain on his store of Seraphic Energy.

Marionette Minuet in C sharp minor: A soft melody sure to make a connoisseur of fine music weep for its beauty, provided he isn't on the receiving end. Manipulates the bodies of weak willed individuals (i.e. townsfolk or other insignificant npcs). The manipulated victims have control only over their face, making them unsuited for espionage but perfect for distractions. Only three can be controlled in this manner at a time. Every minute of this song drains 10% of his store of Seraphic Energy.

Boom Boom Beat Rush: Rather than sweeping the bow across the strings as in other attacks, the bow is more or less bounced on the strings to provide a predominately staccato and syncopated melody. While this high energy and bouncy rhythm rings through the air, pockets of air about three feet in diameter begin to glow one at a time. After said pocket glows for a second and a half, the air combusts and results in an explosion about five feet in diameter. The explosive damage from this attack is significantly greater than that of the Angelic Arrows, but would still take several to dispatch a seasoned warrior. Every minute of this song drains 5% of his Seraphic Energy.

This section is apt to update as Testament composes other songs of battle (in other words, when my creative juices start flowing and I can think of some more).

Magic- N/A

Other Skills-
Heaven's Mind- Has vast knowledge of the natural world, including chemistry, zoology, physics, and human biology.

Music Prodigy- Can play any instrument with exceptional skill just by touching it.

History- When God revealed his divine plan for the creation of humans and their favored position in His heart, Testament was filled with bitterness. God was giving them a gift that the angels could barely comprehend: the ability to stray from God's love only to be welcome back with open arms; in short, salvation. Upon learning of Lucifer's Coup, Testament, in a fit of passion, joined in the rebellion. The victor was decided before the battle even began; Lucifer, Testament, and all who rebelled were thrown from heaven. Many were cast into the lake of fire in chains. Others, such as Lucifer, fell to Earth as spirits to try and sabotage the will of God. A select few however, known as Fallen Seraphim, took on physical bodies that highly resembled the humans. Testament was one of these few. They dispersed and rarely saw one another again. Testament, still filled with bitterness, resolved to make life as hard as possible on the humans.

However, during the several millinea that passed, Testament found himself unwilling to greatly hurt the innocent. One time in particular, Testament was raiding a burrow belonging to a group of notorious bandits. At that time, he was using a primative form of guitar to utilize his powers. After dispatching the leader, he discovered Violince in one of the burrow's coffers. He immeadiately felt a connection to the instrument's dark beauty and, upon picking it up, discovered that he could bring his powers to their full potential through it. As he was about to level the burrow with his recently composed Boom Boom Beat Rush, he happened upon a room of hostages chained to the wall. After a fierce internal struggle, he freed the hostages and then proceeded to demolish the burrow. To make himself feel better, he kicked one of the male hostages in the groin before dissapearing into the night.

So has he lived for several thousand years: terrorizing the humans yet refraining from inflicting lasting harm on those undeserving, filling his eternal isolation with literature, art, and, of course, music.
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OOOOOooooo, I like your interpretation of the Seraphim; very well done.

Your attribute sections are succinct and very well done.

Rather odd choice of weaponry. It's acceptable, but does it have any actual use in a fight (besides the abilities part)?

Hmm. I love your abilities: they're excellent and very original. However, I'm a little skeptical about the energy costs. That's really the only thing holding this back from getting approved, is what the energy costs for the skills are.

Fix that up, and it should be good to go.

Alright. This seems to be fine. Actually, it was very well-done overall.

Since all of your character bios have been approved, I am moving this thread to "Battle-Hardened." Congrats!

If you create any new characters, please create a new thread in Hall of Warriors, and once they are approved, that bio will be merged with this thread. =)
Wylliam Morgan Revamped and Updated


Name – Wylliam Morgan<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>

Title – The Dragoon with the Wyvern Eye

Alignment – Good

Race – Human

Gender – Male

Age – 23

Appearance – Wylliam, due to his noble upbringing devoid of manual labor, has a very slight frame, the only exception being his more defined and strenuously employed legs. He is 5’ 6” tall and 120 lbs. His skin is fair and smooth, another consequence of his upbringing. He does, however, have calluses on his hand where he grips his spear.
His hair is short, brown, and very curly. He keeps it brushed back to avoid sight obstruction. His face is boyish and friendly. His eyes are hazel and without distinction other than the optimism that seems to exude from them. His nose is unobtrusive, ending at a point not far from his face. He has no facial hair and his chin comes to a subtle point.

Attire – Wylliam is very fond of keeping with the noble fashion trends of the time. When not in his armor, he can normally be found dressed in a puffy, white, long-sleeve, cotton shirt under a brightly patterned vest. He wears a white kerchief around his neck with the knot on the right side. His pants are usually a dark colored pair of dressy slacks. His shoes are black and shiny. The only jewelry he wears are earrings, which are always extravagant and flashy; they catch the eye and refuse to let go.

Personality – Wylliam is affable and easy to approach. Rarely does he take things seriously with the exception of times of endangerment to his friends. His greatest loves are music and literature, and though it interferes with his leaping, a windy day is a perfect day in his opinion. He enjoys keeping up with the latest fashion trends, and has strong Narcisistic (self-loving) tendencies. One could outright insult him, yet he would still find a way to stroke his ego with the comment. Though his traits get on some people's nerves, he is far from rude and takes the feelings of others into high account.

First ImpressionNo barriers whatsoever impeding a stranger's approach. Though it becomes rapidly clear that, in his opinion, one is truly blessed to have the opportunity to associate with him, most, in time, begin to overlook this particular flaw in favor of his friendly disposition.

Strength – Due to Wylliam’s noble heritage, his arm strength is relatively mediocre. His maximum lifting weight is about 200lbs. A punch from Wylliam to a minimally defended enemy with 500 health would deal about fifteen points of damage. Due to his unique style of fighting, his legs are significantly stronger. A kick from Wylliam would deal about thirty damage.

Speed – Wylliam’s muscled legs allow him to reach a top speed of about 14mph in about five seconds. His slight build and specialized armor also allows him to execute sidesteps and dodges with great agility. His spear speed is above average, but not quite ‘eye-blurring’ in velocity.

Endurance – In terms of toughness, he’s a bit of a softy. He relies on a combination of his agility and armor to reduce the frequency and impact of blows. He would be unable to fight after about twenty-five punches from a well-built fighter directly land on his body.

Reflexes – This is how Wylliam earned the nickname “Wyvern Eye.” He can react almost instantly to any change in situation or attack. However, his tendency to react before thinking earned him the name “Wyrm Brain.”

Fighting Style – Wylliam fights using a combination of his formal training in the Order of Dragoon, the techniques he learned from his mentor, and his own unorthodox style. His primary offensive tactic is to leap into the air and use gravity to add force and velocity to his spear, effectively taking advantage of the natural blindspot above his opponents and augmenting his piercing ability. This does have a drawback in the form of his hangtime which could give his opponent enough time to dodge the attack. On the ground, he combines formal spearsmanship with the “evolutionary battle technique” taught to him by his mentor. In learning this technique, one is thrust into several unique battles with different inhibiting, inconveniencing, and sometimes downright odd conditions, with the common prohibition of using any stylized or formal techniques. Because of this unique training, the student is not locked into a certain style which could prove disadvantageous to a particular scenario, and can adapt his fighting to suit any need. This, in addition to Wylliam’s naturally unorthodox thought process, can lend to very interesting fights.

Weapons – The weapon itself is nothing unique; a simple five-foot spear made of a slightly springy wooden staff and a mithril head. However, the maroon cloth tied just below the spear head holds great sentimental value, as it was cut from the corner of his closest friend’s cape.

ArmourHe wears full plate mail designed specifically for lithe mobility and minimal constrictions in jumping. For this reason, his armor is fairly brittle and in almost perpetual need of repair. There is no face visor or facial obstruction of any kind to limit his accuracy upon descent. His helmet covers the rest of his head. The cape extending from the shoulder plates to just behind his knees is missing a small area from the right-lower corner.

Abilities – These abilities can only be used in conjunction with the opening of Wylliam’s Wyvern Eye (see transformation information below).
Rain of the Dragon King- While in the air, Wylliam spreads out his arms and gathers energy from all over his body into a purple rimmed sphere about an inch out from his chest. An observer would be able to see the energy course in strands around his body and into the sphere. Once the sphere is formed, Wylliam floats about a foot back from it, raises his spear above his head, and slams it onto the sphere. The sphere then explodes into thirteen white streams of energy which rain down upon Wylliam’s opponent. These streams deal heavy damage which would incapacitate an ordinary human in the event of all thirteen streams connecting with their target. The energy streams are fast, but an agile fighter would have little problem avoiding connection with all thirteen. This attack consumes half of Wylliam’s total Draconic Energy.
Wyrm Wind- One quarter of Wylliam’s Draconic Energy is seeped out of his body and into the surrounding air. Wylliam then holds his spear above his head and points it toward the sky, at which point the energy begins to circulate the air surrounding him into a spiral of razor wind. Wylliam also begins to spin, and, if still on the ground, lifts into the air. For thirty seconds, Wylliam will charge blindly, surrounded by a cutting vacuum, at high speeds. Though fast, it takes a long time to get turned around when he misses his opponent. The surrounding wind can cut through rock, while a direct hit at the point of the attack can drill through steel. The quarter of Draconic Energy used to circulate the air does not return to the body after the attack.
Draconic Breath- Wylliam holds his spear in the middle of the shaft and rotates it 180 degrees, both ends leaving a trail of light purple energy, resulting in a circle five feet in diameter. He then draws his spear back, then slashes through the circle. An energy beam five feet diameter and originating from the center of the circle is then fired straight ahead for two seconds. A direct hit can incapacitate an ordinary human, but is almost impossible to accomplish, due to the time it takes to prepare the attack. This consumes a quarter of Wylliam’s total Draconic Energy.

Magic – N/A

Other Skills
Opening of the Wyvern Eye- Purple energy encircles and converges onto Wylliam, obscuring him from view. When this abates, Wylliam’s Wyvern Eye has opened. The visible changes that take place in Wylliam are as follows: Translucent, purple energy covers his body like purple flames; his eyes radiate bright white light without irises or pupils; and a third flaming white eye appears on his forehead. While in this state, Wylliam does not speak or show emotion. This transformation triples his speed, doubles his strength and endurance, and augments his reaction time by 50%. This state allows him to tap into Draconic Energy to utilize Draconic attacks (described above), as well as fly. Once his Draconic Energy is depleted, or ten minutes pass, this state ends, leaving Wylliam exhausted and completely drained of strength for about half an hour.

HistoryBorn to a family of nobles, he grew up quite isolated from the troubles of the majority of the people. His parents hired a martial arts tutor to instruct Wylliam in the hopes of furthering their already favored position in the eyes of the provincial governor by providing him an outstanding military officer. The tutor, having more contact with the young boy than his parents, also had a greater influence on young Wylliam's sense of morality, teaching him as many life lessons as lance techniques. Wylliam grew to despise the existential lifestyle of his parents, and requested permission to continue his training in the local knight-apprentice order. There, he met his first friend outside his noble circle, Skaol. As they progressed together through the training of the order, Wylliam showed increasing proficiency with the spear, while Skaol distinguished himself as a prodigy with the rapier. When they were assigned to different sub-orders based on ability; Wylliam to the Order of Dragoons and Skaol to the Order of Swordsmen; they exchanged pieces of cloth from their capes to tie onto their weapons so as to, in a sense, keep fighting beside one another. Among his fellow Dragoons, he earned the nickname "Wyvern Eye" due to his exceptional reaction speed. However, his tendency to make faulty hasty decisions earned him the less flattering name, "Wyrm Brain." The day before graduation, he quit the order when he learned that several of its officers were extorting the local populace. Unwilling to return to his noble family, he sought out the tutor who trained him as a boy and lived with him for three years before setting out on his own. He then spent his time making a living as a hired spear and keeping an ear out for news of his friend's whereabouts.<o:p></o:p>
He was eventually reunited with his friend, but under surprising circumstances. He was saddened that his friend had not left the Order as he had. Skaol had instead decided to put up with the system’s corruption in the hope of making the world a better place to live in the long run. Agreeing to disagree, the two fought side by side in an important battle for the sake of humanity. Skaol, however, was critically injured when he took a hit for Wylliam, the shock of which forcibly opened Wylliam’s ‘Wyvern Eye.’ After the fight, with Skaol on the path to recovery, Wylliam trained to master his Wyvern Eye until he could invoke it at will. He continues to fight without alliance to aid those in need and earn his income, which is largely spent on clothing.
Awesome revamp, prof. Loved it, and I'm really impressed.


[Moved to Battle-Hardened]