The Dreaded Toilet Seat! :D

Sephiroth Crescent

Greatest Villian Ever
Jun 30, 2008
La Isla De Encanto
I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday , and he told me his gf of 3 years decided it was a good ideafor the two to move in together.

He told me yesterday she threw a fit because he doesn't leave the toilet seat down.

I laughed because leaving it up or down doesn't really benefit either person.

Lolz, what do you peeps think. May the sex war begin :wacky:

:math: <--- ZomG! Its Karl :gasp:

- Kuja

It's very easy (women) to reach out an arm and bring the seat down before doing your business. Not only is it an incredibly simple task to do, but nobody has to hear an unnecessary nagging/bitching from anyone.

Everybody wins. =D
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It's very easy (women) to reach out an arm and bring the seat down before doing your business. Not only is it an incredibly simple task to do, but nobody had to hear an unnecessary nagging/bitching from anyone.

Everybody wins. =D

Lmfao brotha I didn't actually think you'd make a thread about this XD.

Lol Helix what you say is true, but will get you in trouble :wacky:.

Lets see what Solomon has to say about this.

"I shall now cut the toilet in half and give you both half", nah Im kidding he'd probably find a way to keep it in the middle :D.

~ Socrates the Great
There's an idea! A system that lowers the seat when you flush.

*scribbles furiously*

The marriage saver thing!!!

I have now patented this idea, and will be a millionaire.

I also will be an expert marriage councilour.

Good Day to you sir ^^

Oh and helix, there was also a commercial about a woman who during the night went to the bathroom, and sat down to do her bussiness only to get a nice big surprise that a toilet seat was up, she then yelled her husbands name in an angry tone. I'll see if I can find it XD

- Kuja
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When I saw the title of this thread pop up, I thought, "What the heck?!"

I don't mind one bit. I always make sure it's down so I don't fall in the toilet. :wacky:

The only thing you can do is put it down. The end.

My way is cheaper. And easily repaired. Good idea again!

*scribbles more*

The marriage saver thing!! Now with motion sensor in case you forget to flush!

There actually is a toilet like that in China. I saw it on "Top Ten Bathrooms". :wacky: Real show!
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Simple solution. Get 2 toilets - one for each person. Problem solved. =]

Anyway, I generally don't see why they are having an argument over whether a toilet seat should be left up or down, I mean, does it really matter? D:
I put it up when I go for a piss mainly because it annoys me when you go to public toilets and they leave the seat down and piss all over at -__-, then I put it back down once I've finished my widdle. :wacky:
Simple solution. Get 2 toilets - one for each person. Problem solved. =]

Anyway, I generally don't see why they are having an argument over whether a toilet seat should be left up or down, I mean, does it really matter? D:
I put it up when I go for a piss mainly because it annoys me when you go to public toilets and they leave the seat down and piss all over at -__-, then I put it back down once I've finished my widdle. :wacky:

While this solution sounds like the logical thing to do, bear in mind not everyone has the luxery of having two toilets :D.

Lol at what you said about Public Bathrooms because its so true!

- Kuja
I totally understand her reaction.

I get mad too when I see the bathroom left all drippy and shampoo bottles lying down.. But that's really just me. I must have a clean freak somewhere inside me. :gasp:

That would be a complete waste of money. :P

Although it would help to an extent...

Not if you buy your partner a toddler's potty. :wacky:

I put it up when I go for a piss mainly because it annoys me when you go to public toilets and they leave the seat down and piss all over at -__-, then I put it back down once I've finished my widdle. :wacky:
It's worse in women's bathrooms. Need I explain why?
δ Kuja Ω;389011 said:
We're all clueless, Please do explain why :D.

- Kuja

Do I really have to go into detail? :gasp:

It can get pretty bad in public restrooms when it's a female's "time 'o the month". I shall leave it at that and say no more. :wacky:
Do I really have to go into detail? :gasp:

It can get pretty bad in public restrooms when it's a female's "time 'o the month". I shall leave it at that and say no more. :wacky:


So anyway: Yeah, women intolerable to toilet seats not being down when it's their time to use them need to settle down, take a few seconds to think logically, and proceed with their, erm...normal operations. Otherwise, a cataclysm of argument and screams will follow, and none of us want that.
Tell her she's bloody lucky to have a fucking toilet seat, mine is no more after a slight case of 'drunk night syndrom'.

However I tend to leave the toilet seat down these days. I always do at other peoples gaff's out of respect and after a stint of not going to my own home for a good month it kinda became habit across the board. Yes thats right ladies and genitals, theres a bloke whos actually toilet trained shock horror :wacky:
I dont see the problem I mean if the guy puts the toilet seat down she can just put it back up and do her buisness.And just like Mist said if this is such a problem buy two toilet seats then problem solved. xD But maybe she was going through her "once a month thing" so that I can understand why she would want the toilet seat up.
Do I really have to go into detail? :gasp:

It can get pretty bad in public restrooms when it's a female's "time 'o the month". I shall leave it at that and say no more. :wacky:
Blood! Lots and lots of blood! :gasp:

I always put the toilet seat down after I take a piss. My mamma trained me to do so :gasp:
Well, being a girl, I wouldn't want to touch the toilet seat. Besides, it's just common courtesy to do so. You say it is simple for girls to just put it down, doesn't the same apply for guys? You put it up, so you put it down. ;)