The Drunk Thead

Prince Oberyn Martel

The Red Viper of Dorne
Jun 24, 2006
So yeah, int0rnet and booze, great combo. We need a thread for the sad drunks like me'self cos we just do.

Fooking jive
I fucking hate bar hoggers! They stand there in the way whilst people are trying to get by to the toilet or get drinks but dont move for shit! tossres
ah, if only i saw this thread last night. i would've joined right in the drunken/posting fest!

but i'm sober now. ;)
Well, I'm drunk in spirit, if it counts. A steady and constant intake of alcohol has really built up the tolerance. I am, however drinking now, so cheers!
Cause the first thing I do when I'm drunk is come on the internetz!1

in the words of Gofaq Yosef:

Sux 2 b yung
So true. I'd talk to that cunt more if I wasn't currently being banned from every three posts for 1 week intervals. :dry: But then again even when drunkerz sometimes its hard to sleep and the need to come on is there. Like right now, ive only had a few Newky Browns but I'm also stoned of me titters but cant sleep.

I stewerded the Bristol City Vs Rovers game today, my god thos catering and cleaning staff deserve a darn good spin. seirously FINE women!
Lol I always start one of these when I get drunk too. Amen to you sir for making this one. A fine thread indeed. And huzzah! Pepe posted! Milktarts and watermellons for all!
It you have a cat that you call him smat and you wear a hat sho shut your trap. You're a cunt and so is billy ray! hey! hahaha Jublilee for eeryoneone! Fun is hun and so is a a gun! once you are not a licwhore store, and ablesauce is on adore for onec you mentio it you are a door! lupin the third wears capes and pie for applecider on a liquor high. Nock your dad out with a frying pan! Lick your dick and stick it ina can! hahaha these are the lickiss of kiss so sing along and don't drink your piss. the wornds to rypme so smend you ritme at larry's garage!!!!!!!!!! hehehehee