The Espers of Final Fantasy XII

Do you think the Espers of FF XII are connected to the Lucavi Demons of FFT?

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Bearer of the Keyblade
Oct 25, 2006
How many of you think the Espers of Final Fantasy XII are connected to the Lucavi Demons of Final Fantasy Tactics?

Wilkipedia says they were once Lucavi demons...but the only thing that resembles them is their names, and in some cases their appearnces.
they do remind me a lot of the summons from FFT...becuase i used never used any in both games...unless i had opening a door or such ;)
It could be a posibility, both the worlds in both the game are called Ivalice and they both have the same kind of storyline which is a kingdome in trouble. So I dont know it could be a posibility due to alot of similarities.
sorry If I spoil and sorry about my grammar >_> but:

I'm someone who REALLY loves the ff tactics and ff 12 story, and about the espers, they are totally connected to the ff tactics , you just need to see the names and thats all.
Now, the second thing is about the "zodiac stones" or.. better say: manufactured nethycite? :x . You just have to remember that the zodiac stones provides power depending of the will of the character holding it; it's the same thing on ff 12. You have to remember too the part of ff tactics when they say that in the past times, machines and flying airships were all over ivalice and stuff, well... ff12 talk about this " flying airships" time i guess.. am I wrong?.
There are so many coincidences, like the name of princess Ashelia, very similar to the name of Ovelia the princess, in ff tactics. King Raminas too, similar to the name of king Orinas ( or it was a queen?, I forgot. ).

I think there are some details left that I forgot, but as you see, there are coincidences in story concept, or just in the name. Anyways, as I said in the begining, I'm just a ff tactics - 12 lover >.< , i dun work in square enix to tell the big truth xD; I hope someone agrees with me ;_;

P.D: again, sorry about my grammar >< , and I could have put a new thread but I'm new in this forum so ... ><!!
I played again this game and now I fix some mistakes

( on the reply above ) : manufactured -> deifacted


that's all.
The Espers in FFXII are named after the Lucavi demons of FFT and the Totema of FFTA. That should have been obvious. Whoever put no obviously hasn't played FFT.
The relationship between FFT FFTA and FF12 is that FF12 is the past of FFT and those two are a book in FFTA. I think I got it right. I just looked it up on wikipedia but some idiot probably put it up there. It could be true y'know
With the low HP of the Espers Square should have either given them much more HP or allowed you to revive the Espers during battle like a ally.
And some of those espers were a pain in the ass to get. I just don't get how when you fight hte esper it's all badass and stuff but when you get it on your side it just sucks and gets itself there's a time limit they can be in battle. But that doesn't matter because they die as quick as they are summoned.