The FINAL Final Fantasy


Obsesive Completionist
Feb 28, 2011
If this series were to ever come to an end,what should the very last game be like?Should it try to forge story conections with previous FFs,or contain its own isolated world?Should it try to innovate or return to its roots,gameplay wise?
I think that it should have little bits of the older games, within it.

Like, say for a example....

It has the party class system of Final Fantasy 1, the ninja, red mage, white sage.

It has the victory cheer system of Final Fantasy 2, the characters all cheer, and run off the battle screen.

It has the Onion Class available, with the Final Fantasy 1 classes. Or maybe just a Onion Knight character, NPC, or villain.

It has the characters traveling to the center of the moon, like it did with FF4.

It has a Chocobo called Boco, like how Bartz's Chocobo is called Boco in FF5.

The Summons are called Esper, and the Esper world makes a return. Some of the Espers are called Maduin, Madona, and Terra. It'll also include a Opera House.

It'll have a bar called Seventh Heaven, where the heroes or rebels hang out. The main character would wield a buster sword, and his past girlfriend would be a flower- girl.

Eyes on me would play during a moment during the game, maybe just orchestrated on the piano during a mini- game, just re- vocalized. There would be a summon, or Esper called Griever.

The Black Mage village would make a re-appear, lead by a Black Mage called Vivi.

The airship would be the one from FFX, and it would have the Sphere Grid leveling up system from FFX. There would be a group of rebels or treasure hunters, called the Zanakand Abes.

The Quicking limit break would make a return, as the sky pirates.

It'll have the Summoning system from FF13.

Something like that, would be awesome.

I think something new would be interesting. The FINAL Fantasy could take ideas from Dissidia, where there are characters from all the FF's. The only difference would be that you could use any combination of characters during the battles.
Also, something like a 100+ hours storyline with many other implementation such as endless hours of upgrading gear/characters would be ideal (of course, that is me because I love playing LONG, LONG games).
In roundabout kind off way Duodecim Dissidia does this with out the finality of the OP.

I would love to see a return to the earlier days off FF but have the lead characters not be crap or dressed like they are on there way to a Mardi Gras (Sydney or New Orleans?:hmmm:) With a Lord of the rings type of story but with the FF spin.

FFXII attempted this IMO, but was crap and made horrible story decisions blah blah.

An epic story and some kind of global war that is actually the main story in stead of apart of the Worlds history or a threat, War and its outcomes are what make a great story with soem romance added for good measure and a Moral crisis.

Yeah thats its needs.

Something to have actually talking about how good the story was and not how bad ly we wanna go and blow S-E staff members:lew:, I think ringo said this once and another member:hmmm:
I think it should be the longest, most epic one, even if it means not being quite so cutting edge in the graphics department. It should tease with false endings, character deaths, returns, twists and turns.

I do quite like the idea of a lot of homages and references to older FF games, but just little things would please me, like the finger pointer on the menus and stuff. Also, the World Map has to come back. I'm afraid it just doesn't feel right without it.
it should have summons as the main characters and be all epic and stuff. and vivi. oh, and it should have cloud and sephiroth making out in the background of every cutscene. instant best seller, will spawn another 15 FINAL Final Fantasies.

in all seriousness, summons as main characters would be badass.
In my opinion, I wouldn't want to use any of the old characters because it would be awkward. Having Tidus and Cloud randomly there would change who they actually are. (They're not meant to meet)
I think a really good "going out with a bang" for FF would be to release a few games, like maybe 2 sequels and a brand new game. Something that makes players not feel like "Oh it's over..." but instead "There are 3 games!!"

That's probably not how they are gonna do it though, and it would take a while :P
In my opinion, I wouldn't want to use any of the old characters because it would be awkward. Having Tidus and Cloud randomly there would change who they actually are. (They're not meant to meet)
I think a really good "going out with a bang" for FF would be to release a few games, like maybe 2 sequels and a brand new game. Something that makes players not feel like "Oh it's over..." but instead "There are 3 games!!"

That's probably not how they are gonna do it though, and it would take a while :P

like how theres FF13 2 and verses coming out o_O? meaning this is more.....but how will i make hours......days....weeks pass by in minutes without final fantasy Y_Y