The Final FMV


Will You Remember? Will Your Heart Sing With Pain?
Oct 26, 2008
Auckland, New Zealand
What's up with that cutscene? The one where Tidus wakes up in underwater and then just.. swims. Can anyone elaborate on this bizzare event?
Left to the players imagination imo, there might be reasoning behind it, but I dunno what it is....... he comes back in X-2 anyway, so it could easily just be linked to that.....somehow

Actually, Im not sure if this is X OR X-2, but someone said in a fred not so long ago that the fayth said they would sing for him and he'd be able to go back......
Go back to Macalania temple later on, the fayth of Shiva will give you a greater understanding of it.

She mentions Tidus swimming in an eternal sea or something along those lines.

Actually, all the Fayths will explain it better, but out of the lot, Shiva provides the best answer.
The Final FMV after the credits is the optional FMV scene from the end of FFx-2. if you do all of the things necessary, you will recieve this scene after beating Vegnagun.

If i recall, you will beat Vegnagun and there will be a short sequense where the screen is blank. Hold down or rapidly push select or square or circle, and the Bahamut faythe will appear and ask Yuna if she would like to see "Him" again. Select yes and the faythe will say,"we will do our best." and the 'final' cutscene will roll, and after the credits, the island will be shown and the cutscene in question will take place, but all of it will play.

it entails that scene and Yuna and Tidus being re-united

link to the video ^^^^
The thing with X-2 though, I don't think it was planned when FFX was released. X-2 came after the Enix merge (like all the other sequals, prequals etc.) so even though X-2 does explain it, I'd rathar disregard it because the Fayth's in X, if you go back and visit the temples later on, do add a little explanation to it. Like Shiva's fayth says Tidus will be swimming in an eternal sea (something along those lines). The other Fayth's do hint at it aswell.
The thing with X-2 though, I don't think it was planned when FFX was released. X-2 came after the Enix merge (like all the other sequals, prequals etc.) so even though X-2 does explain it, I'd rathar disregard it because the Fayth's in X, if you go back and visit the temples later on, do add a little explanation to it. Like Shiva's fayth says Tidus will be swimming in an eternal sea (something along those lines). The other Fayth's do hint at it aswell.

FF x-2 was planned for production and was put on hold only slightly for the merger to take place. the end scene at X was planned to appear in x-2 but merely as an easter egg, but the game ended up having it as an extra 'secret' ending.

the evidence that supports this is how X-2 was released little less than a year and half after X was released.
i have never went to all the fayths yet
and i had no idea they tell you this stuff
it's does interest me though
i always thought it had some connection of him coming back.
FF x-2 was planned for production and was put on hold only slightly for the merger to take place. the end scene at X was planned to appear in x-2 but merely as an easter egg, but the game ended up having it as an extra 'secret' ending.

the evidence that supports this is how X-2 was released little less than a year and half after X was released.

There is also that DVD of FFX that came with unlimited Saga, which I belive was still Squaresoft then, so that implies that they were already planning to make to get up and check the case.....

which is why I initially thopuht that final FMV had something to do with X-2 :wacky:

Been a while since I watched that though, only thing Unlimited Saga was worth getting for >_>
If i recall, you will beat Vegnagun and there will be a short sequense where the screen is blank. Hold down or rapidly push select or square or circle, and the Bahamut faythe will appear and ask Yuna if she would like to see "Him" again. Select yes and the faythe will say,"we will do our best." and the 'final' cutscene will roll, and after the credits, the island will be shown and the cutscene in question will take place, but all of it will play.

I've seen that scene but I didn't know that you could press those buttons. lolz.