Crisis Core The full fight between Sephiroth, Angeal and Genesis.

Thats amazing graphics for the psp, sephiroth is so badass
to bad it was only practice in a virtual reality
Thats amazing graphics for the psp, sephiroth is so badass
to bad it was only practice in a virtual reality

That doesn't mean they wouldn't have been able to do th same thing in reality though. When Genesis busted Angeal's SOLDIER sword it was busted in reality.
I'm so tempted to watch this but I dont want to spoil the game when I get it.
I feel like being the little devil on your shoulder, so I'll give you a few reasons to watch it. :wacky:

This scene is in a flashback, it happens before the time of Crisis Core. Also it doesn't give away any of the plot of CC, its just a scene shown when Sephiroth is telling Zack about how it was when him Angeal and Genesis were training a while back. Technically you wouldn't be spoiling anything.
I wouldn't really classify this as a spoiler, however people who haven't played the game should probably be warned about this because they may not want to see it until they play the actual game. I'm going to go ahead and add a subheading on your title about this being a slight spoiler. In the future, if you decide to post anything else regarding the Crisis Core game, since it hasn't been released in the US yet, could you please remember to put a spoiler warning on the thread beforehand? This time it's no big deal since it's just a fight, but this is just for future reference. Thanks ^_^
I have to say...Non insane Sephiroth is indeed awesome.

Although i dislike how they seem to be going for the whole DragonBall Z style fighting...again.
I've watched this so many times... the novelty has yet to wear off. As mentioned before, it's damn impressive for PSP graphics, and I hope the general gameplay doesn't suffer because of huge attention to FMVs.

I didn't know what to expect from Genesis for so long... but that sword... z0mg. :inlove:
I was never a huge Seph fangirl (I never hated or disliked him, I just wasn't obsessed with him), but SRSLY...........he's so hot in CC. WTF?

I love this scene to pieces. The music, the interaction, the mocking of each other. Just fantastic. Plus the blow to Angeal's face was pretty awesome looking.
This scene is just beautiful. The game shows us once again that Sephiroth is a legendary character that is immensely powerful. The thing I like about Sephiroth the most is his calm nature. Even when Genesis start to become more and more aggressive, pulling off all these moves, Sephiroth remains utterly calm with only slight changes to facial expresions. He's extremely confident in his abilities and understands the situation. Genesis is a cool character as well though. He looks good and boasts a nice weapon. This battle is well choreographed and is probably a taster for what's to come. I'm going to admit that I have actually been waiting for this game as it is the reason I'm getting a PSP. I will get other games, however I would refuse to get the console until this was released. I hope they do a special edition.
One of the best scenes from Crisis Core, however I am not surprised at Sephiroth's abilities. I remember reading on an interview somewhere of Square-Enix confirming that Sephiroth is the most powerful being within the Final Fantasy VII Universe, and that he has not yet displayed his full power yet.

This would include Pre-Nimbleheim, VII, and AC, so the full extent of his power is not known now. However with such power, it comes as no surprise that Sephiroth's over confidence and arrogance always has lead to him being just short of his goals.

The scene of this story that takes place is quite lopsided, as Sephiroth at one point did not even move from his standing spot while effortlessly parrying their attacks.

A very nice video indeed.
How could you be a hero by destroying everything >_>

A Classic fight where Sephiroth owns. He's only using 1 hand!

It's incredible that 5 years later, Cloud kills him with a simple Omnislash :P
It's incredible that 5 years later, Cloud kills him with a simple Omnislash

Sephiroth was right about to kill Cloud before the Omnislash came. Sephiroth was being arrogant because he had Cloud almost dead, he hesitated to deliver the final blow because of this, then Cloud pulled off an Omnislash.