The Ghost in the Slums


Posterboy for FFVII
Feb 8, 2007
A couple of hours ago, I was playing a saved game that I had there. In the game, I had just gotten to disc 3, and I worked my way in & out of the Crater. I take the Highwind to get the key to the sector 5 slums.
I get it and make my way to Midgar. When I get there I go into the church and was expecting to see the ghost of Aeris right in front of me. To my surprise, when I walked in I saw something that I have never seen before. It was Aeris helping the kids with the flowers, and she was moving around the bed of flowers somewhat. As I made my way towards her in shock, she dissapeared and that was that. I walked in & out several times to see if I can see her again, but all I saw was the one that looks like a glitch in the game that blinks out of the screen the second you walk in there.

I'm wondering if this was what everyone meant about the ghost of Aeris in the church. I always thought they talked about the glitchy one by the door.

Has anyone else seen this?????
Actually, I don't recall seeing her do that. Wow. It'd be interesting and it'd definitely make sense to be playing with Cloud's mind like that, or even if it really did happen, but that's something to definitely look for on my next playthrough of the game.
Wow, never expected that to happen. I'll do what you did and see if it happens to me.
It does happen. It has happened several times, and frankly, this isnt worth making a title on, nor going and watching it.

Buster Z, I'd appreciate it if you would not psuedo mod as it is against forum rules. Next time you'll be warned.

As for this topic, it's perfectly fine to keep open and let people discuss. I see no problems with it.

I remember seeing Aerith's ghost in the church, but I don't remember seeing her do that :O I'm going to try what you did and hope I can see her do that! That would be just awesome!
Wait, I think I remember seeing this! It's been so long though, but when I read your post, something triggered my memory and now I'm really sure I did saw that part! As for my reaction...I don't remember. =/ I'm going to play FFVII in about a month or so (still finishing some games) and I'll definitely remember this.
Everytime I return to midgar in disc three, I always see Aeris helping the kids with flowers. Always.
And like you said, every other time you walk in and out, she just blinks off and on a few times and dissapears.
I triggered it again a couple of minutes ago.

I had just defeated the Emarald WEAPON, went to Kalm to get my mastersd materia, and then went to Midgar on a whim. I went back into the church, and there she was again. This time I didn't get as close to her as I did the first time. I only took I think 2-3 steps, and she vanished.

This actually really interests me. I've played this game litteraly 30-40 times, and not once had I seen this. It just surprises me that there still a little bit more about the game that I didn't already know.
When she appeared for me, I hadn't done anything special. I was just back in Midgar to get Tifa's final weapon and she happened to be there. I'm not sure if there's a connection but I've never seen anything different.
I'm not saying she comes out only after certain events, I just post them just in case. In all honesty, I believe that this event is random. But I might've done something during the course of the game that actually triggered this. I really don't know.
Its supposed to happen. Its just a little 'oh cool' moment for the ones who have managed to get into Midgar on Disc 3 and botherd to check in the Church. Its not a glitch or something thats triggerd after doing something specific.