The Horrors of Puberty


But, all the cool kids are doing it...
Jul 4, 2007
This is not a spam thread, so don't move it there, or post accordingly.

This is the stories of out roller coaster through puberty, the hell that some of us went through as our body changed, Or the fucks of you that got off easy.

My story starts as any other, the voice starting to go up and down as if some annoying kid is humping the volume control, and it was not made better that I had it so severe that when talking half of the word dissapeared in a high frequency pich.
Something like "***lo" when trying to say "hello"
And it was even worse that our music teacher decided that it would be funned to force us to SING during that time.

So, now on to the other thing.
My Fucking cawk.
It did as it pleased, pointing here and there under the worst times. Like during fucking PE class.
Swimming was no problems, as it was hidden in the water, save from those that had goggles.
But in the gym, anything female walking past, and the fucking thing decided to go all flag pole on me, forcing me to claim upset stomach or something alike, ot go the toe toilet. Trying to force it down.
No, I did not jerk it off, though thinking about it now Im sure that would have saved me time all in all.

Zits, I was semi lucky with those, I had a few, as did everyone, but I never had that many. Nor did I have any HUEGE onese. Granted a few sizable ones, but not mountain sized as some others sometimes had.

These are my first go, how was your hell?
Fortunately I never had any incidents caused by "Surprise! Boner!" but I do know what you're referencing. People got made fun of occassionally for giving presentations with flagpole peckers in high school. Its not that I didn't have the problem, I just never got caught.

As for acne, I still have the problem honestly. It's not nearly as bad but I still break out pretty randomly. I always wash my face multiple times a day to try and avoid it but it doesn't always help. Keeping my face shaved regularly has helped quite a bit with reducing pimples and facial redness but it still happens.

My voice never really cracked, or even dropped that significantly. Most of the time my voice is much higher than I'd like it to be. I'm not really squeeky or feminine sounding at all... but I'm far from a Barry White.

I think my biggest problem in puberty is that I just never fit in. It wasn't what I went through that was so bad... it was just that I felt like I never was going through anything at the same time as anyone else. My voice dropped pretty early but I didn't get pimples until I was almost 18... so I just always felt like I didn't fit in. I didn't get into the fads and crap that other kids did so I was always odd man out. I just had one or two really close friends who I hung around with.

This is kind of an odd topic for a grown man to make. What inspired you Red Fox?
Aaaaah yes...puberty...I'd like to say my experience was peachy but I can't. Let's start at the voice...yeah, it got high and screechy. I was often teased about it by my brothers and friends but I never let it get to me.

Now the cock thing was a problem >< bein' bisexual at the time, I always had a hard-on in the locker room. I had to start wearing my PE stuff under my clothes to avoid embarassing the guys...I was quite big :wacky:

And...I think that's it so far...I can't think of anymore problems I had.
I got the periods from HELL, heavy and lasting 2 weeks it was a NIGHTMARE. And I got spots, which sucked, although wearing make up and smokign didnt help - cut the 2 out and my skin improved dramatially :gasp:

I was a typical moody teenager really, although ive always been hyperactive and on the go, i just had mood swings to boot :wacky:

I was also a bit of a late bloomer, waiting for my boobs...waiting waiting.......ugh, it sucked. I dont look back on mjy adolecant self fondly, im glad it's over xD
@Azzy, I was talking with Damon over MSN, and well.
He mentioned the sentence
Inferno King Onyx says:
In the words of the adolescent teenager...
Inferno King Onyx says:
"What's happening to my body?
Off course, this out of context sounds intereting, but from there we started the puberty thing, or rather I started it.
Then, the person I am

Red Fox says:
Thats it, This is going into a topic ^^
So, here it is. There is nothing more to it then pure randomness.

@Regal: Welcome to the "uncontrollable pecker group" ^^
Almost any random female that had a hint of bewbs as much as enter my field of vision. BLAM, there it was, almost ready to tear down concrete.
I never had that much of a problem to be honest i never suffered from quote 'surprise boners' and i was very lucky with spots and stuff, my face was always fairly clean. I got the odd custard cream ever now and again but it really wasnt that bad.
I dunno if i was moody or not, i smoked a lot of hash as a kid which kept me pretty quiet i think. Although if you were to ask my mum shed probadly say i was a moody bastard.:wacky: Puberty didnt really affect me. Guess i was pretty lucky. xD
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As Fox has demanded my presence here... Guess i'd best horrify you with my (earlier) teen stories :monster:

First off let's start with the voice... In all honesty if my voice did/has broke i'm quite oblivious to it. I know it's changed but I had no squeaking effect at any point (aside from my laughing being beyond loud XD)

Now for the pride and joy :wacky: the damn bastardy thing popped up at the most annoying of situations, often when standing in front of a large group of people, around the house or generally walking around the school. I often made my own solution of wearing uber thick jumpers to hide it, though when it came to PE... No escape in sight, so I tended to get changed slowly (not hard since everyone got changed uber fast) so I got out of that scenario pretty well... Until I leave the changing room and BAM boobs are everywhere in sight -__- i swear they pop into view at the worst of times.

Now onto the last thing... And the one thing that seriously DOES bother me :monster: SPOTS -__- during the early years of Damon the teenager they weren't too bad, getting one or two small ones... barely noticeable, however now I have MASSIVE ones all over my face that make me look like I got punched by a truck -__- on both sides of the face. And blackheads weren't much improvement... And I SWEAR grease, once it gets in your hair it STAYS PUT until you cut the bastard to pieces.

And there's mine... Enjoy. :monster:
I had to start wearing my PE stuff under my clothes to avoid embarassing the guys...I was quite big :wacky:
Confident laddy. xD

I can honestly say that I've had very few problems in this department: the voice changed very gradually and never caused any unwarranted embarassment; the penis has been kept under strict control and has never once been an uninvited guest (or at least a noticed one); I have, at most, one tiny spot every month and it disappears in a day after it's popped.

Probably the only shitter about puberty for me has been the inheritance of my dad's ridiculously hairy genes. It's good for the face, in terms of being sold alcohol due to looking older, but it's otherwise a hinderance near other oriphaces. I'll leave it there (the explanation, not the hair; the hair's going, soon!). xD
I had a lot of blackheads. It was fuggin' gross, they were all like between/in my eyebrows and all over my chin and cheeks. Then around 14-15 they tapered off and I just got zits instead, which I still have but not near as bad.

That was my biggest problem, apart from having tits that didn't stop growing and the resulting chronic shortage of decent bras.
I developed at a really early age, so what was sort of embarrassing was being the only girl in my class to have boobs and periods :gasp:

Also, when I first started getting periods, they were highly irregular. I'd have one, then wouldn't have another for a few months. This lead to alot of unexpected occurances, which would result in really humiliating buttspots :gasp: :gasp: :gasp:

The worst thing of all: stretch marks. Not only did I hit puberty at a rather young age, I had rather rapid growth spurts. Thus leaving this really ugly looking stretch marks on the back of my legs, arms, torso and chest. I don't think they can they can every completely disappear, either. and I thought Harry Potter had problems with lightening-shaped scars... -__-

Luckily enough, I've never had very many pimples, and never have I had a major breakout.
I never had any real problems going through puberty.

I got my period at the end of year 10. So I was almost finished highschool. I had hardly any zits. The only thing I was annoyed about was the fact I was never granted with big boobs.

I suppose that's the price I had to pay for getting it so damn easy to start with. >_<
I never really had any problems. My boobs were REALLY tiny like all the way through high school until like the tail end of junior year they were just like bababoom. Like they aren't HUGE, but they are A LOT bigger than they were. i never had problems with acne. and i think my monthly started when i was like 12-13 or something.
The worst thing of all: stretch marks. Not only did I hit puberty at a rather young age, I had rather rapid growth spurts. Thus leaving this really ugly looking stretch marks on the back of my legs, arms, torso and chest. I don't think they can they can every completely disappear, either. and I thought Harry Potter had problems with lightening-shaped scars... -__-

I'm so glad I'm not the only one. :| I have stretchmarks across my hips, thighs, back of my knees and chest. It makes me VERY selfconscious and there's hardly anyone out there who seems to understand why. >.< My friend refers to them as my tiger stripes =\ They're not as bad as they were, but I know they're there >.<

I hit puberty before I entered High school. I had breasts at 11 and I felt awkward in school because of it. None of the other girls has started. I hit the monthly a few months before starting year 7. (11 still)

to add to it, my weight fluctuated something awful. I was never really fat, but I was constantly going between chubby and quite slim.

Puberty, overall, wasn't that bad. Though I was terribly moody and such a bitch at school. >_>

I don't have mass breakouts of spots, usually just when my period is coming up. Also, my periods were pretty much regular from the start. So I guess I was kinda lucky.

The only downside was the sudden chest that seemed (and still does -__-) to get too much attention fer my liking :gasp:
oh that's something I forgot to mention. my monthly wasn't regular AT all. Its really just starting to be. it was more like once every 3-4 months. I think one time it when like 6 months with nothing o_O and I was like WTF?!?! and it wasn't like me thinking OMFG IM PREGNANTZ since i was and still am a virgin. it was just kinda like o_O
Well, I'm still going through it, as I'm still a teenager. I've had some mean-ass periods, a few of which made me seem as though I was going through labor XD. In 6th grade, I went through HUGE self-esteem issues, where I would whine and cry for hours a day because I felt I was a failure. Quite embarrasing to think about it now, though, honestly. When I was in 7th grade I would purposely act like a bitch to piss people off. From 12 to 14 I was horny like crazy, and obsessive... but ever since I started taking medication it appears that I'm like, normal with that now (must be a side-effect). When I turned from 13 to 14 I went through clinical depression and anxiety disorder. I think my issues were due to my life (family, finances, school, etc) + my hormones.
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I can't even remember when I first hit puberty. Although I remember becoming incredibly arrogant (still am), becoming flirty to every girl (still am), adopting a huge ass ego (still have), becoming reckless in everything I do, and other things.

I never had a big problem with spots or anything (just the odd few here and there) and my metabolism hasn't broken down yet - which means I can eat anything without getting fat. I've never actually reached a weight of over 68kg yet.....
Ahh, puberty my favorite :woot:
Well, going through puberty wasn't all that bad, expect for the fact when i started my period for the first time i was on vacation and boy it was embarrassing. Not that you wanna hear my story haha, i was at the beach and for some reason i just couldnt walk O_O it was so freaky! I was like 13? yeah i think. so so i was like am i going to die? So i had to stay at the hotel room while everyone was at the beach because it hurt so fucking much! Soon enough, i had to go the restroom and there you have it a big 'ol spot on my underwear. At that point, i was like okay i'm going to die fer sure. I call my mom, and she tells me that 'I'm growing up' yada yada. I was like what the hell i don't want to grow up i'm only 13! and thats when i started my emotional roller coaster. Ahh, memories lovely aren't they?
Augh, Puberty you heartless she-devil. -__-

My voice changed so much over the summer holidays and on about the last week of school my voice keept going high and low and really annoying. >__>

I've been breaking out in pimples so bad. -_- I have pimples all of my forehead and under my lip and it looks like I have the damn herporlodes.

I'm constantly getting boners. x_x
It's like I'm just sitting there in a class and I just start thinking and then I get a boner and I start moving around because it's annoying me. -__-
Then I have to flip it into my waist band >_> so it doesn't still out. :gasp:
It wasnt so much the other shit that comes with puberty (although the pmiples pissed the shit out of me), but like Gabriel, i got really reckless and did some really stupid things. I jumped off the school hall into the school pool. It was like...iono....1.8-2 metres. I almost killed myself...and i went and did it again.
I had a fairly easy time during puberty. I hit it early, around the time of 5th or 6th grade.

The surprise boner was never really an issue. i always wore loose clothes so it was easliy hidden.

The voice wasn't so bad either, being a quiet kid back then. I normally only spoke when i needed to or when i got home, or hanging out with friends.

Acne... was probably the only bad thing. I remember getting called Buddha because i had one in between my brows. Along with some on the chin and around the nose, and cheeks as well.

As for being able to tell if other people hit it, it was obvious. All the guys would laugh at the penis during sex ed. So immature they were. *sigh*

I guess mentally i grew up really fast. I remember walking through the halls to my next class back in 8th grade thinking "Who am I? Like really? WHO am I?" I didn't know a damn thing about myself really. Still kinda don't.

So wasn't bad. For me any way. :p

Also, might seem like I'm gloating or trying to show off, but has anyone else besides me wondered why they were them? I;m not talking like around the age 13 and such. I'm talking about around the age of 5! Yes i wondered why i was me when i was 5. Hard to imagine, but it's true.
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