The Keyblade cult

Dygan Siguara

Missing the Mods...
Dec 28, 2006
In a little bubble where the bad things can't hurt
Ok, this is about a gang, all of whom wield keyblades. This is not at all connected to Disney, or final fantasy or even Sora, Kairi or Riku. Just to stress this, they're all dead. Fifty years ago. Storyline thing coming soon.
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
Char Template: (remember technology has enhanced in fifty years!)
Age: (16-32)
Keyblade: (be imaginative!)
Keyblade Info: How does it fight?
Keyblade Bio: How/when did you get it?
Keyblade skills (3): nothing too kickass
Magicks (3): 1 powerful offensive, one weak offensive and 1 defensive. No heals. Anything else is ability.
Abilities (3): No retardedly powerful abilities, moving and dodges mostly.
Bio: Interesting please
Mine isn’t finished yet. Here’s what I’ve got:
Name: Karal
Keyblade: Boltbow
Keyblade Info: a laser enhanced crossbow
Keyblade skills:
Triple bolt: launches three bolts together
Beam Bolt: concentrates just a laser on the enemy
Laser Bolter: Launches lots of little laser only attacks upon an area
Aero: Spins an enemy round, so they are unprepared to dodge
Waterga: A huge cascade of water erupts underneath Karal, hurting anything nearby
Shell: Weakens enemy magicks
Float: Lifts Karal off the ground, making him faster and easier to concentrate on aim
Distorted dash: Distorts all light around him, making it hard for enemies to see where he is going. It also forms some fake images of him to confuse foes
Aim: Makes his eyes more acute temporarily, for aiming purposes

More coming soon!!
sweet sweet dygan this is cool!
ok heres mine:
Name: Zerok
Keyblade skillz:
CHocobo peck: fast attack.
Fatchocobo: sword gets wider for a period of time making it easir to hit enemies.
gravity: slows down an enemy
firaga: fire shoots eerywhere near zerok
protect:raises defence
Chocobo Racer: zerok runs 2X as fast for short amount of time
sharp eye: basicly aim.
Haste: can attack faster.
Dissapear: zerok dissapears for a short time.
Apperance: zerok has dark blue eyes and somewhatly long hair. basic clothes. one arm all metal
Bio: Zerok's parents were mysteriously killed in an "accedent" and his father left hi his only sword, the chocoboblade. He bacame a chocobo racer at the age of 13 and raced until he got thrown off a chocobo and lost an arm. he did any job he could find for food and the rent for his apartment.
He soon had to sell the apartment and had to wonder the streets looking for people to give him food and shelter. he met a man named Karal that took him in and had been his best friend ever since. Ever since then Zerok had been practicing with his chocoboblade every day, to use it one dy on the people who klled his parents...
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just a few problems. All these bokos coming everywhere? Any chance it could be modified? haste and disappear would be an ability, as it is neither offensive or defensive, the golden boko will make stuff Gmed
and the arm may make stuff tricky for you later.
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ok so ill edit and put a diff spell and well for the bokos comin everywhere its jus like laser shot but with chocobos.
Name: Karal
Age: 24
Keyblade: Boltbow
Keyblade info: A magically enhanced crossbow that shoots horrendously fast bolts that are slightly tinted with the element of wind
Keyblade bio: The Boltbow came to Karal when he was sixteen when he proved the size of his heart after taking in a man called Zerok whom he found on the streets of Twilight Town.
Keyblade skills:
Triple Bolt: Launches three bolts in immediate succession.
Hurricane: Rapidly revolves around an enemy shooting hundreds of inaccurate bolts at them.
Shooting star: Launches a bolt that homes in on the enemy
Water: three miniature typhoons erect under the enemy
Aeroga: A large hurricane spins around Karal, sucking in and throwing away anything nearby while hitting them repeatedly with wind element.
Shell: halves any magical affliction for thirty seconds
Float: lifts Karal slightly above the ground, allowing him to move more easily and faster
Haste burst: Makes Karal move horrendously fast for a few seconds
Aim: enhances Karal’s eyes’ focus and definition


It has been fifty years since the restoration of the Radiant Garden castle. Such a joyful celebration, so long ago. To think that something so wonderful could mark the start of something so terrible…
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Since then, many things have happened: Twilight Town has split into two districts – The Ghost District and The Royal District. This is solely because of the erection of The Palace Of Royals, the sinister castle that suddenly appeared overnight. It has taken everything. The denizens of the town all work for the mysterious “Royals”. Ironically, the palace was actually built in The Ghost District, where it destroyed everything, physically or not. Part of the palace was destroyed in a revolt of the people living there. Unfortunately, it collapsed upon the area, and almost every survivor was forced to move to the other part of town. Except us. We are the only members of the aptly named Ghost District, which is now but rubble. Not everyone in The Royal District is as “well off” as us though. They slave away for our “Lords and Masters”, rebuilding the palace in The Royal District. The Royals torture those who oppose them and kill those unable to work. But not personally. They’re too busy enjoying their cosy little lives in their slaves’ previous homes. We are The Keyblade Cult. We work just as hard as the slaves, for the slaves. With our Keyblades, we can open any lock. With our gifts, we can liberate marginal amounts of slaves when they are locked up to try and rest. Whenever we see a chink in their defence, we steel into their meagre quarters and smuggle them to The Ghost District. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. They are kept in cages in a moving labyrinth underneath the castle. Assuming we find them, we have to get past the creepy white slave drivers/guards. Whenever we bring some slaves back to The Ghost District, we return their health to a substantial condition – quickly. If you spend too long in our humblest of homes, your head gets messed up. It is the power of our Keyblades that keeps us sane. Next we smuggle them to The Radiant Garden.<o:p></o:p>
But we’ve smuggled too many.<o:p></o:p>
Now, the Royals have become aware of the world, and it’s safety is fleeting. We believe that they’re creating an army of those white creatures to enslave Radiant Garden as well. Even more sinister, some slaves are unwilling to come with us to Radiant Garden, but it’s more than just believing they have a better life where they are. I’m unsure as to whether they believe anything at all anymore… Also, about half of the slaves are no longer working on the palace, but on something inside the palace. I’m not sure what it is, but I doubt it’s a float saying, “Sorry we haven’t been very nice recently”. We are working tirelessly to liberate slaves happy as they are to a place that may get enslaved as well… <o:p></o:p>
The slaves are mindless, Radiant Garden is in fear and we’re just exhausted. I’m no longer sure who’s better off. Our strength is wavering… The youngsters in the Cult believe it’s just a club, a game, and that keeps them sane. Now, their determination is the only thing that keeps me going.<o:p></o:p>
These were the last words written by The Keyblade Cult’s eldest member: Blaine Byrne<o:p></o:p>
lol. They were dum anyway and should i do anythin about my metal arm? ill change it if u want. and lastly jus tell me when were gonna story.
the story is really cool i like how its in the future, but people are still very poor. its just a cool way to make a story
I might start it a bit earlier, but I don't want it to b just us, and if it's already started then it might put people off...

Where do I start the thread for the rp itself? Here, or in Alexandria?

I suppose we could always start with two characters each for starters then spontaneously allow them to die in a raid?? < Good idea?
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(OOC: Not to intrude or anything, but...MUST we all have keyblades? I think that's something that is stopping people from joining. I would like to join, as this is a new RP and it's easier to get things going, but my character shouldn't be some sort of 'destined' person, you know? If you would like to bend the rules a bit, I can be some sort of side character to the main cast, or something. I just...don't want to give him a keyblade. I guess I could make his swords transform into one, but that would be kindof random. Let me know what you think, I'm open.)
