The Legend of the Guardians


Chocobo Breeder
Jun 10, 2006
This is an RP back from the days of FFBlitz, a site I used to own and manage. This RP was one of the most successful RP's I had ever seen, especially at that time. The original RP started a point but had an explanation of some historic events that took place. Everything will be set up as exact as possible to the way I had it a few years back. This RP isn't one of those RP's where you just mindlessly post and hope for it to shape up. You have to really read the story outline and read each post, which is why this RP will not start until we have all of the vital characters registered. We tried starting the RP when we only had half the vital members needed and it didn't turn out as good as it could've been if we had waited. Please read carefully and hopefully this RP will be as successful as the original.

Story Outline:
Basically this story will include 10, two of the guardians are among the original line, then the rest are all guardian decendants. People who are unaware of their hidden powers and will discover them as the story progresses. The ten guardians are scattered in different areas of the world, the demons will cause havoc which will eventually bring the guardians together. When the Guardian of Shadow and the Holy Guardian meet, the truth will be revealed to the other members about their decendance to the line of Guardians. A fight will break out which will be started by the Guardian of Shadow and the Holy Guardian. At this point, the real story will begin.

A twist will take place, the true intentions of the Guardian of Shadow will become more clear. It will be the guardian decendants mission to take out the ever growing army of demons as well as to find the hidden city of Terrok Nor to discover the scripts of the planets history as well as the history of the guardians.

There will be a moment of time travel which will make the story a little more understandable, as well as to shape up the story and better explain events that have taken place as well as events that are about to take place and a little twist of future events. You will know that once this RP is done, which might be sometime, but there's a surprise in store for those of you who like this RP and don't want to see it coming to an end :D.

I would also like to make a quick point clear, with there being time travel in this RP, there will be an alternate univese which I will narate and maintain in the RP so it doesn't get confusing. The RP takes place on Gaia, but we will also be visiting Terra, an alternate/parallel universe to Gaia, the primary story that we will be playing out will have various change in events, so in Gaia, one vital character could be alive while in the other world the other one could be dead, simply because the outcome of a battle or something didn't work out the same.

I'll explain it more as we progress, it won't take place till later in the RP.

The RP Signup Area:
Alright we need a total of 10 Guardian Decendants which will be the vital part of this RP. Before applying for this RP, you should be a fairly active member and able to maintain your role in this RP. We need the following guardian types

NOTE: these are taken primarily from the RPG Inferno system, the guardian types are slightly different then the originals which is not a big deal.

Holy Guardian: Available
Unholy Guardian: Taken [Jecht]
Guardian of Ice: Available
Guardian of Water: Available
Guardian of Fire: Available
Guardian of Thunder: Available
Guardian of Wind: Available
Guardian of Earth: Available
Guardian of Cosmos: Available
Guardian of Poison: Available

1/10 Characters Taken

When you apply please add the following information

Character Name: Enter your characters name
Character Age: Enter your characters age
Guardian Type: Enter the type of guardian you want
Extra Characteristics: Describe your character, hair color, eye color, body build, specific details about how they look, act, skin color or ethnic background. ALL characters must be human or Elf like features like in LOTR [No hobits, dwarfs or in-humanly features]
Weapon(s): Maximum two weapons Primary weapon and secondary weapon
Abilities: What are your characters abilities [Keep it reasonable and no invincible characters please]
Strengths: What are some of your characters strengths? [Examples: Can fight in any environment, positive attitude, etc...]
Weakiness: What are some of your characters weakiness'? [Examples: Fear of heights, fear of death, etc...]
Background Information: In a brief synopsis, tell a brief background story about your character and his life.

All right, that's all for now. Once we get some people applying, we'll get this RP started. Once we have all characters, I'll post up the full story introduction synopsis then we'll start the RP. Apply today and invite your friends :D


Character Name: Jecht
Character Age: Unknown
Guardian Type: Unholy Guardian
Extra Characteristics: Black shoulder length hair, tanned skin, deep dark brown eyes, black goatee, fair body build, battle scars scattered on body
Weapon(s): Colossus [A mighty blade forged with a mysterious element from another time period]
Abilities: Great swordsmenship, great hand to hand fighting abilities and a strong sense of his elemental abilities.
Strengths: Has a warriors spirit, can fight even without his weapon, has knowledge and experience of historic events as well as events from the future.
Weakiness: His knowledge of the future/past haunts him, making his mind weak at times.
Background Information:
Jecht is one of the last two original guardians that were sent fourth to protect the world. He played a role in the holy war when the world was newly formed. His dark past left him in a void of timeless darkness. He was sent to a new time, where he was later converted, his betrayel to the gods was recognized but forgiven, as he was given another chance to play his role as a protector of the world. Being sent back to the world and time he swore to protect he made his way, meeting new people and unlocking the secrets of the world, having an even better understanding of his role.

----Final Note----

I will be doing a lot of narating to keep the RP alive, please keep active, read carefully and keep up with events, I will be taking on the role of important but not highly active characters such as characters in dream sequences, surrounding characters that have not been obtained by another member of the forum or simply out of narration.​

Alright sign up, I hope to see a lot of people take part :D
Character Name: Aisha

Character Age: Eighteen

Guardian Type: Fire

Descritpion: Aisha has a fair body build, toned but not overly so from activities she participates in. her hair is a pitch black colour and she seems to have a natural streak of white running through its middle. Her eyes are a forest green, emerald colour that has random specks of hazel scattered around the iris. Her skin is rather pale, but not so much as is looks unnatural, but her dark hair stands in contrast against the white skin. A black tattoo runs from her stomach up the side of her left cheeks to curl itself around her left eye, it looks to be a sort of tribal tattoo, but its origins are even unknown to Kali. Accessories include a small silver pendant that wraps itself snugly around her pale neck and a matching bracelet taking residence on her left wrist.

Personality: Aisha has a sort of unnatural spark to her character that makes her more energetic than your average human. She’s always on the go and becomes restless if forced to sit and do nothing. But this energetic personality also comes at a price. Aisha gets distracted easily and is known for have a very short attention span, which can be a danger to her when in battle or even when she’s listening to a briefing or some important information. She’s a dreamer and will go through all lengths to achieve her goal.

Weapon(s): Her primary weapon is a double bladed sword that she keeps laced to her back with a belt. Its middle is covered in a black leather material for the grip and its blades are light, sleek but deadly at the same time. A strange carving, almost identical to the tattoo she has travelling from her stomach is embedded in its blades.

Her secondary weapons are two small daggers. It seems Aisha has a liking for things that come in twos.

Abilities: Aisha depends on her speed more than anything. Having not being very strong in the power department, she relies on her agility to dodge and attack swiftly. Her primary weapon may be a sword, but her real power lies with her element, she will use such a ting to attack her enemies from a distance before moving in with her physical skills.

Strengths: Aisha doesn’t think any battle is too big for her. But of course this can be both a weakness and a strength. She the flexibility of a cat and the striking senses of a snake, which makes her a harder person to lay your hands on.

Weakiness: Aisha doesn’t do well in cold environments. Having being of a fire element, the cold or damp weather simply doesn’t do it for her. This also means that she unfortunately has a fear of water.

Background Information: Will edit.

For the background information, what type of history are you looking for?
Character Name: Tethar Atrum

Character Age: 25

Guardian Type: Guardian of Cosmos

Extra Characteristics:
Black hair waist long, ebony black eyes, Built quite firm not too slim and not too muscley, his skin is lightly tanned though not completly, no facial hair or body hair at all. Only one scar marss his otherwise perfect form. A long thin one that streches across his back, from right shoulder to left waist.

Wields a staff made of metal with wooden grips. Made more for traveling and ornamentation then combat. It glows with mysterious magic.

Tethar fights with spells from all schools of magic. He is a master of magic and strives to gain ultimate knowledge and ultimate power.

A master of all magic he can adapt his spells to any situation to handle any enemy. He has great knowledge of many things that are magical though his long studies means he is somewhat out of date on current affairs.

As Tethar has dedicated himself totally to magic he is physically weak. He can not keep up long periods of traveling and tires of physical activity very easily. He lacks up to date knowledge of the world. Try asking him the name of any local heroes and he will respond with a blank look. Try asking him the name of any recently built town or villiage and he will know nothing.

Background Information:
Tethar Atrum was born a simple Farmers son they lived on the outskirts of a small township far from any other place. One day as a young child of six Tethar visited the town centre were many had gatherd at a most unusuall event. A powerfull band of adventurers had come to the town claiming to be hunting for treasure.

However this was a lie the band of adventurers were infact a group planning to take over the town and use the people as slaves. When the truth was revealed many opposed the band. Tethar's father Joachim was the one who lead the resistance as a result the band killed him without hesitation.

Tethar saw this happen and grew angry so angry at what they had done to is father. However that was not the end, upon seeing her dead husband Tethar's mother Aystal ran out and in a fit of rage attacked a swordsman from the Band. He cut her down without even a word. This was too much. As his anger became too great a mysterious power eminated from Tethar. It destroyed everything the town the farms around it and every single person there. The band the townsfolk all were killed. Tethar survived with only a scar running down his back.

This lead Tethar to strive for ultimate power so he could protect those he cares about. He choose the path of magic so he could learn more about the mysterious power that lays within him.
Background information such as where your character is from, what his/her lifestyle has been like growing up from childhood to current age. Your character must be started out and played with absolutely no knowledge of his/her role as a guardian decendant. Everyone will be regular characters until I see how everyone shapes their character in "In Character" RP mode. Once everyone has become fairly active and I see things are shaping up I will narate it so that you will become aware and play your role leading to the knowledge of being a guardian decendant.

So basically you could use this example or something like it

Background Information:
Aisha grew up in a small town called "Name your hometown" she lives in a small house with her "What ever you want to put here" can be family or w/e. Towards her mid to late teens she began "Working, going on adventures, etc..."

Basically describe your character living a normal life, a regular job, etc...

I hope that helps, and thanks for joining btw.
Character Name: Demonic (Real Name is Unknown)
Character Age: Unknown but Considered to be in his Late Teens early Twentys.
Guardian Type: Guardian of Thunder
Extra Characteristics: Dark Brown Hair, Medium Length that covers most of his eyes, Piercing Red Eyes, Firm Build, about 6'2'', Pale Skin, Wears Black Ripped open Robes and Black Gloves, Boots and Pants (Covered Mostly in Black) The quiet type, speaks little words, but when he does his voice is deep yet quiet.
Weapon(s): Primary: Two Pistols, covered in rust and blood stains, but still works well (can infuse it with Magic Spells)
Secondary: A Dagger he keeps Hidden under his robe.
Abilities: Use of Magic within his pistols, and seems to use the enfeebling magic Dia on his enemies
Strengths: Cause he uses his pistols he has great accuracy, and of cousre Thunder spells
Weakiness: Water, he hates it when it rains, plus never does like talking about the past, if someone mentions it he gets depressed.
Background Information: Very little is known about him, no one can talk to him, or about his past, he gets very mad and depressed when anything that reminds of his past comes into play. But yet his past is what intrest's people, as he is one scary looking character, no one is sure where the hell he came from. Although whatever happened in the past is gone and left unknown, now hes nothing more than a lone gun, looking for jobs to do for a bit of money to keep himself alive. But his next job could be his biggest!..........
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Good to see people have joined, gotta bump this thread though since we still need more characters. Join up people :D, see if we can make better progress on this forum then on my own lol
Character Name: Talus Kos

Character Age: 17

Guardian Type: Guardian of Water.

Extra Characteristics: Talus is a pale skinned human; he stands around six feet, ways 140 pounds, and has a skinny muscular build. His hair is a dark brown that is mid length and messy, dark blue eyes, no scars, and boyish good looks. He usually wears long white and brown robes and other baggy clothing, and underneath is a skin tight black and blue suit that has some sort of armored plating, but very thin plating though kind of like a water proof chain mail that allows fast movement.

Weapon(s): A swallow blade that breaks in half called the Tempest Wave. (A swallow is like pole with long curved blades at the end. Shaped kind of like a boat oar. Together it stands 8 feet then breaks into to two 4 foot separate blades. It is made from a light but strong metal known as Mythril. Also does have hand grips near the centers)

Abilities: He can control water to an extent as it stresses out his body and mind eventually, and makes him fatigue. He can also change the direction of water to a certain degree. He also has the ability to breathe under water for long periods of time. All these abilities progress as he gets older and strengthens them.

Strengths: Avan is a good fighter at all means, He is social, tries to get along with everyone, is a very good swimmer some even call him a fish more than a human, very swift and agile, he is attractive to most woman, is mature about most things, and is very reliable.

Weaknesses: He is afraid of loneliness and being outcast, he tends to find himself flirting with women too much at times, looses his temper when his friends are harmed, he is afraid to get too close too someone in fear of letting them down, and sometimes he gets too cocky.

Background Information: His parents left him in a fishing village on his own when he was young still just a baby. When the old village chief found him he took Talus in and cared for him as a son. Growing up near the ocean Talus learned much about sea life and how to fish. He spent most of his free time helping others and swimming in the ocean. As he got older he began to grow the strange ability to manipulate water and redirect its path. He hid his powers from others in fear they may think he was a horrible freak of nature, but it all changed when he turned twelve. He was on a usual fishing trip with the other men in the village, but the waves had been violent that day. It began to get worse and worse until the waves almost tipped the boat over if Talus had not calmed the sea. Upon seeing this most cheered and thanked the boy. The village was thankful for the boy and brought him aboard the fish boats all the time to insure safe passage.

He had never really set foot out of the ocean and the village. Until one day the village Chief told him to go to a blacksmith outwards of the village and pick up a few things for him. Unknown to the boy the Chief had been good friends with the Blacksmith sending him all the free fish he wanted and he had asked his friend if he would be willing to make him armor and a weapon, so that he may venture outside to the real world since the boy was now fifteen. Talus did as asked and trekked to the Blacksmiths. When he arrived an old man with a billowing gray beard welcomed him in and presented him with the sleek skin tight waterproof armor, and the Swallow. Talus was thankful for the surprise. After talking to the old man Talus made his long trek back, and in bitter irony found his village completely demolished by what must have been a tidal wave. No one was left alive it was as though the fates had played a cruel joke on him, and so he set forth to journey the world in search of a reason.

Talus is now seventeen and searching still. His abilities are stronger and his journey is guided by destiny. He will find his reason someday. He will find the meaning to everything someday. And maybe that someday will never come, but you must try to find out. His story has only just begun.
Name: Yuki


Guardian:Wind Guardian

Characteristics: A Young man who loves to fly Airplanes he weras a Flight vest,baggy blue pants,Flight Gloves, and Goggles. His eyes are Sky Blue and his hair is Blue as well.He`s a young man who get`s along with people easily but he`s very silent and doesn`t interact with people he doesn`t know very well much

Primary weapon: Zangetsu: A silvery white sword that looks as if it were made of silk but it`s as strong as steel and can absorb the wind around it to create a huge whirlwind it`s also light weight so he can move around very well with it.

Secondary weapon: Iron gauntlets: gloves that have a little bit of Iron on them that can pack a helluva punch if you`re not careful they`re very durable and can last for a very long time without rust

Abilities:He can manipulate the wind around him to create tornados or whirlwinds as he pleases he can also change which direction the wind goes for his flights to make flying easier for him and to achieve optimum speed

Strengtghs: Very fast and Powerful and always thinks about others in need before himself

Weaknesses: shyness around women, rushes blindly into things if his friends are harmed, can be very pushy at times.

Backround: Yuki has been trying all his life to finally fly an airplane across the sky ever since his father died to keep his mind off him.He worked day and night on his airplane while his mother looked at him and worried about how much pain he felt inside but after a while he began to like airplanes and started building them better and better then when he realised he had the power to control the wind finally after his first successful flight his pain for his father was gone and now he`s trying to build the ultimate airplane headed for the mainland
Character Name: Kyoki
Character Age: 17
Guardian Type: Guardian of Poison
Extra Characteristics: Kyoki has very short, black hair; which is spiked up in the back, and it covers one eye. Her eyes are slightly grey, and then are outlined with blue. Her body build is average; and she is also of average height. She wears an eyepatch that covers her left eye, and also wears leather gloves to cover her hands. Kyoki has arm warmers on both arms; made of a bluish color. Her shirt come just above her stomach, and she also wears knee length shorts. Her shoes come up past her knees. Kyoki is both intelligent and kind. When it comes to a life and death situation; she immediately dives in to help out whoever is in trouble. Kyoki is both part human, and part elf. Her human mother had married an elven man.
Weapon(s): Kyoki's main weapon is her Biorikens. Carefully placed on the points of it, is a deadly poison.
Her second weapon is her fists. A skilled fighter; she depends on her hardleather gloves to produce more damage because of what she learned about different glove types.
Abilities: She is able to conjure the magic Bio and can heal her party members with her hands.
Strengths: Kyoki has a very postive attitude towards life, and everyone in it. She is always there to help, no matter what.
Weakiness: Kyoki is very scared of buglike monsters. Also, sometimes being kind gets the best of her, and she can get betrayed in the end.
Background Information: Kyoki had lived in the small town located on an island. Growing up; Kyoki lived a wonderful life with her two parents, and older brother. School was going well, and Kyoki was learning the ways of being a ninja.

Around her 15th birthday, a large group of bandits had attacked her hometown. Killing almost everyone in sight; including her own family; Kyoki fled on a low maintenance boat.

Arriving at the mainland, Kyoki has been wandering searching for answers on who the bandits were. For now, she is still searching for those answers...But what will the future hold for her?

(Is it okay if I play the holy gaurdian?)

Character Name: Nova Blaze
Character Age: 18
Guardian Type: Holy Gaurdian
Extra Characteristics: Nova has extremely short, curly black hair, with emerald green eyes. He stands at an even 6'0 with a thin but wiry and athletic frame. His body is hardened and toned, yet flexible, strong yet scrawny. Many a people (or at least around the places he's been) feel frightened or intimidated by his brown skin, scars, and oddly shaped tatoos (one on his back, one for the back of both of his hands, and a cross shaped one for his chest) . He usually wears a green bandana wrapped over his head, a white undershirt, a pair of baggy dark green trouser pants, a small knapsack (unless he's fighting), and a red sheathe strapped horizontally across his back to allow for extra movement.

As for his personality well... Nova is that enigmatic, yet energetic wanderer. Slightly naive, slightly sarcastic (and tongue in cheek) , and all accepting.He's the type of person that's up for just about anything if the mood strikes him.

Weapon(s): He wields primarily, a single blade (shaped like a chinese Dao) with a pure white blade, and an exquisitely ornate carving of a dragon being slain in what looks like some sort of white ivory.

Secondarily, he wields a dirk and a hunting knife, made out of plain tempered steel.

Abilities: Ethereal blast (a blast of white-hot ethereal energy, ethereal shield (a protective shield created and controlled by Nova's will), ehthereal blade (can create a giant blade made purely out of ethereal energy that can cut through anything but itself. It takes a lot out of him so he rarely ever uses it
Strengths: Intelligence (when neccesary), extraordinary swordsmanship, adaptability, incredible speed and flexibility, a very potent/efficient but... "unique" style of fighting being it sword or hand to hand (think of a mix between capoeira, shaolin kung fu, and kenjutsu), deceptively strong and tough for somebody of his height and build

Weakiness: Afraid of dogs, runs out of breath faster than others, can sometimes be quite gullible, stubborn, lacks formal training from a master of swordsmanship or martial arts. Needs to stay in the present.
Background Information: Nova has been in the wandering buisness since he was nine years old. He never had much of a home anymore considering that his family was ripped apart by a large pack of vicious wild dogs and etc. Since then, he'dg arts been on the road, learning skills, and techniques, recieving training from vaious swordsmen and martial artists and fulfillling himself. Eventually, his trainers noticed that he had a talent for the fighting arts as he merged various styles together. He still loves learning the fighting arts and looks to learn and merge more. He's had quite a few adventures, and even more capers around the northern lands. Many involving cults. The wierdest thing is that he still hasn't been able to rid of his fear of dogs. That's his next priority.
Character Name: Tarin Depth
Character Age: 17
Guardian Type: Guardian of Thunder
Extra Characteristics: A Human character with long black hair. His brown eyes surge deep into his soul. He is about 6'2 foot tall. He is quite scrawny. He is easily flexible making him quite fast. He wears a large blue Shirt and black trousers. His boots are black and usually untied. He wears a black leather glove on his right hand.
Weapon(s): A dagger which is quite small and easy to hide. He also carries a longsword which is about a Meter and a half long. There is also strange scripture in elvish language.
Thunder punch: A punch which deals in the thunder element
Fork Lightning: A lightning attack which surges from his palms.
Lock and load: Targets his enemy well and then fires.
Strengths: Will fight anywhere as long as his friends are beside him
Weakiness: Mostly scared of being alone.
Background Information: His family was killed by the same type of Bandits that destroyed Kyoki's hometown. Which is infact his own. His parents died and he fled. Desperate to look for the person who was always there for him as a child he returned to the ruble, her body was not there so he went in search of her.
He follows her trail to this day. He will find Kyoki, even if it is with his dieing breath.
Awesome we have nearly a complete set of characters, I will give it a few days, if anyone wishes to sign up, please do so, I will update this thread later today along with my first post to display the characters taken and the one that remains.

If nobody signs up over the next few days someone or myself will take on a second character and begin this RP. This is a very in depth story and has been one of the most viewed threads on my original forum, the story both played and read by other members is totally worth it and will keep you waiting for more even once the RP comes to a close.

There is a sequal RP written up that takes place after this, so if that interests you, lets make the best of this RP. I have already played out most of the sequal RP and I am beginning to write up a third RP that continues even further along with a prequal to the stories.

I look forward to seeing all of your characters in action
can i join?:

Character Name: Ryko Ochai
Character Age: 34
Guardian Type: Guardian of Earth
Extra Characteristics: A Humen character with short black hair and black eyes.He has a scar across his eye.He is fit shown by the fact he has a six pack and build very well with his muscels slightly bigger than the average joe.He has a brown vest with a long brown coat and brown combat trousers and boots.His height is about 6'1.Skin colour lighty tanned.
Weapon(s): Primary: He uses a large sword broad sword called Ryko Blade wich is as light as a feather and can cut through any substance.
Secondary:A small sword hidden in his coat.
Abilities: He can cause the ground to colapse were his opponent(building etc.) is by impaling his sword into the ground.
Strenght:Dosent let his emotians effect him
Weakiness:Dosent like fighting with team mates
Background Information: He was born and raised in a country ravaged by war.Once he reached the age of 18 he joined the army to help defend his homeland.He did so well in the battles that he eventually became head of there millatery at the age of 26.Shortly after that with his superb leadership and battle skills they won the war for good and became a hero.Eventually he left that land for unknown reasons .He is a cool and calmed man who dosent let emotions cloud his thoughts.
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Looks good so far, but my only concern for this is that a lot of the people on the previous page may have left, so you would have to reapply for more characters.
Yeah that's the only problem with an RP requiring a certain amount of characters and how long it takes to get them all. I will see about PM'ing those members which will hopefully get their attention through E-Mail. I will either edit or post a new post tomorrow to begin this RP. Thanks to all who joined.
What slots are still availble? i cant be assed to figure it out myself... (i have over 40 characater so i should ahve something that fits....)
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