The most best looking guy

Which is the best looking guy?

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What the hell? How come Sephiroth, Cloud, Zack, Vincent, Squall, Reno are playable characters in FFX? Have you even played the game yet?

Anyway, my vote goes to Zack - he's much cooler! :)
hey i'm really sorry bout that darkblade it just slipped my mind that this is the final fantasy X section hehe sry
Tidus hands down. He is just yummy! But so is Cloud...and Vincent too...damn I'm in a predicament here >_<
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What the hell? How come Sephiroth, Cloud, Zack, Vincent, Squall, Reno are playable characters in FFX? Have you even played the game yet?

Anyway, my vote goes to Zack - he's much cooler! :)

Take another nap, DB, it seems you forgot to move this thread to the rightful place ;)

You go sleep, I'll do this.

Hmmm just wondering but am i the only guy on this forum? sorry im just confused as the for the question i have to answer with tidus his looks and charms are nothing compared to his upbeat personality
Hmm...that's a heard question for me.
I choose Reno,can't resist at him.:love:
Then is Cloud,Vincent and Tidus.
I have to pick just one??? Sooo hard.

I can't believe I'm the only who voted for Vincent though! I dunno....dark and mysterious guys just do something for me I guess!
You totally know I voted Cid--but Cid from FFIV. I totally aspire to be a chubby guy in a helmet and beard who works on airships.
Man, I swear. If it isn't Cloud Strife winning one of these polls, it's Reno. Reno, man. Reno. And his popularity with the fangirls just skyrocketed ever since AC came out. He was rather slim, lanky, and unnatractive in the game. Well, I wouldn't say unnattractive... but he kinda looked skeletal. Yeah. Lol.

Right. Me. WELL.

Cloud Strife, of course. He is my videogame LOVER. For serious. LOVED his sexy hot pixels ever since I saw him in FFVII, the GAME. Yeah, that's right. I found his little lego ass attractive, especially in the FMV graphics. AND WUT?! Oh shit, and in Kindgom Hearts too. Although him dressed like Vincent made me WTF for a minute there.

His new look in AC was something to get used to. o_O; Hell, he went through like 8 different character models. I still love him and his character though, because there is only ONE Kuraudo. Retarded, cute, and utterly huggable problematic and MINDFUCKED Kuraudo.

Then there is Zack, my second FFVII male. His new updated look in CC is hot, though his DBZ hair in FFVII made me realllllllly like him since he had an upbeat personality. Anime character hair is the best! Especially if it's like Goku's!

Then, there is Tidus. My third favorite. Can't you just tell I love my blondes? :P Mmm, tanned, funny, and problematic little Tidus... how I love thee!

I like the problematic ones, yus. Makes you wanna hug 'em.
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