The Most Powerful Force in The FFVII Universe


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
I dont mean Stat wise either. who do you think is the most powerful being in the FFVII universe?

I think that the chain of power in the FFVII universe goes like this :

Aerith > Sephiroth > Jenova > Those Inhabited with Jenova Cells (like Cloud and Zack) > Tifa and Company > normal humans

There is a reasons for this -

Tifa and co are stronger than the everage human, capable of fighting the monsters and weapons and everything else :P

Yet Jenova celled Humans are stronger than Tifa and co, and are capable of more extraordinary Feats.

Yet Jenova controls all the people contaminated with these Cells and is able to manipulate them

While Sephiroth is able to control Jenova so she manipulates people to achieve Sephiroths plan

And Finally Aerith is the most powerful force in the FFVII universe for several reasons -

Her consciousness lives on in the lifestream,
She was able to guide the lifestream to destroy meteor,
Aerith is capable of purging the J-cells from anyones body.

so what do you think? this might require you to think outside the box :P

*if this sounds stupid then im sorry, i really need sleep XD*
Get some sleep. (Just kidding) The chain of power is just like you said, except Cloud is higher than Sephiroth on my chain.
How is Cloud stronger than Sephiroth? i know he beat him and all, but Sephiroth surely has more power than Cloud? Cloud cannot control jenova can he? while Sephiroth was able to Cause Geostigma and Nearly destroy the planet, Cloud wouldn't be able to do any of these things (Even if he wanted to) which is why i put Sephiroth above Cloud on my chain :)
If I was in my right mind *yawns*, I would've agreed with the Guv'na.
But Sephiroth is stronger than Cloud, and it is because of what you said AG.
Sephiroth can summon Meteor......but Cloud has Aeris on his side as well.
But without that single factor in Cloud's favor, I find it hard to assume that Cloud could beat Sephiroth all by himself.
Mind you, Sephiroth did have his 'morphs' and Jenova to help him as well.
But Aeris and Cloud together....pwns all.

*nods off*
Tetsuya Nomura said:
Kitase said that Sephiroth's existence and will is extremely powerful. There is nothing stronger, nothing above him.

And in AC Director's Comentary "Producer Kitase decided that they couldn't make any other character stronger than Sephiroth in the world of FFVII."
While Sephiroth is able to control Jenova so she manipulates people to achieve Sephiroths plan
Actually, have you ever read the "Jenova Thesis"? Jenova controls Sephiroth, not the other way around.

Jenova is an extraterrestrial that is way more powerful than Sephiroth. Jenova has been to other planets before & has completely annihilated them. I certainly wouldn't want to screw with her.
And Aeris doesn't control Cloud now, does she?
*please read my above post if you are confused*

Sephiroth is a puppet while Cloud is free.
Without Jenova, Sephiroth would be like Cloud, right? :|
Hmm... I'm not so sure. During the majority of the game, Cloud is still partially under the influence of Jenova (And he freaks out several times because of it). I mean, one of the only lines she has in the game is: "Because you see... you are just a puppet."

Perhaps Cloud's relationships saved him from going completely crazy; Sephiroth didn't have anything or anyone to hold onto anyway, so I'm sure it was much easier for him to lose his mind to Jenova.

I'm not sure if - given all buffers gone (i.e. Jenova & Aeris) - Sephiroth & Cloud are evenly matched. Sephiroth is older, more experienced, & physically stronger. Buuut, as Cloud says in Advent Children "I pity you. There's not a thing I don't cherish." Perhaps his Will is stronger than Sephiroth's?

It could go either way. Which is probably why FFVII is such a damned good drama. :P
That last word makes me shudder.....

But right. If Sephiroth was indeed stronger than Cloud, wouldn't that make the game a heck of a lot shorter?
If they are equal, that makes for better.....drama.

But if this was LifeStream > Jenova.....that would be a different story, as we can all see that the LifeStream won the contest.
AG is right on on the two extremes of his scale.
Aeris >.............> Tifa & Co.
That much I agree with.
But if this was LifeStream > Jenova.....that would be a different story, as we can all see that the LifeStream won the contest.
Hmm... But doesn't the Lifestream have buffers as well? The Lifestream relies on humanity, whereas Jenova had only herself & those she had infected (and even the infected still were a part of the Lifestream).

But hey, Jenova picked the fight. It's only fair that she get spanked.
Hmm... But doesn't the Lifestream have buffers as well? The Lifestream relies on humanity, whereas Jenova had only herself & those she had infected (and even the infected still were a part of the Lifestream).

But hey, Jenova picked the fight. It's only fair that she get spanked.


Oh, so true.
Jenova relies on herself, whereas Lifestream relies on people and the planet's other natural resources.
But as long as there is humanity around, or any other organism(??) then shouldn't Lifestream be alright?
Jenova is an extraterrestrial that is way more powerful than Sephiroth. Jenova has been to other planets before & has completely annihilated them. I certainly wouldn't want to screw with her.
I agree here. Jenova can't really be controlled. If it wasn't for Jenova, Sephiroth would nto ahve gone into his rage fits. He does it because of the Jenova cells. They control a great deal of what he thinks, feels, and does before and during the game.

I think to fully realize who is being controlled though, we need to take a look at:

  1. What was Jenova's purpose?
  2. What was Sephiroth's desires?
  3. What ultimately ended up occuring?
I dont mean Stat wise either. who do you think is the most powerful being in the FFVII universe?

I think that the chain of power in the FFVII universe goes like this :

Aerith > Sephiroth > Jenova > Those Inhabited with Jenova Cells (like Cloud and Zack) > Tifa and Company > normal humans

There is a reasons for this -

Tifa and co are stronger than the everage human, capable of fighting the monsters and weapons and everything else :P

Yet Jenova celled Humans are stronger than Tifa and co, and are capable of more extraordinary Feats.

Yet Jenova controls all the people contaminated with these Cells and is able to manipulate them

While Sephiroth is able to control Jenova so she manipulates people to achieve Sephiroths plan

And Finally Aerith is the most powerful force in the FFVII universe for several reasons -

Her consciousness lives on in the lifestream,
She was able to guide the lifestream to destroy meteor,
Aerith is capable of purging the J-cells from anyones body.

so what do you think? this might require you to think outside the box :P

*if this sounds stupid then im sorry, i really need sleep XD*

I completely desagree with this...i mean little Aeris the stronger of FFVII:huh:

She´s the weakest right after Caith Sith and i don´t mean stats wise either i mean overall!

And allow me to explain:

Aeris is an Ancient indeed but every other Ancient can do what she those and you it was all of the souls of the planet who helped safe the planet not just Aeris!!!!!!!

If Aeris was so powerfull she would have deflected Sephiroths atack and not have died with a single strike!

Yes i agree she as a powerfull soul to be able to walk freely on the Lifestream but saying she´s the most powerful makes no sense to me!

Do you even see her fighting in AC to make such a statement!? She summoned the rain but that doesn´t make her all powerful!

Cloud is the strongest by far followed by Vincent who also takes on Loz and the rest of the bunch!

Tifa comes in third on my list as she as super natural streght!

Then come Reno and Rude who also fight and resist those two guys i forgot the names:blink:

Aeris in terms of power is on the end of the list to me actually i can only imagine her being the most powerful in terms of soul but overall she´s pretty darn weak!:)
I completely desagree with this...i mean little Aeris the stronger of FFVII:huh:

She´s the weakest right after Caith Sith and i don´t mean stats wise either i mean overall!

Can Cait Sith Purge Jenova cells? can Tifa? can Cid? Can anyone else?

No - Only Aerith can.

Aeris is an Ancient indeed but every other Ancient can do what she those and you it was all of the souls of the planet who helped safe the planet not just Aeris!!!!!!!

First of all, prove that the other Ancients can do what she can do, if they could then surely they would have done something about the Jenova cell problem before?

And Aerith was the one that Directed the lifestream to do what it needs to do - in effect controlling the Lifestream so it was her who destroyed meteor.

If Aeris was so powerfull she would have deflected Sephiroths atack and not have died with a single strike!

Just because he killed her doesn't mean shes weaker than him. she managed to destroy his meteor, cure geostigma and melt Kadaj loz and Yazoo,

Yes i agree she as a powerfull soul to be able to walk freely on the Lifestream but saying she´s the most powerful makes no sense to me!

how so? she is the only one capable of fully destroying Jenova / Sephiroth - the second most powerful beings in FFVII

Do you even see her fighting in AC to make such a statement!? She summoned the rain but that doesn´t make her all powerful!

Cloud is the strongest by far followed by Vincent who also takes on Loz and the rest of the bunch!

Tifa comes in third on my list as she as super natural streght!

Cloud and Vincent are strong yes, but there nowhere near as powerful as Sephiroth Jenova and Aerith. Cloud is injected with Mako, which is like the Lifestream, which makes him strong, and Vincent was experimented on and can transform and stuff (Haven't played DoC so bear with me)

and Tifa although stronger than the average human - does not have Supernatural strength and saying that she's the third most powerful person in FFVII before Sephiroth and Jenova is ridiculous.

Then come Reno and Rude who also fight and resist those two guys i forgot the names:blink:

Reno. and. Rude. More powerful than Sephiroth?


These two should definatly not be on the most powerful list. they do not posess any special powers or any special abilites, at best they are experianced Soldiers - more powerful than normal humans - less powerful than Tifa and co.

Aeris in terms of power is on the end of the list to me actually i can only imagine her being the most powerful in terms of soul but overall she´s pretty darn weak!:)

Aerith isn't weak. She is the only one who can purge Jenova cells, shes the one that Destroyed Meteor and she's the one who lives on in the lifestream. She's acheived what Sephiroth and Jenova didn't - living on despite death.
Nop i still don´t agree...

You´re saying that Aeris is the person responsible for safing the planet!?

Then you mean that Cloud and the rest of the group could have just waited quietly sitting around doing nothing because in the end Aeris spirit would safe everyone?

It was Cloud who finished off Sephiroth he beated him in a one on one duel he also took on the "three stooges" (i keep forgeting their names).

How do you know for a fact that it´s Aeris alone who summons holy and the rain and so on? You see her in fact on the Lifestream but how do you know it´s her work alone and that the rest of the souls of the planet aren´t also partially responsible for saving the planet?

As for Vincent just like Cloud he was able to stand up against Loz and team, that means he is almost as near as powerfull as Cloud and might indeed be able to beat Kadaj/Sephiroth on is own just like Cloud!

Reno and Rude took on Loz and the other guy and the battle ended in a tie! So they come after Cloud, Vincent, Sephiroth.

Tifa took on Loz (i think that´s his name) and fought with him as equals for a long time that makes her the 5th most powerful!

I don´t think Jenova is that strong if she was she would not have lost to Cloud and the rest of the team, i know you say to ignore stats but you can only consider Jenova as a boss and as a boss even Caith Sith could own her!

Aeris does not beat anyone her soul his special because she is an Ancient but in a fight i doubt she could beat any of the following: 1) Cloud; 2) Vincent; 3) Sephiroth; 4) Rude and Reno; 5) Tifa; 6) Jenova!
Nop i still don´t agree...

You´re saying that Aeris is the person responsible for safing the planet!?

Then you mean that Cloud and the rest of the group could have just waited quietly sitting around doing nothing because in the end Aeris spirit would safe everyone?

It was Cloud who finished off Sephiroth he beated him in a one on one duel he also took on the "three stooges" (i keep forgeting their names).

How do you know for a fact that it´s Aeris alone who summons holy and the rain and so on? You see her in fact on the Lifestream but how do you know it´s her work alone and that the rest of the souls of the planet aren´t also partially responsible for saving the planet?

..because she was the one who pretty much called for it right? (concerning Holy that is) Did you see anyone else around at the time being able to do something like that?

As for Vincent just like Cloud he was able to stand up against Loz and team, that means he is almost as near as powerfull as Cloud and might indeed be able to beat Kadaj/Sephiroth on is own just like Cloud!

It wasn't technically the REAL and COMPLETE Sephiroth was it? Kadaj was only one part of Sephiroth. The only probable reason for "Sephiroth" being defeated in AC was that he was really not at full strength. Bring on the REAL Sephiroth, and Cloud would get owned.

It's obvious Vincent's powerful anyway, what with what was done to him..

Reno and Rude took on Loz and the other guy and the battle ended in a tie! So they come after Cloud, Vincent, Sephiroth.

Tifa took on Loz (i think that´s his name) and fought with him as equals for a long time that makes her the 5th most powerful!

She still didn't manage to throw Loz around, and come out unharmed after her ecounter. Look at Loz. Even though he got thrown into the benches, he came back like the terminator.

I don´t think Jenova is that strong if she was she would not have lost to Cloud and the rest of the team, i know you say to ignore stats but you can only consider Jenova as a boss and as a boss even Caith Sith could own her!

2 things

1) She nearly wiped out an entire race. Not powerful hm?

2) Of course as a boss she'd be able to defeat. Bosses are meant to go down.

Aeris does not beat anyone her soul his special because she is an Ancient but in a fight i doubt she could beat any of the following: 1) Cloud; 2) Vincent; 3) Sephiroth; 4) Rude and Reno; 5) Tifa; 6) Jenova!

Sephiroth should be at the top of the list. Jenova 6th? She REALLY is wealking isn't she..
How do you know for a fact that it´s Aeris alone who summons holy and the rain and so on? You see her in fact on the Lifestream but how do you know it´s her work alone and that the rest of the souls of the planet aren´t also partially responsible for saving the planet?

I read Aeriths Official novel - Maiden Who Travels the Planet - that details how She's the one who stopped Meteor.

And the films developers reveal how the water in the Church and the rain is meant to be a Symbolic Representation of Aeriths final limit break - Great Gospel, which further shows how Aerith created the rain.

As for Vincent just like Cloud he was able to stand up against Loz and team, that means he is almost as near as powerfull as Cloud and might indeed be able to beat Kadaj/Sephiroth on is own just like Cloud!

Like Judge Rulia said, Kadaj Loz and Yazoo aren't a whole Sephiroth - just 3 different remnants. besides Vincent never fought them, he just flew in and protected cloud before flying off with him and saving him.

Reno and Rude took on Loz and the other guy and the battle ended in a tie! So they come after Cloud, Vincent, Sephiroth

Reno and Rude got beaten. beaten badly - Loz and Yazoo were just toying with them at first but when they got serious Reno and Rude got Owned.

Tifa took on Loz (i think that´s his name) and fought with him as equals for a long time that makes her the 5th most powerful!

Loz was Toying with her, the second he got serious Tifa got defeated in about 30 seconds...

I don´t think Jenova is that strong if she was she would not have lost to Cloud and the rest of the team, i know you say to ignore stats but you can only consider Jenova as a boss and as a boss even Caith Sith could own her!

No offense but that is ridiculous. Jenova is meant to be defeated in the game as she is a boss - all bosses get defeated. Jenova caused the Stigma, Jenova turned Sephiroth into what he is, Jenova is able to manipulate or control anyone who has her cells inside of them - Jenova also wiped out most of the Cetra, so theres no way that Reno, Rude, Tifa, vincent and Cloud are more powerful than her - Jenova even managed to manipulate Cloud to her control - attacking Aerith, nearly killing Aerith, Handing the black materia over to Sephiroth...etc

Aeris does not beat anyone her soul his special because she is an Ancient but in a fight i doubt she could beat any of the following: 1) Cloud; 2) Vincent; 3) Sephiroth; 4) Rude and Reno; 5) Tifa; 6) Jenova!

No-one ever said that to be powerful means you have to be able to defeat them in a fight - like i said in my first post you have to think Outside the box - yes Cloud defeats Jenova and Sephiroth in the game, yet they are still stronger than he is, simply because they can do so much more damage than him, Sephiroth nearly became a GOD and Jenova is able to control people - even Cloud. And Aerith is able to Defeat Jenova, and she is pretty much the goddess of the planet, as it has been Aerith who's saved it - Twice.
Holy is the strongest Magic in the game. Aeris didnt use it (correct me if im wrong about that) but i still think the Weapons are the strongest force! lol
I think the ends justifies the means. Sephiroth, Jenova and Aeris are all dead because they were weaker than the others. Sorry but they are. No matter who controls whom, the black materia can be used by anyone surely, cloud is the last man standing really (for now) he has to be the strongest. You know it makes sense :) x