The Music of Final Fantasy VIII - Your Top 10-15, Your Worst 5.


I love to read and discuss pretty much anything!
Jul 17, 2006
United Kingdom.
So tell us about your favourite 10-15 tracks from Final Fantasy VIII. Wherever possible, tell us why these are your favourite.

You may choose versions from the Piano Collections, Distant Worlds, Black Mages etc. =)

Top 15

  1. Fisherman's Horizon (Piano Collections and OST. I am less keen on the orchestral arrangement in Fithos Luses Wicos Vinosec, though it's serene.) The melody of this piece is just beautiful! ^_^ The town felt very friendly, very calm and ideal.
  2. Liberi Fatali - This is monumental and with good reason. It's an incredibly powerful piece. The combination of voices, strings, drums, piano...all works perfectly.
  3. Balamb Garden - MIDI actually suits this piece pretty well. :lew: I haven't enjoyed orchestral versions as much. :hmmm: The piece itself is serene but furthermore was the first FF piece which made me sit back and relax; VIII was my first FF game. The piece is similar to Fisherman's Horizon in that it conveys the atmosphere of its location. The garden is slightly dreamy; people live in a bubble, with friends and books, enjoying each day at a steady pace. :ryan:
  4. Eyes on Me
  5. Breezy
  6. Force Your Way (Black Mages Version) - I LOVE the Black Mages! :jess: The sounds they use are fantastic; I love their use of keyboards and the guitars resonate! I sense enjoyment in every piece the Black Mages play.
  7. Don't Be Afraid (OST and the orchestral arrangement in Fithos Luses Wicos Vinosec)
  8. Julia
  9. Martial Law
  10. Timber Owls
  11. Intruders - Very slick!
  12. Under Her Control - Again, there's something kinda slick about this one.
  13. Slide Show Part 2 - Don't ask me why... but this piece amuses me. :lew: There's something very comical about it and you can imagine it being played alongside a jester performing tricks.
  14. The Landing
  15. Junction

Worst 5
  1. Compression of Time - There is something VERY artificial about the sound of this on the OST. >_< It appears to be a MIDI version of some sort of wind's too obvious as a MIDI. :(
  2. Movin' - This piece feels very clunky when I listen to it. :hmmm:
  3. Trust Me - The title of this piece suggests it's going to be beautiful but it's another obvious MIDI piece and somewhat clunky in places.
  4. Silence and Motion - Just...what? It's like an experiment. :lew:
  5. Residents - Again... a little clunky. :hmm: It's what music would sound like if it could fall over. Frequently. :sad3:
I can't really pick a worst 5 as I love this soundtrack too much! But here's my top 10, all of which is from the OST unless stated:

1. Ending Theme
OK so this is a bit of a cheat as it's a number of pieces all together, but this is one major reason why I love the ending to FFVIII, it's over 13 minutes of brilliance and listening to it always evokes memories of finishing the game. The bit where Eyes on Me segues into the traditional FF theme is a favourite moment.
2. Fisherman's Horizon (Piano Collections version)
Really gorgeous version, very simple and sweet.
3. Liberi Fatali
Opening FMV. This track. Epic.
4. The Castle
I always like the intro and the organ coming in. Great atmosphere of forboding to go with the setting.
5. Eyes on Me
Maybe my favourite of all the FF vocal themes, I always sing along!
6. Waltz for the Moon
7. Fragments of Memories
8. Love Grows
9. Blue Fields
I always have a thing for FF world map themes. They sound so peaceful.
10. The Extreme
[] BEST []

15 Roses and Wine- I like this song; it has a sad yet serious tone towards it.
14 Ending Theme- Good collection of tunes that swings while the credits roll.
13 My Mind- I think this plays when Squall rejects his ex- teachers love confession ? It's fitting.
12 Premontion- It really adds to the theme of witches and sorcery to the game and story.
11 FH- It's a calm and peaceful song. Relates towards the aura of the town.

10 Julia- Just a tune of Eyes on Me the main theme; though it's nice and romantic.
9 Love Grows- Again just Eyes on Me; though this is a tad better than Julia's theme.
8 Eyes on Me- You either adore this song or find it cheesy. I find it to be nice and sweet.
7 Dance of the Balamb Fish- Nice upbeat tune. Extremely underrated.

Force your way ( boss theme )- One of the best boss themes within FF history.
5 The Castle- This really gives the Final Castle the edge and haunting feeling it needs. Nice.
4 Ride On- Again another underrated FF song. This song is just so adventurous and fun.

3- The Legendary Beast- This song basically says " You could die soon, what you're facing is powerful " just... adrenaline rushing.
2- The Extreme- Again another underrated one. This song starts out slowly and then picks up with the feeling of a Final Battle.
1- The Oath- This song is just beautiful and it's everything that FF8 symbolizes so it deserves to be number one imo

[] Worst []

5 Under her control- This plays when you're in Deling City and it drives me around the bend. It's so annoying.
4 The man with the machine gun- Everybody likes this theme but I sadly disagree with ya all. I find it like above; annoying.
3 Breezy- Dull and forgetful, also repetitive.
2 Lunatic Pandora- It's just really...... strange....
1 Compression of Time- It's just really gives me a headache and I want it to stop. For real.
