The New Youtube

What do you think of the new Youtube

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Dec 12, 2008
I logged onto Youtube the other day and noticed changes had been made.

I didn't like them. They seem to be purely visual and not actually do anything. It does my head in and makes it difficult to adjust.

Do you hate or love the new Youtube? Or do you not really care?
I hate it... It took me about 10 minutes or more to figure out how to add things to my favourites now... I've still yet to figure out how to view ratings or to give ratings myself. It's also messed everything up for people that owned channels...

Those subscription banners and stuff aren't on the top right anymore, and so it has probably messed up the videos of hundreds of people. Anyone that had said "click here to subscribe please *points*" now looks like an idiot pointing into nothing. I've bee unable to find usernames too since this change. Usually they were pretty obvious on the top right, but now I can't seem to find who has uploaded what video (EDIT - just checked and found that now, it is on the top left just above the video though it looks lame).

I must say though, if all that stuff is still there then it has escaped me. I haven't been on it much since I saw the changes, but I couldn't figure out most of it at all when I did.

I also hate how the like and dislike ratings are so close to the commets now. It just looks messy and disorganised.

I hate it. All the embed codes and user info are smooshed down onto the bottom, and VEVO keeps breaking my Firefox every five seconds :rage: I lost a long post just now as a result :mokken:
I hate it. It's kind of confusing and I don't recognize some of the controls anymore. Most of these changes seem unnecessary and just for show. I don't even know how to read more info on the videos anymore :brooding:
its not that bad but the old youtube is better,not much of a difference actually.It took time for me to check where the options were placed to the new youtube.
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I HATE the new youtube. It took me like 20 mins to figure out how to favorite a video... and the whole thing just looks bad. I really think they should have an option to change back to the old youtube... The changes also seem to make the site not work as well... I've not been able to get YT to really load in the past few days >.<
I think it's rubbish. It went through a change recently and that already made it more confusing.

But this... :ffs:

I doesn't make any sense. There are just more menus. I used to be able to favourite videos with a click and now you have to open a menu to do that now. All the functions I used to use are in completely random places now. It was a real effort to find them.

And the comment section is horrible. There are no dividing lines between comments so it just looks like a jumble of words.

If it isn't broken, don't bloody fix it.

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It's dreadful in the worst possible way. Youtube's been going downhill ever since Google took over it and started adding pointless features. The best thing is that they claim the new design is "going back to the basics".

There was nothing wrong with the old design, I liked seeing the star ratings, now, they've just added pointless crap. Seriously, who needs to know where "the first referral" has come from or what age group views the video the most or what country it's most popular in. Nasty, horrible design.
To be honest I personally don't really care.

I rarely use it these days and all I do is click on a video I'm after, watch it and get out of the site.

When I used to upload a lot of videos I might have noticed certain changes a bit more and it might have caused some problems then, but yeah. Nothing really bothers me about it right now.

Also I might move this over to the Home Theatre section. Just seems more appropriate there. =)

[Thread moved to Home Theatre]
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To be honest I personally don't really care.

I rarely use it these days and all I do is click on a video I'm after, watch it and get out of the site.
Same here. I usually don't bother with YouTube. I get the video i'm looking for and watch it or copy the URL and whatnot to send to friends. Idunno, It just seems sort of a waste to add to faves and whatnot. It's not like I have anyone on my list or anything nor do I upload videos so, im not too bothered with the changes.
I found it to be a lot less user friendly. I mean, when I reply to comments on my own videos, I almost have to search for it to find it, which I don't like. It does look good, I suppose. I haven't uploaded any videos in a while, so at the moment, I don't really care much. It might be a big deal when I do start uploading again, but for now, I'm not worried about it.
I hate it. I always think they should just leave well alone. I got used to the change last time though, so I'm sure I will get used to this one in time.

To be fair, all I do on there is check the videos uploaded from my subcriptions, and that very front page hasn't changed yet, so it's alright.
I absolutely hate it.

All I got from it was confusion because things had been changed and I don't like it. I was just getting used to the last one and then they change it AGAIN? It's very, very annoying. I swear the last one hadn't been there for too long either.
I hate it... It took me about 10 minutes or more to figure out how to add things to my favourites now... I've still yet to figure out how to view ratings or to give ratings myself. It's also messed everything up for people that owned channels...

Those subscription banners and stuff aren't on the top right anymore, and so it has probably messed up the videos of hundreds of people. Anyone that had said "click here to subscribe please *points*" now looks like an idiot pointing into nothing. I've bee unable to find usernames too since this change. Usually they were pretty obvious on the top right, but now I can't seem to find who has uploaded what video (EDIT - just checked and found that now, it is on the top left just above the video though it looks lame).

I must say though, if all that stuff is still there then it has escaped me. I haven't been on it much since I saw the changes, but I couldn't figure out most of it at all when I did.

I also hate how the like and dislike ratings are so close to the commets now. It just looks messy and disorganised.


Everything Argor said, I agree with.

:gonk: It's shitty, and I hate it. It literally took me ages to find something, and it looks really messy, indeed.

I'm rather annoyed with the changes they keep making. Right when you get used to the new damn skin, they change their minds and fuck it up. Argh!
Ive not even noticed any difference and I was on there last it even that big a change..?

I'm not arsed as long as I can still watch what I'm looking for
I don't like it either.. It's very cluttered. I most dislike how almost everything changes when you move your mouse over it, like everything has it's own pop-up, nothing is just visible from plain sight.
The comment section is pretty irritating as well. Nothing has a box around it, it's like all these words are just floating around. I am overwhelmed by these things.
But I think eventually I'll get used to it.
I really dont like it. I didnt know what was going on when I logged on other night. Thought it was actin up. Nah, prefer the old YouTube, this ones just confusing, messy and naffy looking.
I hate it, I don't get why they changed it, everything was good the way it was.
I really hate how they changed the ratings. We can't give star ratings anymore but only have an option to Like it or dislike it? There isn't an option of in between anymore. >.<
I care... I use YouTube ALL THE TIME. And I HATE how it looks now. It blows. It practically took me FOREVER to find out how to fav songs or make playlists.

I'm OLD YouTube don't fook with me!