The Perfect Body

Joey Starfire

'Fury Of The Storm'
Oct 16, 2009
In front of a camera
I'm not sure if this belongs here but hey ho!

The other day my girlfriend asked me it was good idea to have a boob job. Now, I am strongly against improving your image with surgery. The idea of the perfect body is wrong. I believe everyone is perfect the way they are and that they dont need to improve how they look to be loved.

Does anyone else hold an opinion on this?
Yeah why is it so bad if someone wants to improve the cosmetic appearance through surgical enhancement?

What if your GF is doing it to improve her self confidence?
You want her to be miserable just so she cop;lies with your moral stance?
Im sorry to attack you, but you made your self the focus of the OP.

im in no 2 ways about this subject, let people be what they want, do what they want
it does not harm(not of there own volition anyway) it could help them, improve them selves enough that it changes there lives.

EX GF:-)sad3:) wanted to travel too freakin indoenesia to have Lippo:lew:
I said "No! forget it!!" only because it was not necessary, she was already 17000 in debt
and wanted too spend our savings on it.

No bloody chance.

So she went on a diet and lost the wait and we ghad a nice holiday instead
So dont deny her/other people there choices based on your personal belief its not such a bad thing.
Well, this is more of a general debate topic.

*Thread Moved to The Sleeping Forest*

Personally, I think breast implants look awful. The odd thing is, women that want them are usually already pretty well equipped. But whether she has small breasts or not, it looks awful in my opinion. Be happy with what you have. Love isn't created on image, especially if the love is already being had without it, no reason to enhance things. Just my thoughts.
I really don't have much of a say when it comes to surgery, unless it can be extremely fatal to someone's health. Some celebrities just abuse the privilege of getting it done all over themselves. Whether I like the idea or not, I respect the person's decision to do whatever it is they want (in this case, breast implants), as long as it doesn't affect everything else about them. Of course, I will say I get sick of hearing girls [and boys. ESPECIALLY boys.] that are very self-conscious about themselves always acknowledge themselves in all the of negative ways they can think of when to me they look perfectly fine. All the more reason why I don't like society, because it's always spreading media around of what the ideal man or woman should look like if they're "perfect", even if the images were most likely edited. [I see so many people now and then posting pictures of what look like 90 lb girls on Tumblr saying how they wished they looked like them, and I'm just like, ". . .gross ."] So I agree that people should be happy with the way they are - but if they want to do any kind of adjustment, I'm not going to stop them. It's their body, not mine, and whatever the end result is, it'll be because they decided, whether they're happy or not .
I can understand people feeling like they want to do this, even though I would never get anything done myself. If we are encouraged to be self-conscious our whole lives, through the media and parents telling us to keep up our appearances, then it's hard to not be paranoid about the way you look, unless something strong enough stimulates you not to care anymore. And let's face it, it takes a lot of strength to stand up to social precepts that are constantly in your face day in and day out; it's a nasty, massive beast vs. only one person. The thing that turned me away from it was the realization that most popular fashion fads exist solely for the purpose of corporations making money, and those corporations are actually feeding off of our insecurities and trying to perpetuate them, so that they can milk it for all it's worth, as though we're nothing more than cattle. That pisses me off, and I hate that feeling of being considered predictable and easily controlled by those in power.

And, even if you're completely self-confident in the way you look, you still have to deal with the annoyance of people telling you that you look bad, or don't fit in with the common fads, because as observers, we often don't take enough responsibility in ourselves either. The fact that people can get plastic surgery to look better doesn't exempt society from being more accepting of the way others look. For everyone to be comfortable with their appearance, there has to be a collaborative effort between people being confident in themselves, and their observers not judging their appearances, or criticizing them for any flaws they might have. Beauty is entirely relative, and the social ideal of it changes so often that it's a huge joke, IMO. People in centuries past used to be considered attractive if they were overweight, and now it's completely the opposite, due to the ever-changing connotations of one's appearance and the fashion industry trying to keep from being stagnant.
I don't think that surgery will indefiently improve someone's self esteem. First they get the boob job. That goes well. But then they are not happy with their nose, their chin, their lips, their stomach, ect. When does it stop? When the person is completely plastic? I think a support group would be better. Or a program that works on developing people's self esteem. Also, if your personality sucks, people are still not going to like you.

And what happends if the surgery goes wrong? ever seen breast with the implant taken out due to surgerical or general medical errors? not pretty.

than and I think all the money going into it can be better spent. Beauty also fades with age. And larger boobs SAG. Something i am not looking foreward to. Working in a nursing home and helping older women shower, it can be a little scary to see what happends to your body.

Also, some enhancements do not look good on people. Ashely Tisdale got a nose job, and personally think she looked a lot better before it. Her old nose made her look unique and cute. Her new one looks face and kind of like Michael Jacksons.

Also, they asked Barbra Streisand why she doesn't get a nose job. She said that it would ruin her singing voice.

OP, the best thing you can do is tell your girlfriend that she is beautiful the way she is and does not need any body enhancements. Say it in a genuine way and make sure that you don't sound accusing.
WEll theres no such thing as a perfect body mate. Some like fat people others thin etc etc to the most extreme of fetishes.
If shes just asking is it a good idea to have a boob job id tell her not to do it. Shes not even giving a reason for it, some girls generally really want it done for confidence reasons etc and what have you, and to them i say go for it. But getting it done simply because you can? No thats just daft.
What if your GF is doing it to improve her self confidence?


Not everyone gets cosmetic sugery done just for the sake of it.

Some people like myself have very low self confidence because they feel they don't feel like a man/woman due to a certain body part/parts not being the way think they should.

With some people, sometimes it's not enough for other people to tell them, 'Oh you look fine the way you are. It 'SUITS' your body type.' <_<

It really has nothing to do with making 'OTHER' people happy.

People like myself get up every morning, look in the mirror and just feel miserable. We want to please ourselves and make our own lives better and know that if we get the boob job or whatever it is, it will boost our self confidence!

Different people find that different things help with their self confidence, or other issues they may be having.

It's not fair that when it comes to people like myself who want surgery, our idea is seen as stupid/unncessary etc.

If your girlfriend wants a boob job for the right reasons then let her get one. You should support her if she's doing it for a good reason.

If she's doing it because like, 'OMG all her friends are doing it' then you need to slap her out of it. But if it's because she feels like she would benefit from the surgery personally, then support her.
I'll start off by saying that it's a persons choice if they want to have cosmetic surgery or not, and that there is no such thing as a 'perfect body' because beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I think plastic surgery almost always makes a person look worse, except in the cases of, like, that show extreme makeover.

I also think that plastic surgery is a waste of money, because once you get older, your big ass boobs will not be so lovely anymore. Botox is also a bad decision, because get a bad injection and it could be fatal, get too much and you might look like someone taped your cheeks to the back of your head -_-

But, if you really must have the surgery, and you have the money, then go for it. I mean, I don't think I'd ever get any done myself, unless I had breast cancer and lost my already small boobs, but if someone feels like they need it for whatever reason, then go for it. I say this because of my beliefs of freedom and making decisions for yourself.


Overall, I think we were born for a reason, and trying to fit in with society's standards is a stupid trap set by beautiful hollywood scarlets and money stuffed corporation owners to scam people of their money and their dignity. Let's say you get all the plastic surgery in the world, and you look like the most beautiful woman/man on the face of the earth, but that doesn't guarantee you love, because you may lack personality, or money, or originality. I know that I like guys that are different, hot or not, rich or poor, as long as their nice, I don't care so much for looks. So we should all be true to ourselves, whether it be to get cosmetic surgery or not :-)
I think if someone wants to get plastic surgery, they should be entitled to. Now, I don't believe it's going to make them feel any better about themselves, but that is their right and I'm not gonna tell them they shouldn't. Personally, I would not get plastic surgery unless I had some kind of deformity. In any case, I think it's stupid, the whole trying to achieve perfection thing. *shrug* But what can ya do.
I'm not sure if this belongs here but hey ho!

The other day my girlfriend asked me it was good idea to have a boob job. Now, I am strongly against improving your image with surgery. The idea of the perfect body is wrong. I believe everyone is perfect the way they are and that they dont need to improve how they look to be loved.

Does anyone else hold an opinion on this?

No-one is perfect. perfection is an illusion.

with that being said, did you ask her why? what was her response?
Yeah, she says that she feels insignificant next to her friends. See, her friends have all had surgery and now look like a fate worse than death.

I can undrstand where you guys are coming from on the fact that she may want to do it for self confidence. But trust me, that is not the reason.
Am I the only man who think middle sized or even realatively smaller tits can be more attractive? Call me wierd but I think petite girls are super sexy.

And also I think that people should be given the free will to do what they please and if they dont respect your opinion than there is nothing you can do about it because when it boils down to it...Its their own choice and not yours.

If it affects you in any way than you can specifically tell this person how you feel...and they either will or will not accept it. Than its up to you to deal with it, or drag it out. In my opnion letting problems burn can sometimes be helpful. especially when it comes to a females decision.
Yeah, she says that she feels insignificant next to her friends. See, her friends have all had surgery and now look like a fate worse than death.

I can undrstand where you guys are coming from on the fact that she may want to do it for self confidence. But trust me, that is not the reason.

Id be asking her if she really thinks that low of herself. IMO it's YOUR opinion on herself that she should be worried about not sure about you, but one of my ex's had plastic surgery done a while back (while i was with her) and it might just be me, but it just didnt feel right afterwards.

Im totally against that kinda thing man
Yeah, she says that she feels insignificant next to her friends. See, her friends have all had surgery and now look like a fate worse than death.

I can undrstand where you guys are coming from on the fact that she may want to do it for self confidence. But trust me, that is not the reason.

Yeah this is the reason I was hoping she wasn't wanting the surgery for. =/

To get something done because your friend is getting something done is the most ridiculous thing ever.

The saying goes, 'Would you jump off a cliff if they did too?'

People like her need to get a grip and do things for the right reasons. She'll end up spending all this money, go through all this pain and not even appreciate it in the end, because then her friends will do something else that she has to do as well. =/ She'll never be happy if she's going to live her life like that.
Yeah, I figure I need to have a word, its harder than it sounds though, its something she wants, I dont want to be the guy who takes it away from her....mmmm...parents?
Just state your opinion on it and hope it turns her off? If she really is only getting it done because of her friends it should be easier to persuade her I think. She's not getting it done because she's wanted it for 10 years or more like myself. It sounds like a spur of the moment thing. I think you'll be able to talk her out of it.

Maybe show her some freaky photos of botched up boob jobs?

Is she really in need of it in your opinion? Like from a guys point of view does she have enough boob to make cleavage? Or is she flat chested?

Girls who want to go bigger and really don't need to are strange to me. They're really just greedy in my eyes. =/

If a girl has absolutely nothing then I understand. >.<
A 'C'?

That's the size I'm trying to get too! She's really taking her boobs for granted. =/

I'm currently a 10A.

32C = 10C here which is my ideal bra size.

It will look natural and for people who don't already know me they will think they're mine. =)

She should appreciate that she was born with a decent cup size. Any bigger than 'C' on most girls looks ridiculously plastic!

Is she small? If so it's going to make her look ridiculous. She needs to consider her body size. Does she realise that if she goes too big that after the surgery the skin across her chest might not be enough to hold the implants nicely? Sometimes the implants show and you can see these horrible lumps above your actual boobs.

For someone like me who has no lumps anyway, that's not going to be noticeable. But if she already has a couple of natural bumps, the plastic ones are going to look really silly if they do pop out of place. =/
A 'C'?

It will look natural and for people who don't already know me they will think they're mine. =)

She should appreciate that she was born with a decent cup size. Any bigger than 'C' on most girls looks ridiculously plastic!

I have a natural 'D' cup and they don't look plastic. D=

Fake boobs look like fake boobs no matter the cup size, imo. They just don't look natural.

That being said, I've never been in the shoes of someone with an 'A' size so I can't really speak from experience there. I can say that being a smaller person with large breasts can be a pain. Finding clothes can get annoying and you get a lot of back aches. And forget jogging or running. >.>

I don't understand why anyone with a 'C' cup would need to go up a size but she'll probably regret it after, especially if it's something she's doing for someone else (i.e. her friends). She should be proud of the fact that she's the only one of them that hasn't had plastic surgery yet.